This document registers a tag for serializing IPLD content identifiers (CIDs) in Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR).
Tag: 42
Data item: byte string
Semantics: IPLD content identifier
Created: 2019-08-20
CID is a format for referencing content in distributed information systems, like IPFS. It leverages content addressing, cryptographic hashing, and self-describing formats. It is the core identifier used by IPFS and IPLD.
An IPLD content identifier in CBOR has tag 42 and is encoded as a byte string (major type 2). The CID is encoded in its binary representation (base256) and MUST be prepended by the identity Multibase prefix (a null-byte).
This CID bafyreie74tgmnxqwojhtumgh5dzfj46gi4mynlfr7dmm7duwzyvnpw7h7m
is encoded as base32. When encoded as CBOR it will be converted to its (base256) binary representation. In this example it also has the identify Multibase prefix: 00017112209fe4ccc6de16724f3a30c7e8f254f3c6471986acb1f8d8cf8e96ce2ad7dbe7fb
. The binary text is then stored with tag 42:
D8 2A # tag(42)
58 25 # bytes(37)
Volker Mische <[email protected]>