Flake8 based linter for Vedro framework
pip install flake8-vedro
Flake8-vedro is flake8 plugin, so the configuration is the same as flake8 configuration.
You can ignore rules via
- file
: parameterignore
ignore = VDR101
- comment in code
#noqa: VDR101
Some rules in linter should be configurated:
scenario_params_max_count = 8 # VDR109
allowed_to_redefine_list = page,page2 # VDR311
- VDR001. Decorator @vedro.only should not be presented
- VDR002. Scenario should be inherited from class vedro.Scenario
- VDR103. Scenario should be located in the folder "scenarios/”
- VDR104. Scenario should have a subject
- VDR105. Scenario subject should not be empty
- VDR106. Scenario should have only one subject
- VDR107. Subject is not parameterized*
- VDR108. Calling functions in parametrization
- VDR109. Limit the amount of parameters in a parametrized scenario
- VDR300. Step name should start with..
- VDR301. Steps name should be in right order
- VDR302. Interface should not be used in given or asserted steps
- VDR303. Scenario should have a "when" step
- VDR304. Scenario should have only one "when" step
- VDR305. Scenario should have a "then" step
- VDR306. Scenario should have only one "then" step
- VDR307. Step should have an assertion
- VDR308. Step should have specific assertions
- VDR309. Step should not have comparison without assert
- VDR310. Some steps should not have an assertion
- VDR311. Scope variables should not be redefined
- VDR312. Scope variables should not be partially redefined