4 fail, 110 skipped, 219 pass in 11m 14s
Check warning on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_a_gee
github-actions / Unit Tests Summary
1 out of 2 runs failed: e2e_tm_a_gee_Selection_of_id_var_changes_the_table_and_does_not_throw_validation_errors. (shinytest2_tm_a_gee)
teal.modules.clinical.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xmlβ[took 8s]
Raw output
identical(table_before, app_driver$get_active_module_tws_output("table")) is not FALSE ('test-shinytest2-tm_a_gee.R:111:3')
identical(table_before, app_driver$get_active_module_tws_output("table")) is not FALSE
`actual`: TRUE
`expected`: FALSE
Check warning on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_a_gee
github-actions / Unit Tests Summary
1 out of 2 runs failed: e2e_tm_a_gee_Selection_of_visit_var_changes_the_table_and_does_not_throw_validation_errors. (shinytest2_tm_a_gee)
teal.modules.clinical.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xmlβ[took 7s]
Raw output
identical(table_before, app_driver$get_active_module_tws_output("table")) is not FALSE ('test-shinytest2-tm_a_gee.R:159:3')
identical(table_before, app_driver$get_active_module_tws_output("table")) is not FALSE
`actual`: TRUE
`expected`: FALSE
Check warning on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_a_gee
github-actions / Unit Tests Summary
All 3 runs failed: e2e_tm_a_gee_Deselection_of_cov_var_throws_validation_error. (shinytest2_tm_a_gee)
teal.modules.clinical.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xmlβ[took 0s]
Raw output
app_driver$get_active_module_tws_output("table") (`actual`) not identical to data.frame() (`expected`). ('test-shinytest2-tm_a_gee.R:214:3')
app_driver$get_active_module_tws_output("table") (`actual`) not identical to data.frame() (`expected`).
`actual` is length 4
`expected` is length 0
`class(actual)`: "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"
`class(expected)`: "data.frame"
`names(actual)`: "" "A: Drug X" "B: Placebo" "C: Combination"
`attr(actual, 'row.names')`: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
`attr(expected, 'row.names')`:
`actual[[1]]` is a character vector ('', 'n', 'Adjusted Mean Proportion (SE)', '95% CI', 'Odds Ratio', ...)
`expected[[1]]` is absent
`actual[[2]]` is a character vector ('(N=69)', '345', '0.12 (0.02)', '(0.09, 0.16)', '', ...)
`expected[[2]]` is absent
`actual[[3]]` is a character vector ('(N=73)', '365', '0.13 (0.02)', '(0.10, 0.16)', '1.04', ...)
`expected[[3]]` is absent
`actual[[4]]` is a character vector ('(N=58)', '290', '0.10 (0.02)', '(0.07, 0.14)', '0.79', ...)
`expected[[4]]` is absent
Check warning on line 0 in shinytest2_tm_a_gee
github-actions / Unit Tests Summary
All 3 runs failed: e2e_tm_a_gee_Deselection_of_cor_struct_throws_validation_error. (shinytest2_tm_a_gee)
teal.modules.clinical.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xmlβ[took 0s]
Raw output
app_driver$get_active_module_tws_output("table") (`actual`) not identical to data.frame() (`expected`). ('test-shinytest2-tm_a_gee.R:275:3')
app_driver$get_active_module_tws_output("table") (`actual`) not identical to data.frame() (`expected`).
`actual` is length 4
`expected` is length 0
`class(actual)`: "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"
`class(expected)`: "data.frame"
`names(actual)`: "" "A: Drug X" "B: Placebo" "C: Combination"
`attr(actual, 'row.names')`: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
`attr(expected, 'row.names')`:
`actual[[1]]` is a character vector ('', 'n', 'Adjusted Mean Proportion (SE)', '95% CI', 'Odds Ratio', ...)
`expected[[1]]` is absent
`actual[[2]]` is a character vector ('(N=69)', '345', '0.12 (0.02)', '(0.09, 0.16)', '', ...)
`expected[[2]]` is absent
`actual[[3]]` is a character vector ('(N=73)', '365', '0.13 (0.02)', '(0.10, 0.16)', '1.04', ...)
`expected[[3]]` is absent
`actual[[4]]` is a character vector ('(N=58)', '290', '0.10 (0.02)', '(0.07, 0.14)', '0.79', ...)
`expected[[4]]` is absent