5413 commits
to master
since this release
- [iris] New genesis workflow
- [iris] Validator.Owner renamed to Validator. Validator operator type has now changed to sdk.ValAddress
- [iris] unsafe_reset_all, show_validator, and show_node_id have been renamed to unsafe-reset-all, show-validator, and show-node-id
- [iris]Rename "revoked" to "jailed"
- [iris]Removed CompleteUnbonding and CompleteRedelegation Msg types, and instead added unbonding/redelegation queues to endblocker
- [iris]Removed slashing for governance non-voting validators
- [iris]Validators are no longer deleted until they can no longer possibly be slashed
- [iris]Remove ibc module
- [iris]Validator set updates delayed by one block
- [iris]Drop GenesisTx in favor of a signed StdTx with only one MsgCreateValidator message
- Upgrade cosmos-sdk denpendency to v0.26.0
- Upgrade tendermint denpendency to v0.26.1-rc0
- [docs]Improve docs
- [iris]Add token inflation
- [iris]Add distribution module to distribute inflation token and collected transaction fee
- [iriscli] --from can now be either an address or a key name
- [iriscli] Passing --gas=simulate triggers a simulation of the tx before the actual execution. The gas estimate obtained via the simulation will be used as gas limit in the actual execution.
- [iriscli]Add --bech to gaiacli keys show and respective REST endpoint to
- [iriscli]Introduced new commission flags for validator commands create-validator and edit-validator
- [iriscli]Add commands to query validator unbondings and redelegations
- [iriscli]Add rest apis and commands for distribution
- [iriscli]Mark --to and --amount as required flags for iriscli bank send
- [iris]Add general merkle absence proof (also for empty substores)
- [iris]Fix issue about consumed gas increasing rapidly
- [iris]Return correct Tendermint validator update set on EndBlocker by not including non previously bonded validators that have zero power
- [iris]Add commission data to MsgCreateValidator signature bytes