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Fix abstract class insert location when first good member has attribu…
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baronfel authored Apr 23, 2023
1 parent 5496073 commit 77778e4
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Showing 9 changed files with 430 additions and 478 deletions.
267 changes: 127 additions & 140 deletions src/FsAutoComplete.Core/AbstractClassStubGenerator.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,59 +4,71 @@ open FsAutoComplete.CodeGenerationUtils
open FSharp.Compiler.Text
open FSharp.Compiler.Syntax
open FSharp.Compiler.Symbols
open FSharp.Compiler.Tokenization
open FsAutoComplete.Logging
open FsToolkit.ErrorHandling

type AbstractClassData =
| ObjExpr of baseTy: SynType * bindings: SynBinding list * overallRange: Range
| ExplicitImpl of baseTy: SynType * members: SynMemberDefn list * safeInsertPosition: Position
| ObjExpr of baseTy: SynType * bindings: SynBinding list * newExpression: Range * withKeyword: Range option

| ExplicitImpl of
baseTy: SynType *
members: SynMemberDefn list *
/// the place where the inherit expression is declared - the codefix should insert
/// at an indent of .Start.Column, but insert a newline after .End
inheritExpressionRange: Range

member x.AbstractTypeIdentRange =
match x with
| ObjExpr(baseTy, _, _)
| ExplicitImpl(baseTy, _, _) -> baseTy.Range
| ObjExpr(baseTy = baseTy)
| ExplicitImpl(baseTy = baseTy) -> baseTy.Range

member x.TypeParameters =
match x with
| ObjExpr(t, _, _)
| ExplicitImpl(t, _, _) -> expandTypeParameters t
| ObjExpr(baseTy = t)
| ExplicitImpl(baseTy = t) -> expandTypeParameters t

let private (|ExplicitCtor|_|) =
| SynMemberDefn.Member(SynBinding(valData = SynValData(Some({ MemberKind = SynMemberKind.Constructor }), _, _)), _) ->
| _ -> None

/// checks to see if a type definition inherits an abstract class, and if so collects the members defined at that
let private walkTypeDefn (SynTypeDefn(info, repr, members, implicitCtor, range, trivia)) =
let reprMembers =
match repr with
| SynTypeDefnRepr.ObjectModel(_, members, _) -> members
| _ -> []

let allMembers = reprMembers @ (Option.toList implicitCtor) @ members
option {
let reprMembers =
match repr with
| SynTypeDefnRepr.ObjectModel(_, members, _) -> members // repr members already includes the implicit ctor if present
| _ -> Option.toList implicitCtor

let allMembers = reprMembers @ members

let! inheritType, inheritMemberRange = // this must exist for abstract types
|> List.tryPick (function
| SynMemberDefn.ImplicitInherit(inheritType, inheritArgs, alias, range) -> Some(inheritType, range)
| _ -> None)

let furthestMemberToSkip, otherMembers =
((inheritMemberRange, []), allMembers)
// find the last of the following kinds of members, as object-programming members must come after these
// * implicit/explicit constructors
// * `inherit` expressions
// * class-level `do`/`let` bindings (`do` bindings are actually `LetBindings` in the AST)
||> List.fold (fun (m, otherMembers) memb ->
match memb with
| (SynMemberDefn.ImplicitCtor _ | ExplicitCtor | SynMemberDefn.ImplicitInherit _ | SynMemberDefn.LetBindings _) as possible ->
let c = Range.rangeOrder.Compare(m, possible.Range)

let m' = if c < 0 then possible.Range else m

m', otherMembers
| otherMember -> m, otherMember :: otherMembers)

let otherMembersInDeclarationOrder = otherMembers |> List.rev
return AbstractClassData.ExplicitImpl(inheritType, otherMembersInDeclarationOrder, furthestMemberToSkip)

let inheritMember =
|> List.tryPick (function
| SynMemberDefn.ImplicitInherit(inheritType, inheritArgs, alias, range) -> Some(inheritType)
| _ -> None)

let otherMembers =
// filter out implicit/explicit constructors and inherit statements, as all members _must_ come after these
|> List.filter (function
| SynMemberDefn.ImplicitCtor _
| SynMemberDefn.ImplicitInherit _ -> false
| SynMemberDefn.Member(SynBinding(valData = SynValData(Some({ MemberKind = SynMemberKind.Constructor }), _, _)), _) ->
| _ -> true)

match inheritMember with
| Some inheritMember ->
let safeInsertPosition =
match otherMembers with
| [] -> Position.mkPos (inheritMember.Range.End.Line + 1) (inheritMember.Range.Start.Column + 2)
| x :: _ -> Position.mkPos (x.Range.End.Line - 1) (x.Range.Start.Column + 2)

