The live dashboard can be found here
This page gives a brief description about the classification of ambiguous terms in 4 categories.
- The Ambiguity Scoring tool takes in a text document, passes it through an NLP pipelilne and provides an analysis of the text in terms of ambiguity.
- Users may input a pdf file or copy and paste the text in a text box.
- The tool finds phrases that use ambiguous terms and displays 2 plots to the user.
- Furthermore, the user can see the list of ambiguous phrases by choosing the Show Matrix option in the drop down menu.
We passed 76 poicies through our pipeline to study the use of ambiguous words in Privacy Policies.
- This Policy Results are displayed in a plot that shows the numeric ambiguity score for each category along with their probability of occurence.
- The users can search for a particular word and see top n words associated with their searched word in the corpus.
- This section allows users to see the analysis of individual company policies.
- It also allows users to compare the Privacy Policies of the 76 Companies in our corpus.
- install all dependencies mentioned in the requirements.
git clone
cd Sentence_embedding
streamlit run