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Puppet Module

Version: profitbricks-puppet v1.6.0

Table of Contents


The ProfitBricks Puppet module allows a multi-server cloud environment using ProfitBricks resources to be deployed automatically from a Puppet manifest file.

This module utilizes the ProfitBricks Cloud API via the ProfitBricks Ruby SDK to manage resources within a virtual data center. A Puppet manifest file can be used to describe the desired infrastructure configuration including networks, servers, CPU cores, memory, and their relationships as well as states. That infrastructure can then be easily and automatically deployed using Puppet.

Getting Started

Before you begin you will need to have signed-up for a ProfitBricks account. The credentials you establish during sign-up will be used to authenticate against the ProfitBricks Cloud API.


  • Puppet 4.2.x or greater
  • Ruby 2.0 or greater
  • ProfitBricks Ruby SDK (profitbricks-sdk-ruby)
  • ProfitBricks account


There are multiple ways that Puppet and Ruby can be installed on an operating system (OS).

For users who already have a system with Puppet and Ruby installed, the following three easy steps should get the ProfitBricks Puppet module working. Note: You may need to prefix sudo to the commands in steps one and two.

  1. Install the ProfitBricks Ruby SDK using gem.

     gem install profitbricks-sdk-ruby
  2. Install the module.

     puppet module install profitbricks-profitbricks
  3. Set the environment variables for authentication.

     export PROFITBRICKS_USERNAME="[email protected]"
     export PROFITBRICKS_PASSWORD="secretpassword"

    Setting the ProfitBricks API URL is optional.


A situation could arise in which you have installed a Puppet release that contains a bundled copy of Ruby, but you already had Ruby installed. In that case, you will want to be sure to specify the gem binary that comes with the bundled version of Ruby. This avoids a situation in which you inadvertently install the profitbricks-ruby-sdk library but it is not available to the Ruby install that Puppet is actually using.

To demonstrate this on a CentOS 7 server, these steps could be followed.

Note: You may need to prefix sudo to the commands in steps one through three.

  1. Install Puppet using the official Puppet Collection.

     rpm -Uvh
     yum install puppet-agent
  2. Install the ProfitBricks Ruby SDK using gem. Note: We are supplying the full path to the gem binary.

     /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/gem install profitbricks-sdk-ruby
  3. Install the Puppet module. Note: We are supplying the full path to the puppet binary.

     /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/bin/puppet module install profitbricks-profitbricks
  4. Set the environment variables for authentication.

     export PROFITBRICKS_USERNAME="[email protected]"
     export PROFITBRICKS_PASSWORD="secretpassword"


A Puppet manifest uses a domain specific language, or DSL. This language allows resources and their states to be declared. Puppet will then build the resources and set the states as described in the manifest. The following snippet describes a simple LAN resource.

lan { 'public':
  ensure => present,
  public => true,
  datacenter_id => '2dbf0e6b-3430-46fd-befd-6d08acd96557'

A LAN named public will have public Internet access enabled and will reside in the defined virtual data center.

Note: It is important that resource names be unique within the manifest. This includes both similar and different resource types. For example, a LAN resource named public will conflict with a server resource named public.

To provide a data center ID, you can create a data center within the module as follows:

datacenter { 'myDataCenter' :
  ensure      => present,
  location    => 'de/fra',
  description => 'test data center'

Afterwards, get the data center ID using the puppet resource command:

puppet resource datacenter [myDataCenter]

which should return output similar to this:

datacenter { 'myDataCenter':
  ensure      => 'present',
  description => 'test data center',
  id          => '4af72f13-221d-499d-88ea-48713173e12f',
  location    => 'de/fra',

The returned id value of 4af72f13-221d-499d-88ea-48713173e12f may be used elsewhere in our manifest to identify this virtual data center.

A data center name can be used instead. You may find this more convenient than using a data center ID. Please refer to the next section for an example.

If you have already created your data center, LAN and server resources, you may connect them with a new NIC resource using their names or IDs.

$datacenter_name = 'testdc1'
$server_name = 'worker1'
$lan_name = 'public1'

nic { 'testnic':
  datacenter_name   => $datacenter_name,
  server_name => $server_name,
  nat => false,
  dhcp => true,
  lan => $lan_name,
  ips => ['', '', ''],
  firewall_active => true,
  firewall_rules => [
      name => 'SSH',
      protocol => 'TCP',
      port_range_start => 22,
      port_range_end => 22

Note: Using the ProfitBricks Puppet module to manage your ProfitBricks resources ensures uniqueness of the managed instances. The ProfitBricks Cloud API allows the creation of multiple virtual data centers having the same name.

