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@github-actions github-actions released this 09 Dec 21:48


  • routing/http/server: added built-in Prometheus instrumentation to http delegated /routing/v1/ endpoints, with custom buckets for response size and duration to match real world data observed at the instance. #718 #724
  • routing/http/server: added configurable routing timeout (DefaultRoutingTimeout being 30s) to prevent indefinite hangs during content/peer routing. Set custom duration via WithRoutingTimeout. #720
  • routing/http/server: exposes Prometheus metrics on prometheus.DefaultRegisterer and a custom one can be provided via WithPrometheusRegistry #722
  • gateway: NewCacheBlockStore and NewCarBackend will use prometheus.DefaultRegisterer when a custom one is not specified via WithPrometheusRegistry #722
  • filestore: added opt-in WithMMapReader option to FileManager to enable memory-mapped file reads #665
  • bitswap/routing ProviderQueryManager does not require calling Startup separate from New. #741
  • bitswap/routing ProviderQueryManager does not use liftcycle context.


  • bitswap, routing, exchange (#641):
    • ✨ Bitswap is no longer in charge of providing blocks to the newtork: providing functionality is now handled by a exchange/providing.Exchange, meant to be used with provider.System so that all provides follow the same rules (multiple parts of the code where handling provides) before.

    • 🛠 bitswap/client/internal/providerquerymanager has been moved to routing/providerquerymanager where it belongs. In order to keep compatibility, Bitswap now receives a routing.ContentDiscovery parameter which implements FindProvidersAsync(...) and uses it to create a providerquerymanager with the default settings as before. Custom settings can be used by using a custom providerquerymanager to manually wrap a ContentDiscovery object and pass that in as ContentDiscovery on initialization while setting bitswap.WithDefaultProviderQueryManager(false) (to avoid re-wrapping it again).

    • The renovated providedQueryManager will trigger lookups until it manages to connect to MaxProviders. Before it would lookup at most MaxInProcessRequests*MaxProviders and connection failures may have limited the actual number of providers found.

    • 🛠 We have aligned our routing-related interfaces with the libp2p routing ones, including in the reprovider.System.

    • In order to obtain exactly the same behaviour as before (i.e. particularly ensuring that new blocks are still provided), what was done like:

      	bswapnet := network.NewFromIpfsHost(host, contentRouter)
      	bswap := bitswap.New(p.ctx, bswapnet, blockstore)
      	bserv = blockservice.New(blockstore, bswap)
    • becomes:

      	// Create network: no contentRouter anymore
      	bswapnet := network.NewFromIpfsHost(host)
      	// Create Bitswap: a new "discovery" parameter, usually the "contentRouter"
      	// which does both discovery and providing.
      	bswap := bitswap.New(p.ctx, bswapnet, discovery, blockstore)
      	// A provider system that handles concurrent provides etc. "contentProvider"
      	// is usually the "contentRouter" which does both discovery and providing.
      	// "contentProvider" could be used directly without wrapping, but it is recommended
      	// to do so to provide more efficiently.
      	provider := provider.New(datastore, provider.Online(contentProvider)
      	// A wrapped providing exchange using the previous exchange and the provider.
      	exch := providing.New(bswap, provider)
      	// Finally the blockservice
      	bserv := blockservice.New(blockstore, exch)
    • The above is only necessary if content routing is needed. Otherwise:

      	// Create network: no contentRouter anymore
      	bswapnet := network.NewFromIpfsHost(host)
      	// Create Bitswap: a new "discovery" parameter set to nil (disable content discovery)
      	bswap := bitswap.New(p.ctx, bswapnet, nil, blockstore)
      	// Finally the blockservice
      	bserv := blockservice.New(blockstore, exch)
  • routing/http/client: creating delegated routing client with New now defaults to querying delegated routing server with DefaultProtocolFilter (IPIP-484) #689
  • bitswap/client: Wait at lease one broadcast interval before resending wants to a peer. Check for peers to rebroadcast to more often than one broadcast interval.
  • No longer using to avoid requiring in dependents. #710
  • pinning/remote/client: Refactor remote pinning Ls to take results channel instead of returning one. The previous Ls behavior is implemented by the GoLs function, which creates the channels, starts the goroutine that calls Ls, and returns the channels to the caller #738
  • updated to go-libp2p to v0.37.2


  • Do not erroneously update the state of sent wants when a send a peer disconnected and the send did not happen. #452

Full Changelog: v0.24.3...v0.25.0

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