A Library Management System with Admin and User Authentication system, where you can manage users (students), books, authors, and issue logs. It also has an automatic fine calculation for the late returned book.
- Dashboard (Graphical report of recent activities.
- Member Management (Student and course)
- Book management(book, authors and categories)
- Circulation management (issue, and return)
- Automatic fine calculation for late return
- Requested Book by members (accept or reject)
- Separate Authentication System for Admins (multiple admins)
- Change Password
- Notify members by SMS and Email (Coming soon)
- Book Rating management (approve, block, spam) (Coming Soon)
- Browse Books (recent, most issued)
- Circulation History
- Authentication System
- Change Password
- Members can rate books.
- Notification of Requested Book (approved, rejected)
- View Notification From Admin (Coming Soon) and more...
- Laravel 8.x
- Vue 2.x
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The Ediary is open-sourced webapp licensed under the MIT license.