This is my Final Coursework for Computer Engineering at Unicamp University, supervised by Christian Esteve Rothenberg, and made with help from Raza Ul Mustafa.
This project aims to provide an easy-to-use interface for quickly spinning up experiments for measuring DASH QoE(Quality of Experience) and QoS(Quality of Service) features for each segment of a DASH video.
Additionally, this project aims to do that by simulating network conditions based on a trace file. The trace files must be in a format similar to the ones in the Beyond Throughput, The Next Generation: a 5G Dataset with Channel and Context Metrics[1] work.
When the project is ran it runs one experiment per combination of the following:
- Protocols: QUIC or TCP
- Server Types: WSGI or ASGI
- Adaptation Algorithms: bba, conventional, elastic or logistic
- MPD files: all of the provided to be hosted on a file server
- Traces: all of the provided traces
- Repetitions: the number each experiment will run.
This project has a checkpoint feature, meaning that it can auto-resume from where it stopped running, which is useful for long-running tasks.
For running this CLI it is necessary to have certain packages installed:
- godash[2][3]
- python >= 3.8, with the following packages:
- numpy
- pandas
- scapy(for reading pcap files and extracting QoS features)
- hypercorn
- mininet[4]
- jinja2
- mininet
- caddy
You also need to enable the ifb kernel module with sudo modprobe ifb
traffic control on the download packets on the host node.
usage: [-h] --godash-bin GODASH_BIN
[--godash-config-template GODASH_CONFIG_TEMPLATE] -m MPD_PATH
[--algos {bba,conventional,elastic,logistic} [{bba,conventional,elastic,logistic} ...]]
[--protocols {tcp,quic} [{tcp,quic} ...]]
[--types {wsgi,asgi} [{wsgi,asgi} ...]]
[--experiment-root EXPERIMENT_ROOT] [-c] [--no-use-checkpoint]
This is a command line utility to run a simulated environment for DASH
video streaming tests. It uses goDASHbed for running the server and
godash for running DASH clients to consume the content and generate QoE
features for the video result.
This environment supports simulating network conditions based on network
The traces should be in a format similar to those provided by the
`Beyond Throughput, The Next Generation: a 5G Dataset with Channel and
Context Metrics`[1] work.
This CLI will create, for each experiment run, one host node for
receiving the streamed content using goDASH[2][3], one server node for
streaming DASH files using goDASHbed[2][3] and one switch connecting
both of them. To do this it uses mininet[4], the network topology is as
┌────────┐ ┌────────┐ ┌──────┐
│Client 1├─────┤Swith s1├────┤Server│
└────────┘ └────────┘ └──────┘
The network simulation is done using the tc linux tool which offers
traffic control for the Linux Kernel. To do this we use traffic shaping
in order to limit the bandwidth available for both download and upload
traffic. This is done on the client node interface.
For the traffic shaping to work properly on the download bandwidth the
ifb kernel module needs to be loaded. To check if it is use:
`lsmod | grep ifb`, if this has no output then it isn't, to load it run
`sudo modprobe ifb`. This module is used as pseudo network interface as
a concentrator for all traffic incoming on the client network interface,
then we can apply traffic shaping on that traffic by using tc qdiscs
when we otherwise would not be able to.
This command line interface is based on a previous work `DASH QoE
Performance Evaluation Framework with 5G Datasets`[5] and builds upon
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--godash-bin GODASH_BIN
<Required> Path to goDASH executable. (default: None)
--godash-config-template GODASH_CONFIG_TEMPLATE
Path to goDASH configuration template. This will be
the base for the goDASH configuration, the fields
'quic', 'url' 'serveraddr' and 'adapt' will be
overwritten for the running experiment. The other
fields will stay the same. (default: /home/raza/dash-
-m MPD_PATH, --mpd-path MPD_PATH
<Required> Path from the server root to the mpd files
with information on the DASH videos to be streamed.
Can be added multiple times. E.g.: `-m a/b.mpd -m
b/c.mpd` (default: None)
--dash-files-root DASH_FILES_ROOT
This is the root to the DASH files to be served by
the file server, i.e. the path where the DASH
segments are stored, the mpd paths are relative to
this. (default: /var/www/html)
-d DATASET, --dataset DATASET
System path, relative or absolute, to the dataset
which will be used to simulate the network
conditions, can be added multiple times, requires one
-t/--dataset-type set for each. E.g.: `-d a/b.csv
-t4g -d b/c.csv -t5g`. If not provided defaults to
the datasets from [1]. (default: None)
-t DATASET_TYPE, --dataset-type DATASET_TYPE
Type of the dataset. E.g.: 5g, 4g, 3g. (default:
Number of repetitions for each experiment
combination. (default: 5)
--algos {bba,conventional,elastic,logistic} [{bba,conventional,elastic,logistic} ...]
What algorithms to run the experiments with.
(default: ['bba', 'conventional', 'elastic',
--protocols {tcp,quic} [{tcp,quic} ...]
What protocols to run the experiments with. (default:
['tcp', 'quic'])
--types {wsgi,asgi} [{wsgi,asgi} ...]
What kind of server gateway to run the experiments
with. (default: ['wsgi', 'asgi'])
--experiment-root EXPERIMENT_ROOT
The experiment output folder path, can be relative or
absolute. (default: experiment_results)
-c, --use-checkpoint Use a checkpoint file for easily resuming experiments
execution if stopped. Defaults to using a checkpoint.
(default: True)
--no-use-checkpoint Do not use a checkpoint file for easily resuming
experiments execution if stopped. Defaults to using a
checkpoint. (default: True)
-v, --verbose Makes output verbose. (default: False)
The files in the godash_defaults
repo are adapted files from
goDASH and
The files in 5G-production-dataset
come from the
The files in RazaDatasets
are just for example and come from the
5GDataset[1] and from the
Beyond Throughput: a 4G LTE Dataset with Channel and Context
The main file,
is a rewritten version for ease-of-use and easier mass
generation of data of the DASH QoE Performance Evaluation Framework with 5G
Datasets[5] repo.
[1] D. Raca, D. Leahy, C.J. Sreenan and J.J. Quinlan. Beyond Throughput, The Next Generation: A 5G Dataset with Channel and Context Metrics. ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys), Istanbul, Turkey. June 8-11, 2020
[2] D. Raca, M. Manifacier, and J.J. Quinlan. goDASH - GO accelerated HAS framework for rapid prototyping. 12th International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX), Athlone, Ireland. 26th to 28th May, 2020 CORA
[3] John O’Sullivan, D. Raca, and Jason J. Quinlan. Demo Paper: godash 2.0 - The Next Evolution of HAS Evaluation. 21st IEEE International Symposium On A World Of Wireless, Mobile And Multimedia Networks (IEEE WoWMoM 2020), Cork, Ireland. August 31 to September 03, 2020 CORA
[5] R. Ul Mustafa, M. T. Islam, C. Rothenberg, S. Ferlin, D. Raca and J. J. Quinlan, "DASH QoE Performance Evaluation Framework with 5G Datasets," 2020 16th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), Izmir, Turkey, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.23919/CNSM50824.2020.9269111.
[6] Raca, Darijo & Quinlan, Jason & Zahran, Ahmed & Sreenan, Cormac. (2018). Beyond throughput: a 4G LTE dataset with channel and context metrics. 460-465. 10.1145/3204949.3208123.