Simple MERN application that generates passwords Using Create-React-App-Module & express-generator module connected through a proxy
Application is in hibernation mode.
Press try again button to load passwords.
May take up to 15 seconds for passwords to be generated after being awoken from hibernation.
Install required dependencies
npm install
Install Create-React-App & Express-Generator once globally:
npm install -g create-react-app express-generator
Requires the node server and react server to be both run simultaneously. In the root folder and client folder run the following command.
npm run start
Deployed on heroku
- Create React App with Express in Production - By Dave Ceddia - Tutorial on using Create React App with node express
- Create-React-App - React boilerplate template
- Express-Generator - Node Express boilerplate template
Using the create-react-app for the front end & express-generator for the back end.
In developer environment the front end is connected to the backend using a proxy locally on localhost:3001.
In production for heroku the postbuild from package.json directs heroku to render the react front end at the end of the deployment process.
Routing in route/pw.js directs the node server to the react front end.