Open Source MERN Stack chat app. The name transponder-snail is inspired by 'One Piece' communication device transponder snail AKA den-den-mushi.
- Real-time chat.
- Login/Register user.
- Secure Authentication with JWT.
- See who's typing a message.
- Group Chat features.
- Protected routes.
- Last message on chat drawer.
- Search users to chat.
- See who's typing.
- Responsive/Mobile Friendly.
- ...
To run locally in your own device first clone the repository:
git clone
Change the directory:
cd transponder-snail
there are two main directories for server and client, you will need to install the packages in each directory.
cd client
npm install
cd ../server
npm install
To run front-end in react:
npm run dev
then go to localhost where its running.
To run server go to server directory and run:
node server.js
nodemon server.js
if nodemon installed locally.
- MongoDB (mongoose) for database
- ExpressJs for Server
- ReactJs for Front-End
- NodeJs as JavaScript runtime Environment
- for Real-time chat
Thank You for visiting. (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)