Some(AbstractClassData.ExplicitImpl(inheritMember, otherMembers, safeInsertPosition))
| _ -> None

/// find the declaration of the abstract class being filled in at the given position
let private tryFindAbstractClassExprInParsedInput
Expand All @@ -70,7 +82,7 @@ let private tryFindAbstractClassExprInParsedInput
member _.VisitExpr(path, traverseExpr, defaultTraverse, expr) =
match expr with
| SynExpr.ObjExpr(baseTy, constructorArgs, withKeyword, bindings, members, extraImpls, newExprRange, range) ->
Some(AbstractClassData.ObjExpr(baseTy, bindings, range))
Some(AbstractClassData.ObjExpr(baseTy, bindings, newExprRange, withKeyword))
| _ -> defaultTraverse expr

override _.VisitModuleDecl(_, defaultTraverse, decl) =
Expand All @@ -84,77 +96,62 @@ let private tryFindAbstractClassExprInParsedInput
let tryFindAbstractClassExprInBufferAtPos
(codeGenService: ICodeGenerationService)
(pos: Position)
(document: Document)
(document: NamedText)
asyncMaybe {
let! parseResults = codeGenService.ParseFileInProject(document.FullName)
let! parseResults = codeGenService.ParseFileInProject document.FileName
return! tryFindAbstractClassExprInParsedInput pos parseResults.ParseTree

let getAbstractClassIdentifier (abstractClassData: AbstractClassData) tokens =
let newKeywordIndex =
match abstractClassData with
| AbstractClassData.ObjExpr _ ->
// Find the `new` keyword
|> List.findIndex (fun token -> token.CharClass = FSharpTokenCharKind.Keyword && token.TokenName = "NEW")
| _ -> failwith "don't call me with this bro"

findLastIdentifier tokens.[newKeywordIndex + 2 ..] tokens.[newKeywordIndex + 2]

let getMemberNameAndRanges (abstractClassData) =
match abstractClassData with
| AbstractClassData.ExplicitImpl(ty, members, _) ->
| AbstractClassData.ExplicitImpl(members = members) ->
|> Seq.choose (function
| (SynMemberDefn.Member(binding, _)) -> Some binding
| _ -> None)
|> Seq.choose (|MemberNameAndRange|_|)
|> Seq.choose (|MemberNamePlusRangeAndKeywordRange|_|)
|> Seq.toList
| AbstractClassData.ObjExpr(_, bindings, _) -> List.choose (|MemberNameAndRange|_|) bindings
| AbstractClassData.ObjExpr(bindings = bindings) -> List.choose (|MemberNamePlusRangeAndKeywordRange|_|) bindings

/// Try to find the start column, so we know what the base indentation should be
let inferStartColumn
(codeGenServer: ICodeGenerationService)
(pos: Position)
(doc: Document)
(lines: ISourceText)
(lineStr: string)
(abstractClassData: AbstractClassData)
(memberNamesAndRanges: (_ * _ * Range) list)
(indentSize: int)
async {
match getMemberNameAndRanges abstractClassData with
| (_, range) :: _ -> return getLineIdent (lines.GetLineString(range.StartLine - 1))
| [] ->
match abstractClassData with
| AbstractClassData.ExplicitImpl _ ->
// 'interface ISomething with' is often in a new line, we use the indentation of that line
return getLineIdent lineStr + indentSize
| AbstractClassData.ObjExpr(_, _, newExprRange) ->
match! codeGenServer.TokenizeLine(doc.FullName, pos.Line) with
| Some tokens ->
|> List.tryPick (fun (t: FSharpTokenInfo) ->
if t.CharClass = FSharpTokenCharKind.Keyword && t.TokenName = "NEW" then
// We round to nearest so the generated code will align on the indentation guides
findGreaterMultiple (t.LeftColumn + indentSize) indentSize |> Some
// There is no reference point, we indent the content at the start column of the interface
|> Option.defaultValue newExprRange.StartColumn
| None -> return newExprRange.StartColumn
match memberNamesAndRanges with
| (_, _, leadingKeywordRange) :: _ ->
// if we have any members, then we can use the start of the leading keyword to give us the indent correctly
| [] ->
match abstractClassData with
| AbstractClassData.ExplicitImpl(inheritExpressionRange = inheritRange) ->
// 'interface ISomething with' is often in a new line, we use the indentation of that line
| AbstractClassData.ObjExpr(newExpression = newExpr; withKeyword = withKeyword; bindings = bindings) ->
// two cases here to consider:
// * has a with keyword on same line as newExpr
match withKeyword with
| None ->
// if no withKeyword, then we add an indent to the start of the new Expression to get our final indent
newExpr.StartColumn + indentSize
| Some keyword ->
// if we have a keyword, if it's on the same line then we can do the same
if keyword.StartLine = newExpr.StartLine then
newExpr.StartColumn + indentSize
else if keyword.StartColumn = newExpr.StartColumn then
keyword.StartColumn + indentSize

