This repo provides segmentation model for Cartridge Case part segmentation tasks with Segformer, it will segment the images into {"0": "unlabeled", "1": "breech-face", "2": "aperture-shear", "3": "firing-pin-impression", "4": "firing-pin-drag", "5": "other"}. The trained model is provided in checkpoints folder.
This repo is tested with Conda environment and Python 3.9 under Linux os, please run below command to install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt is used to annotate the images, before annotating the images, the data are converted into grayscale to simulate 3D images with
Firstly we used for fine-tuning the model and save the fine-tuned model in local. The pretrained model we used is nvidia/mit-b0. Then we use to train the fine-tuned model with image augmentations to further improve model performance.
Please use to train the model, modify the below arguments before training
args = Params(
hf_dataset_identifier = "issacchan26/gray_bullet",
pretrained_model_name = '/path to pretrained model folder from Hugging Face', # path to pretrained model
epochs = 100,
lr = 0.0005,
batch_size = 1,
checkpoints_path = "/path to/checkpoints/" # path to checkpoints saving folder
Please use to infer the images, put all the images you would like to infer inside a folder (below we use 'infer_query' as folder name). Modify below path before running:
pretrained_model_name = '/path to/checkpoints/best', # path to model folder
prediction_save_path = '/path to/prediction/', # path to saving folder
infer_folder = '/path to/infer_query/' # path to the image folder to be inferred
It is used to reproduce the validation results of our fine-tuned model -
It is used to infer the dataset from Hugging Face
Please modify the below path before running
pretrained_model_name = '/path to/checkpoints/best', # path to model folder
prediction_save_path = '/path to/prediction/', # path to saving folder