Git Graph plugin for neovim.
NOTE: this project is still very WIP and there is no help documentation aside from this
- ✔️ 100% lua
- ✔️ temporal topological order
- ✔️ branches stick to their lane
- ✔️ easy to spot merge commits and branch children
- ✔️ hooks for easy extension with diffview.nvim etc
- ✔️ easily configurable date formats
- ✔️ easily configurable highlight groups
- ✔️ performant scrolling
- ✔️ easy to follow branch crossings
- auto updating graph
- performant load times for large repos

Note that this is still very early days and things may rapidly change in the beginning
opts = {
symbols = {
merge_commit = 'M',
commit = '*',
format = {
timestamp = '%H:%M:%S %d-%m-%Y',
fields = { 'hash', 'timestamp', 'author', 'branch_name', 'tag' },
hooks = {
on_select_commit = function(commit)
print('selected commit:', commit.hash)
on_select_range_commit = function(from, to)
print('selected range:', from.hash, to.hash)
keys = {
require('gitgraph').draw({}, { all = true, max_count = 5000 })
desc = "GitGraph - Draw",
View commit with Diffview.nvim
When in the git graph buffer you can open Diffview
on the commit under the cursor with Enter
When in visual mode you get the Diffview
for the selected range.
dependencies = { 'sindrets/diffview.nvim' },
---@type I.GGConfig
opts = {
hooks = {
-- Check diff of a commit
on_select_commit = function(commit)
vim.notify('DiffviewOpen ' .. commit.hash .. '^!')
vim.cmd(':DiffviewOpen ' .. commit.hash .. '^!')
-- Check diff from commit a -> commit b
on_select_range_commit = function(from, to)
vim.notify('DiffviewOpen ' .. from.hash .. '~1..' .. to.hash)
vim.cmd(':DiffviewOpen ' .. from.hash .. '~1..' .. to.hash)
For example, use kitty branch symbols more detail
symbols = {
merge_commit = '',
commit = '',
merge_commit_end = '',
commit_end = '',
-- Advanced symbols
GVER = '',
GHOR = '',
GCLD = '',
GCRD = '╭',
GCLU = '',
GCRU = '',
GLRU = '',
GLRD = '',
GLUD = '',
GRUD = '',
GFORKU = '',
GFORKD = '',
GRUDCD = '',
GRUDCU = '',
GLUDCD = '',
GLUDCU = '',
GLRDCL = '',
GLRDCR = '',
GLRUCL = '',
GLRUCR = '',
... more keymaps to come ...
- 'GitGraphHash'
- 'GitGraphTimestamp'
- 'GitGraphAuthor'
- 'GitGraphBranchName'
- 'GitGraphBranchTag'
- 'GitGraphBranchMsg'
- 'GitGraphBranch1'
- 'GitGraphBranch2'
- 'GitGraphBranch3'
- 'GitGraphBranch4'
- 'GitGraphBranch5'