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feat: tests building individual package tree from each dep
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averissimo committed Aug 2, 2023
1 parent 03bc473 commit b089a9f
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Showing 4 changed files with 295 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ export(get_ref_min_incl_cran)
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211 changes: 211 additions & 0 deletions R/pkg_individual_isolated.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
#' Test the install of all possible versions of the dependencies in isolation.
#' It looks at all dependencies individually and tries to install all possible
#' versions that exist on CRAN. This is a support function to help assess the
#' best minimal version of a package that builds in the environment.
#' @details
#' Please note that because a given version of a package can be installed, it
#' does not mean that the API is compatible nor that it will be this version
#' that is selected.
#' Please refer to the documentation on the existing strategies
#' for more information (e.g. [new_max_deps_installation_proposal])
#' There is no output for this function other than the messages in the console.
#' @param path (`character`) File path to a valid package directory that
#' contains a DESCRIPTION file.
#' @examplesIf Sys.getenv("R_USER_CACHE_DIR", "") != ""
#' desc_path <- verdepcheck:::local_description(
#' list(`dplyr (>= 1.1.2)` = "Import", `checkmate (>= 2.1.0)` = "Import")
#' )
#' verdepcheck:::install_deps_individually_tmp(desc_path)
install_deps_individually_tmp <- function(path) {
path <- normalizePath(path)

d <- desc::desc(path)

refs <- get_refs_from_desc(d)
# convert github to standard if possible
new_refs <- lapply(
function(x) {
version <- version_from_desc(x$package, d)
if (
inherits(x, "remote_ref_github") &&
check_if_on_cran(x, version) &&
x$commitish == ""
) {
} else if (inherits(x, "remote_ref_standard")) {
} else {
# Discard all non-CRAN packages

function(.x) {
version <- version_from_desc(.x$package, d)
package = .x$package,
op = version$op,
op_ver = version$op_ver,
max_count = 1,
throw_error = TRUE

#' Test install all the versions of the package locally
#' Support function to assess if every version specified by `op` and `op_ver`
#' of the package can be installed. This is not always the case as there might
#' be some API changes that break specific versions.
#' The `Rcpp` package before 0.12.16 cannot be compiled by R versions above 4.0
#' There is no output for this function other than the messages in the console.
#' @param package (`character`) name of R package.
#' @param op (`character`) relational operator.
#' @param op_ver (`character`) version of package.
#' @param max_count (`integer`) maximum number of versions to test, `NA` for no
#' limit.
#' @param until_success (`logical`) flag that indicates whether a
#' successful installation of a package should stop the search.
#' @param throw_error (`logical`) flag that indicates it should stop and throw
#' an error when it cannot install a version of a package (instead of continuing)
#' @export
#' @examplesIf Sys.getenv("R_USER_CACHE_DIR", "") != ""
#' install_pkg_versions_tmp("checkmate", ">=", "2.1.0")
#' install_pkg_versions_tmp("Rcpp", ">=", "0.12.15", 3, FALSE)
#' install_pkg_versions_tmp("Rcpp", ">=", "0.12.15", NA, TRUE)
#' # Make sure the latest version on CRAN is working
#' dplyr_latest <- pkgcache::meta_cache_list("dplyr")$version[1]
#' install_pkg_versions_tmp("dplyr", ">=", dplyr_latest)
install_pkg_versions_tmp <- function(package,
op = "",
op_ver = "",
max_count = NA,
until_success = TRUE,
throw_error = FALSE) {
# Get metadata on latest release from CRAN
column_mapping <- c(
package = "package", version = "version", raw = "target",
mtime = "published", url = "sources", mirror = "sources"
pkg_latest <- pkgcache::meta_cache_list(package)[, column_mapping]
colnames(pkg_latest) <- names(column_mapping)

# Conversion between metadata of `meta_cache_list` and `cran_archive_list`
pkg_latest$url <- vapply(pkg_latest$url, function(.x) .x[[1]][1], character(1))
pkg_latest$mirror <- pkg_latest$url
pkg_latest$raw <- file.path(package, basename(pkg_latest$raw))

# Get all versions from CRAN, but only keep those that match op / op_version
pkg_versions <- rbind(
pkgcache::cran_archive_list(packages = package), # Get versions from archive
ix_versions <- check_valid_version(pkg_versions$version, op, op_ver)

# Convert from logical array to position index capping the size on `max_count`
max_count <- min(max_count, sum(ix_versions), na.rm = TRUE)
ix_versions <- which(ix_versions)[seq(1, max_count)]

# Colored blue
package_blue_cli <- cli::col_blue(package)

if (length(ix_versions) == 0) {
cli::cli_alert_info("No valid versions of {{{package_blue_cli}}} found in CRAN/PPM.")

"Testing the installation of {max_count} different",
" versions of {{{package_blue_cli}}} (out of {NROW(pkg_versions)})"

install_result <- rep(list(NULL), NROW(ix_versions))
# Iterate on all valid versions and try to install it with ppm snapshot as
# CRAN mirror
for (el in seq_along(ix_versions)) {
row <- pkg_versions[ix_versions[el], ]
ppm_repo <- parse_ppm_url(get_ppm_snapshot_by_date(as.Date(row$mtime) + 1))

# Color resets to white as there might be some issues with error
# messages spreading it's color
"{cli::col_white(\"Attempting to install\")} {{{package_blue_cli}}} {row$version}",
" from {cli::col_yellow(as.Date(row$mtime))}"

# Remove directory after function exits
tmp_lib <- withr::local_tempdir(pattern = "library-")
new_config <- list(
dependencies = "hard",
cran_mirror = ppm_repo,
library = tmp_lib
ip <- pkgdepends::new_pkg_installation_proposal(
sprintf("%s@%s", row$package, row$version),
config = new_config

# Try to install
install_result[[el]] <- tryCatch(
package = row$package,
version = row$version,
fun = cli::cli_alert_success,
status = 0L)
error = function(err) {
if (throw_error) stop(err)
package = row$package,
version = row$version,
fun = cli::cli_alert_danger,
status = -1L

# Break loop on first sucessful install
if (until_success && install_result[[el]]$status == 0L) break

cli::cli_h1("Results on installing {package} versions")

# Keep only the finished iterations
install_result <- install_result[
vapply(install_result, Negate(is.null), logical(1))
for (el in install_result) {
el$fun("{package_blue_cli} {el$version}")

if (until_success && NROW(ix_versions) != NROW(install_result)) {
"\nNot all versions were tested as there was a succesful download/build/install"

35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions man/install_deps_individually_tmp.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions man/install_pkg_versions_tmp.Rd

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