/// Try to write any missing members of the given abstract type at the given location.
/// If the destination type isn't an abstract class, or if there are no missing members to implement,
/// nothing is written. Otherwise, a list of missing members is generated and written
let writeAbstractClassStub
(codeGenServer: ICodeGenerationService)
(checkResultForFile: ParseAndCheckResults)
(doc: Document)
(lines: ISourceText)
(doc: NamedText)
(lineStr: string)
(abstractClassData: AbstractClassData)
Expand All @@ -164,7 +161,7 @@ let writeAbstractClassStub

let! (_lexerSym, usages) = codeGenServer.GetSymbolAndUseAtPositionOfKind(doc.FullName, pos, SymbolKind.Ident)
let! (_lexerSym, usages) = codeGenServer.GetSymbolAndUseAtPositionOfKind(doc.FileName, pos, SymbolKind.Ident)
let! usage = usages

let! (displayContext, entity) =
Expand All @@ -180,67 +177,57 @@ let writeAbstractClassStub
| _ -> return! None

let getMemberByLocation (name, range: Range) =
asyncOption {
let pos = Position.fromZ (range.StartLine - 1) (range.StartColumn + 1)
return! checkResultForFile.GetCheckResults.GetSymbolUseAtLocation(pos.Line, pos.Column, lineStr, [])

let insertInfo =
asyncOption {
let! tokens = codeGenServer.TokenizeLine(doc.FullName, pos.Line)

match abstractClassData with
| AbstractClassData.ObjExpr _ ->
findLastPositionOfWithKeyword tokens entity pos (getAbstractClassIdentifier abstractClassData)
| AbstractClassData.ExplicitImpl(_, _, safeInsertPosition) -> Some(false, safeInsertPosition)

let getMemberByLocation (name: string, range: Range, keywordRange: Range) =
match doc.GetLine range.Start with
| Some lineText ->
match Lexer.getSymbol range.Start.Line range.Start.Column lineText SymbolLookupKind.ByLongIdent [||] with
| Some sym ->
sym.Text.Split('.') |> List.ofArray
| None -> None
| None -> None

let desiredMemberNamesWithRanges = getMemberNameAndRanges abstractClassData

let! implementedSignatures =
let implementedSignatures =
getImplementedMemberSignatures getMemberByLocation displayContext desiredMemberNamesWithRanges
|> Some

let! generatedString =
async {
let! start = (inferStartColumn codeGenServer pos doc lines lineStr abstractClassData 4) // 4 here correspond to the indent size

let formattedString =
4 // Should we make it a setting from the IDE ?
true // Always generate the verbose version of the code

// If we are in a object expression, we remove the last new line, so the `}` stay on the same line
match abstractClassData with
| AbstractClassData.ExplicitImpl _ -> return formattedString
| AbstractClassData.ObjExpr _ -> return formattedString.TrimEnd('\n')

let start = inferStartColumn abstractClassData desiredMemberNamesWithRanges 4 // 4 here correspond to the indent size

// this entire file could potentially be replaced by something very much like
// FSharp.Compiler.EditorServices.InterfaceStubGenerator.FormatInterface, if the
// function to 'get the members we want to implement' was exposed somehow instead of being hard-coded
// to just interface lookups
let formattedString =
4 // Should we make it a setting from the IDE ?
true // Always generate the verbose version of the code

let generatedString = formattedString.TrimEnd('\n')

// If generatedString is empty it means nothing is missing to the abstract class
// So we return None, in order to not show a "Falsy Hint"
if System.String.IsNullOrEmpty generatedString then
return! None
match! insertInfo with
| Some(shouldAppendWith, insertPosition) ->
if shouldAppendWith then
return! Some(insertPosition, " with" + generatedString)
return! Some(insertPosition, generatedString)
| None ->
// Unable to find an optimal insert position so return the position under the cursor
// By doing that we allow the user to copy/paste the code if the insertion break the code
// If we return None, then user would not benefit from abstract stub generation at all
return! Some(pos, generatedString)
match abstractClassData with
| AbstractClassData.ObjExpr(newExpression = newExpr; withKeyword = keyword) ->
match keyword with
| None -> return newExpr.End, " with\n" + generatedString
| Some k -> return k.End, "\n" + generatedString

| AbstractClassData.ExplicitImpl(_, _, inheritExpressionRange) ->
return inheritExpressionRange.End, "\n" + generatedString

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