Asteroid implement rpc interface for websocket.
You can create erlang rps endpoints and python rpc endpoints.
Python rpc endpoint is a celery task. Asteroid call python rpc endpoint through rabbitmq.
You need to install rebar from Then compile and run project:
rebar get-deps
rebar compile
You need to create virtualenv for python part of application(celery worker and tests)
virtualenv /tmp/asteroid_ve #or other path for your chouse
source /tmp/asteroid_ve/bin/activate
Then you need to setup requirements
pip install -r tests/requirements.txt
Run celery worker
cd test
Run tests
cd test
First you need install bower packages
npm install -g bower
cd priv/
bower install
Next open http://localhost:8008/static/index.html in your browser and test Add
and Add delay
rpc calls.