If you attempt to manage LAN and server resources using data center names, the module will throw an error when more than one virtual data center with the same name is detected. The same is true if you attempt to remove virtual data centers by non-unique names.


Once you have composed a manifest, it is good to have Puppet validate the syntax. The Puppet accessory parser can check for syntax errors. To validate a manifest named init.pp run:

puppet parser validate init.pp

If the manifest validates successfully, no output is returned. If there is an issue, you should get some output indicating what is invalid:

Error: Could not parse for environment production: Syntax error at '}' at init.pp:8:2

That error message indicates we should take a look at a curly brace located on line 8 column 2 of init.pp.

To have puppet go ahead and apply the manifest run:

puppet apply init.pp


Full Server Example

The following example will describe deploying a new server with public Internet access and allow inbound SSH connections.

Note: the value for $datacenter_id needs to be set to a valid virtual data center UUID that your account credentials are allowed to access. There are a couple of ways to get the UUID of a virtual data center. You can make a GET request against the Cloud API using a command-line tool such as curl, use an application such Postman, or one of various browser plugins for working with REST APIs.

The ProfitBricks CLI may be helpful as the command: profitbricks datacenter list will return a list of available virtual data centers.

It is also possible to get the UUID from inside the ProfitBricks Data Center Designer (DCD). If you log in and hover over one of your virtual data centers listed under "My Data Centers", a tooltip appears that contains the UUID.

Once we have a valid virtual data center UUID, lets proceed with the full server example.

$datacenter_id = '2dbf0e6b-3430-46fd-befd-6d08acd96557'

lan { 'publicLAN':
  ensure => present,
  public => true,
  datacenter_id => $datacenter_id

server { 'frontend':
  ensure => running,
  datacenter_id => $datacenter_id,
  cores => 2,
  cpu_family => 'INTEL_XEON',
  ram => 4096,
  volumes => [
      name => 'system',
      size => 5,
      bus => 'VIRTIO',
      volume_type => 'SSD',
      image_id => 'e87692f2-3587-11e5-9b0d-52540066fee9',
      image_password => 'mysecretpassword',
      availability_zone => 'AUTO'
  nics => [
      name => 'nic0',
      dhcp => true,
      lan => 'publicLAN',
      nat => false,
      firewall_rules => [
          name => 'SSH',
          protocol => 'TCP',
          port_range_start => 22,
          port_range_end => 22

Instead of providing a data center ID, you can create a data center along with LAN and server resources in a single manifest by using the data center name as the input parameter.

$datacenter_name = 'MyDataCenter'

datacenter { $datacenter_name :
  ensure      => present,
  location    => 'de/fkb',
  description => 'my data center desc.'
} ->

lan { 'publicLAN' :
  ensure => present,
  public => true,
  datacenter_name => $datacenter_name
} ->

server { 'worker1' :
  ensure => present,
  cores => 2,
  datacenter_name => $datacenter_name,
  ram => 1024,
  volumes => [
      name => 'system',
      size => 50,
      bus => 'VIRTIO',
      volume_type => 'SSD',
      image_id => '7412cec6-e83c-11e6-a994-525400f64d8d',
      ssh_keys => [ 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAA...' ],
      availability_zone => 'AUTO'
  nics => [
      name => 'publicNIC',
      dhcp => true,
      lan => 'publicLAN',
      nat => false,
      firewall_rules => [
          name => 'SSH',
          protocol => 'TCP',
          port_range_start => 22,
          port_range_end => 22

Remove Resources

The following example sets the above resource states to absent. This will cause the server named frontend along with the associated public LAN to be removed.

$datacenter_id = '2dbf0e6b-3430-46fd-befd-6d08acd96557'

server { 'frontend':
  ensure => absent,
  datacenter_id => $datacenter_id
} ~>
lan { 'public':
  ensure => absent,
  datacenter_id => $datacenter_id

By default, the volumes attached to the server resources will remain available when the server is removed. If you prefer to have the volumes removed along with the server, then the purge_volumes property will need to be set to true for the server resource:

server { 'frontend' :
  ensure => absent,
  purge_volumes => true,
  datacenter_id => '2dbf0e6b-3430-46fd-befd-6d08acd96557'

Note: Volume removal is permanent. Be sure to perform a snapshot if you wish to retain the volume data.

