is a devise extension which uses Auth0 JWT tokens for user authorization based on devise-jwt
and cancancan
, and authentication using Auth0 for OmniAuth.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
# Using Github Packages
source '' do
gem 'devise_auth0'
# Using RubyGems
gem 'devise_auth0'
Read this document from Github on how to install package.
First of all, you have to configure the credentials to validate the authentication. You can do it in the devise initializer:
Devise.setup do |config|
# ...
config.auth0 do |auth0|
auth0.omniauth = true # default is false
auth0.domain = ENV['AUTH0_DOMAIN']
auth0.custom_domain = ENV['AUTH0_CUSTOM_DOMAIN'] # optional if you have a custom domain
auth0.aud = ENV['AUTH0_AUDIENCE']
auth0.client_id = ENV['AUTH0_CLIENT_ID']
auth0.client_secret = ENV['AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET']
By default, we will use RS256 algorithm. OmniAuth can only be enable in single module due to it's limitation.
You have to tell which user models you want to be able to authorize with JWT tokens. For them, the authentication process will be like this:
- A user authenticates through Auth0.
- The client can use this token to authenticate following requests for the same user, providing it in the Authorization request header, also with format
Bearer #{token}
An example configuration:
class AdminUser < ApplicationRecord
devise :database_authenticatable, :auth0,
auth0_options: { # Model level configuration
email_domains_allowlist: [""] # Only users can be created
class User < ApplicationRecord
devise :database_authenticatable, :auth0,
auth0_options: { # Model level configuration
aud: ENV['AUTH0_USER_AUDIENCE'], # Audience for the JWT token especially for users
email_domains_blocklist: [""], # users will not be created
omniauth: false # We will use the default authentication strategy (JWT with Client)
Note: if you are making cross-domain requests, make sure that you add Authorization header to the list of allowed request headers and exposed response headers. You can use something like rack-cors for that, for example:
config.middleware.insert_before 0, Rack::Cors do
allow do
origins ''
resource '/api/*',
headers: %w(Authorization),
methods: :any,
expose: %w(Authorization),
max_age: 600
The current user's permissions can then be checked using the can?
and cannot?
methods in views and controllers.
<% if can? :read, @book %>
<%= link_to 'View', @book %>
<% end %>
Or directly using the current user instance:
current_user.can? :read, @book
current_user.cannot? :delete, @book
# Inside your protected controller
before_action :authenticate_admin! # This will only allow admin users
before_action :authenticate_user! # This will only allow users
before_action :authenticate_auth0! # This will allow all configured users
def show
@book = Book.find(params[:id])
authorize! :read, @book