Releases: intitni/CopilotForXcode
Rename Prompt to Code to Modification.
Modification now supports modifying multiple selections at the same time.
Suggestions and Modification now support displaying diffs (insertions only).
(Free Trial) Add suggestion cheatsheet "Instructed Suggestions".
When this cheatsheet is on, you can use
\\\ instructions
to instruct the suggestions. For example, typing.frame\\\width 30 height 100
will instruct the suggestion to be.frame(width: 30, height: 100)
.If you want the suggestion to rewrite the whole line, you can use
let foo \\< instructions
.For more details, see Instructed Suggestions.
(Free Until Useful) Add suggestion cheatsheet "Typo Fix".
When this cheatsheet is on, it will try to fix the typo of the word under the text cursor in the suggestion.
(Free Trial) Support sending a message to chat using comments. You can use
// chat: message
to initiate a special suggestion. When you accept the suggestion, it will send the message to the chat. -
Support installing to other folders than
. If it's installed in other folders, you will have to install the launch agent manually by clicking the button. The launch agent will be installed into~/Library/LaunchAgents
. -
Support setting OpenAI organization and project.
Bump Copilot Vim to 1.40.0.
Update text content (plain text, markdown) to always wrap in code block.
Modification window can now be as tall as the editor area.
Fix that the app may affect Xcode's performance when accessing it's UI with Accessibility API.
Fix that the previous suggestion button in non-compact mode will dismiss the suggestion.
Some other refactoring and bug fixes.
The new suggestion cheatsheets are more like a hack so they may not work for all cases. I found that it's really not a good idea to make them in such a hacky way. The result is just not good enough. But let's leave them here for now.
In the next version, I will focus on improving the prompt and context awareness of chat and modification.
0.34.0 beta
For any feedback please report to the release discussion.
Beta 4
- Bug fixes.
Beta 3
- Fix that the app may affect Xcode's performance when accessing it's UI with Accessibility API.
- Rename Prompt to Code to Modification, support modifying multiple selections, support displaying addition diffs.
- Other fixes.
Beta 2
- Support setting OpenAI organization and project.
Beta 1
Add suggestion cheatsheet "Instructed Suggestions".
When this cheatsheet is on, you can use
\\\ instructions
to instruct the suggestions. For example, typing.frame\\\width 30 height 100
will instruct the suggestion to be.frame(width: 30, height: 100)
.If you want the suggestion to rewrite the whole line, you can use
let foo \\< instructions
. -
Add suggestion cheatsheet "Typo Fix".
When this cheatsheet is on, it will try to fix the typo of the word under the text cursor in the suggestion.
Support sending a message to chat using comments. You can use
// chat: message
to initiate a special suggestion. When you accept the suggestion, it will send the message to the chat. -
Support installing to other folders than
. If it's installed in other folders, you will have to install the launch agent manually by clicking the button. The launch agent will be installed into~/Library/LaunchAgents
. -
Display diffs in the suggestion.
Some refactoring and bug fixes.
- Remove the last line of a suggestion if it's closing parenthesis and is identical to the next line.
- Fix that a detached chat panel will be moved to the active space when switching space.
- Fix that a detached chat panel may be moved to the back unintentionally.
- Add a toggle to detect idle tabs per tab bar.
- Fix that the app may crash when it's installed in a folder that is not Applications. But installing in other folders is still not supported. If you want a workaround, please try #562
Support Codeium indexing #544
Support a proof-of-concept version of GitHub Copilot chat #550. Please note that this feature is still in an early stage of development and may change in the future. To use it, you have to turn on "Pretend IDE to be VSCode" in the GitHub Copilot settings and change the chat model to "GitHub Copilot (poc)".
This implementation uses the language server to access the GitHub Copilot chat, so it should be much more legal than copilot-gpt4-service. The only(?) not-so-legal thing is that we need to use VSCode as the IDE name. Custom system prompt and temperature will not work for GitHub Copilot chat. Scopes will work. The built-in RAG of GitHub Copilot chat may not work properly.
Bump Copilot.vim to 1.37.0 and fixes #530
Add a "Utility chat model" picker in the chat settings. This model will be used when it need to use LLM as a tool.
Prevent repeated parsing of markdown content in chat panel on scroll.
Move appcast.xml to
0.33.5 beta
Beta 2
- Fix that the app will crash when GitHub Copilot was asked to generate non-stream response. But since we can't change the system prompt, we can't use it to do anything other than chat. I have added a "Utility chat model" picker in the chat settings. If you need to use scopes that require LLMs to perform certain tasks (for example the project scope), you'd better set it up. Fixes #552
Beta 1
Support Codeium indexing #544
Support a proof-of-concept version of GitHub Copilot chat #550. Please note that this feature is still in an early stage of development and may change in the future. To use it, you have to turn on "Pretend IDE to be VSCode" in the GitHub Copilot settings and change the chat model to "GitHub Copilot (poc)".
This implementation uses the language server to access the GitHub Copilot chat, so it should be much more legal than copilot-gpt4-service. The only(?) not-so-legal thing is that we need to use VSCode as the IDE name. Custom system prompt and temperature will not work for GitHub Copilot chat. Scopes will work. The built-in RAG of GitHub Copilot chat may not work properly.
Bump Copilot.vim to 1.37.0 and fixes #530
Prevent repeated parsing of markdown content in chat panel on scroll.
Move appcast.xml to
- Fix that the suggestion panel doesn't update when switching to the next suggestion.
Updates in 0.33.3
- Fix that the widget will not display in fullscreen mode in macOS 15.
- Fix completion panel detection in Xcode 16.
- Fix #468
- Add beta Codeium chat tab thanks to the Codeium team. It utilizes the web view from the language server. If you have trouble using this chat tab, please consider reaching out for support in their discord channel.
- Support installing Codeium language server from the enterprise portal.
- Support setting modifier keys to "tab to accept suggestion" so hopefully you can use it and the built-in predictive code completion at the same time. I am unluckily region-locked from the feature so please let me know if they still interfere with each other.
- Fix that you could only scroll up in the first chat tab.
- If the chat panel is not in the active space, you can now bring it to the center of the screen by clicking open chat from the menu and with the toggle widgets hotkey.
- Fix that the extension service could not be restarted automatically.
- Fix that the widget will not display in fullscreen mode in macOS 15.
- Fix completion panel detection in Xcode 16.
- Fix #468
- Add beta Codeium chat tab thanks to the Codeium team. It utilizes the web view from the language server. If you have trouble using this chat tab, please consider reaching out for support in their discord channel.
- Support installing Codeium language server from the enterprise portal.
- Support setting modifier keys to "tab to accept suggestion" so hopefully you can use it and the built-in predictive code completion at the same time. I am unluckily region-locked from the feature so please let me know if they still interfere with each other.
- Fix that you could only scroll up in the first chat tab.
- If the chat panel is not in the active space, you can now bring it to the center of the screen by clicking open chat from the menu and with the toggle widgets hotkey.
- Fix that the extension service could not be restarted automatically.