Note: You may use datacenter_name instead of datacenter_id when removing LANs and servers.


This reference section describes the various resources and the associated properties that may be used when composing a Puppet manifest.

Data Center Resource

Data Center resources can have the following properties set.

Name Required Type Description
name yes string The name of the virtual data center.
ensure yes string The desired state of the virtual data center. It must be present or absent.
location yes string The ProfitBricks location of the virtual data center: us/las, us/ewr, de/fkb, or de/fra
description no string The virtual data center description.

It is possible to update the description property after the virtual data center is created.

LAN Resource

LAN resources can have the following properties set.

Name Required Type Description
name yes string The name of the LAN.
ensure yes string The desired state of the LAN. It must be present or absent.
datacenter_id yes string The UUID of an existing virtual data center where the LAN will reside. Optional, if datacenter_name is specified.
datacenter_name yes string The name of the virtual data center where the LAN will reside. Optional, if datacenter_id is specified.
public no boolean Determines whether the LAN will have public Internet access. Can be true or false, defaults to false.
ip_failover no array An array of failover groups.

The LAN resource allows public and ip_failover properties to be updated if necessary. ip_failover requires the following parameters.

Name Required Type Description
ip yes string IP address for the LAN failover.
nic_uuid yes string UUID of the NIC for the LAN failover.

Server Resource

A Server resource has the following properties.

Name Required Type Description
name yes string The name of the server.
ensure yes string The desired state of the server. It may be present, absent, running, or stopped.
datacenter_id yes string The UUID of an existing virtual data center where the server will reside. Optional, if datacenter_name is specified.
datacenter_name yes string The name of the virtual data center where the server will reside. Optional, if datacenter_id is specified.
cores yes integer The number of CPU cores assigned to the server.
ram yes integer The amount of RAM assigned to the server MB (must be a multiple of 256).
cpu_family no string The CPU family which can be AMD_OPTERON or INTEL_XEON, defaults to AMD_OPTERON.
availability_zone no string Availability zone of the server, defaults to AUTO. May also be set to ZONE_1 or ZONE_2.
licence_type no string If undefined the OS type will be inherited from the boot image or boot volume.
boot_volume no string The boot volume name, if more than one volume it attached to the server.
purge_volumes no boolean Set to true to purge all attached volumes on server delete, defaults to false.
volumes no array An array of volumes that will be built and attached to the server.
nics no array An array of NICs that will be connected to the server.

Note: availability_zone, boot_volume, cores, cpu_family and ram are mutable properties. The values of these properties can be updated after the server has been created.

Volume Resource

Volume resources can be managed independently within a data center or as a nested array defined within the server resource.

Name Required Type Description
name yes string The name of the volume.
ensure yes string The desired state of the volume resource, present or absent.
size yes integer Size of the volume in GB.
volume_type yes string The volume type can be HDD or SSD.
image_id no string UUID of the image to assign to the volume.
image_alias no string The alias of the image to assign to the volume.
licence_type no string The licence type of the volume. May be set to: LINUX, WINDOWS, WINDOWS2016, UNKNOWN, or OTHER.
image_password no string One-time password is set on the Image for the appropriate account.
bus no string The bus type of volume, can be VIRTIO or IDE, defaults to VIRTIO.
ssh_keys no string A list of public SSH keys to add to supported image.
availability_zone no string Direct a storage volume to be created in one of three zones per location. This allows for the deployment of enhanced high-availability configurations. Valid values for availability_zone are: AUTO, ZONE_1, ZONE_2, or ZONE_3.


  • The volume size can be increased after the volume is created.
  • When managing a volume independently, either the datacenter_id or datacenter_name is required.
  • Either image_id, image_alias or licence_type must be defined.
  • When using a ProfitBricks provided public image_id or image_alias either image_password or ssh_keys must be set. You may set both if you wish.

If the volume is NOT nested under a server resource, then one of the following parameters is required.

Name Required Type Description
datacenter_id yes string The UUID of an existing virtual data center where the volume is or will be created. Optional, if datacenter_name is specified.
datacenter_name yes string The name of the virtual data center where the volume is or will be created. Optional, if datacenter_id is specified.

NIC Resource

NICs can be created and managed separately just like other resources such as LANs. They may also be nested under a server resource.

Name Required Type Description
name yes string The name of the NIC.
ensure yes string The desired state of the NIC resource, present or absent.
ips yes array An array of IP addresses to assign the NIC.
dhcp no boolean Enable DHCP on the NIC with true or disable with false, defaults to true.
lan yes string Name of the LAN to connect the NIC.
firewall_rules no array An array of firewall rules to assign the NIC.
nat no boolean A boolean which indicates if the NIC will perform Network Address Translation. There are a few requirements listed in Notes below this table.

Notes on NAT:

  • The NIC this is being activated on must belong to a private LAN.
  • The NIC must not belong to a load balancer.
  • NAT cannot be activated in a private LAN that contains an IPv4 address ending with ".1".
  • NAT should not be enabled in a virtual data center with an active ProfitBricks firewall.

Note: ips, dhcp, lan and nat are mutable properties.

If the NIC is NOT nested under a server resource, some of the following parameters are required as well.

Name Required Type Description
datacenter_id yes string The UUID of an existing virtual data center where the NIC is or will be created. Optional, if datacenter_name is specified.
datacenter_name yes string The name of the virtual data center where the NIC is or will be created. Optional, if datacenter_id is specified.
server_id yes string The UUID of an existing server where the NIC will reside. Optional, if server_name is specified.
server_name yes string The name of the server where the NIC will reside. Optional, if server_id is specified.
firewall_active no boolean true indicates the firewall is active. Default value is false.

Firewall Rule Resource

Firewall rules are usually nested within nics under the server resource. This section applies to the ProfitBricks firewall for a virtual data center that you can also configure through the DCD or via the Cloud API. It does NOT refer to a firewall that is part of the OS or running as service on the virtual machine.

Name Required Type Description
name yes string The name of the firewall rule.
ensure yes string The desired state of the firewall rule resource, present or absent.
protocol yes string Allow traffic protocols including TCP, UDP, ICMP, and ANY.
source_mac no string Allow traffic from the source MAC address.
source_ip no string Allow traffic originating from the source IP address.
target_ip no string Allow traffic destined to the target IP address.
port_range_start no string Defines the start range of the allowed port (from 1 to 65534) if protocol TCP or UDP is chosen.
port_range_end no string Defines the end range of the allowed port (from 1 to 65534) if the protocol TCP or UDP is chosen.
icmp_type no string Defines the allowed type (from 0 to 254) if the protocol ICMP is chosen.
icmp_code no string Defines the allowed code (from 0 to 254) if protocol ICMP is chosen.

Note: source_mac, source_ip, target_ip, port_range_start, port_range_end, icmp_type and icmp_code are mutable properties.

If firewall rules are managed as an independent resource, the associated virtual data center, server, and NIC must be specified.

Name Required Type Description
datacenter_id yes string The UUID of an existing virtual data center where the firewall rule is or will be created. Optional, if datacenter_name is specified.
datacenter_name yes string The name of the virtual data center where the firewall rule is or will be created. Optional, if datacenter_id is specified.
server_id yes string The UUID of an existing server where the firewall rule will reside. Optional, if server_name is specified.
server_name yes string The name of the server where the firewall rule will reside. Optional, if server_id is specified.
nic yes string The name of the NIC the firewall rule will be added to.

IP Block Resource

IP Block resources must have the following properties set.

Name Required Type Description
name yes string The name of the IP Block.
ensure yes string The desired state of the IP Block, present or absent.
location yes string The ProfitBricks location of the IP Block: us/las, us/ewr, de/fkb, or de/fra
size yes integer The size of the IP Block.

Snapshot Resource

Snapshot resources may have the following properties set at the creation time.

Name Required Type Description
name yes string The name of the snapshot.
ensure yes string The desired state of the snapshot resource, present or absent.
datacenter yes integer The ID or name of the virtual data center where the volume resides.
volume yes string The ID or name of the volume used to create/restore the snapshot.
description no string The snapshot's description.

In addition, the following properties can be updated after the snapshot resource is created.

Name Required Type Description
cpu_hot_plug no boolean Set to true to enable CPU hot plug capability.
cpu_hot_unplug no boolean Set to true to enable CPU hot unplug capability.
ram_hot_plug no boolean Set to true to enable memory hot plug capability.
ram_hot_unplug no boolean Set to true to enable memory hot unplug capability.
nic_hot_plug no boolean Set to true to enable NIC hot plug capability.
nic_hot_unplug no boolean Set to true to enable NIC hot unplug capability.
disc_virtio_hot_plug no boolean Set to true to enable VirtIO drive hot plug capability.
disc_virtio_hot_unplug no boolean Set to true to enable VirtIO drive hot unplug capability.
disc_scsi_hot_plug no boolean Set to true to enable SCSI drive hot plug capability.
disc_scsi_hot_unplug no boolean Set to true to enable SCSI drive hot unplug capability.
licence_type no string The licence type of the snapshot. May be set to: LINUX, WINDOWS, WINDOWS2016, UNKNOWN, or OTHER.

To restore a snapshot set restore => true in the resource manifest. The snapshot will be restored onto the volume specified by the volume property in the data center specified by the datacenter property.

Note: The restore operation will be performed each time the manifest has been applied, as long as the restore property is set to true.

ProfitBricks Group Resource

ProfitBricks group resource exposes the following properties.

Name Required Type Description
name yes string The name of the group.
ensure yes string The desired state of the group resource, present or absent.
create_datacenter no boolean Indicates if the group is allowed to create virtual data centers.
create_snapshot no boolean Indicates if the group is allowed to create snapshots.
reserve_ip no boolean Indicates if the group is allowed to reserve IP addresses.
access_activity_log no boolean Indicates if the group is allowed to access the activity log.
members no array An array of strings representing non-administrator users (email addresses) to associate with the group.

Excluding the group name, all the listed properties can be updated after the resource is created. Specify members => [] to remove all users from the group.

ProfitBricks User Resource

ProfitBricks group resources can have the following properties set.

Name Required Type Description
firstname yes string The first name of the user.
lastname yes string The last name of the user.
ensure yes string The desired state of the user resource, present or absent.
email yes string The email address of the user. Serves as the resource name as well.
password yes string The password for the user.
administrator no boolean Indicates whether or not the user have administrative rights.
force_sec_auth no boolean Indicates if secure (two-factor) authentication should be forced for the user.
groups no array An array of strings representing ProfitBricks groups where a non-administrator user is to be added.

Excluding the email and password, all the listed properties can be updated after the resource is created. Specify groups => [] to remove the user from all groups.

Share Resource

Share resources can have the following properties set.

Name Required Type Description
name yes string The name of the share.
ensure yes string The desired state of the share resource, present or absent.
group_id yes string The UUID of an existing group where the share will be available. Optional, if group_name is specified.
group_name yes string The name of an existing the group where the share will be available. Optional, if group_id is specified.
edit_privilege no boolean Indicates if the group has permission to edit privileges on the resource.
share_privilege no boolean Indicates if the group has permission to share the resource.

edit_privilege and share_privilege can be updated after the resource is created.

Image Resource

Image resource provider can be used only to obtain a single resource or list all available ProfitBricks images.

puppet resource image [profitbricks_image_name]

Location Resource

Location resource provider can be used only to obtain a single resource or list all available ProfitBricks locations.

puppet resource location [profitbricks_location_name]



Make sure you have the necessary dependencies installed in your development environment with bundle. Then use rake to run all the available tests.

You can accomplish this by running the following commands from inside the repository root.

bundle install
rake spec

A successful test run should return output similar to:


Finished in 28.12 seconds (files took 2.59 seconds to load)
60 examples, 0 failures

You can bypass rake and run a single test using rspec and supplying a path to the specific test. To do this for the datacenter test:

rspec spec/unit/provider/datacenter/v1_spec.rb


Finished in 0.06585 seconds (files took 2.28 seconds to load)
2 examples, 0 failures

Build and Install the Module

These instructions would only be necessary if you want to build the module yourself rather than use a pre-built one. You DO NOT need to do this if you followed the installation instructions above.

Clone the repository from GitHub : profitbricks-puppet.

Run the following from the repository directory.

cd profitbricks-puppet
puppet module build
puppet module install -f pkg/profitbricks-profitbricks-[version].tar.gz

Notes: [version] should be replaced with the module version built. For example, 1.5.0.


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature).
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature).
  5. Create a new Pull Request.