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locksmith is a utility to generate renv.lock file containing all dependencies of given set of R packages.

Given the input list of git repositories containing the R packages, as well as a list of R package repositories (e.g. in a package manager, CRAN, BioConductor etc.), locksmith will try to determine the list of all dependencies and their versions required to make the input list of packages work. It will then save the result in an renv.lock-compatible file.

For additional information about renv.lock, please refer to the renv documentation.


Simply download the project for your distribution from the releases page. locksmith is distributed as a single binary file and does not need any additional system requirements.

Alternatively, you can install the latest version by running:

go install


locksmith is a command line utility, so after installing the binary in your PATH, simply run the following command to view its capabilities:

locksmith --help

Real-life example with multiple input packages and repositories. Please see below for an example how to set package and repository lists more easily in a configuration file.

locksmith --inputPackageList,,,,,,,, --inputRepositoryList BioC=,CRAN=

In order to download the input DESCRIPTION files from GitHub or GitLab repositories, please set the environment variables containing the Personal Access Tokens.

  • For GitHub, set the LOCKSMITH_GITHUBTOKEN environment variable.
  • For GitLab, set the LOCKSMITH_GITLABTOKEN environment variable.

By default locksmith will save the resulting output file to renv.lock.

Configuration file

If you'd like to set the above options in a configuration file, by default locksmith checks ~/.locksmith, ~/.locksmith.yaml and ~/.locksmith.yml files.

If any of these files exist, locksmith will use options defined there, unless they are overridden by command line flags or environment variables.

You can also specify custom path to configuration file with --config <your-configuration-file>.yml command line flag. When using custom configuration file, if you specify command line flags, the latter will still take precedence.

Example contents of configuration file:

logLevel: debug
  # Forward slashes in 'directory/subdirectory/DESCRIPTION' path are replaced by '%2F' due to URL encoding
  - Bioconductor.BioCsoft=
  - CRAN=

The example above shows an alternative way of providing input packages, and input repositories, as opposed to inputPackageList and inputRepositoryList CLI flags/YAML keys.

Additionally, inputPackageList/inputRepositoryList CLI flags take precendence over inputPackages/inputRepositories YAML keys.

Please note that package repository URLs should be provided without the trailing /.

Environment variables

locksmith reads environment variables with LOCKSMITH_ prefix and tries to match them with CLI flags. For example, setting the following variables will override the respective values from the configuration file: LOCKSMITH_LOGLEVEL, LOCKSMITH_INPUTPACKAGELIST, LOCKSMITH_INPUTREPOSITORYLIST etc.

The order of precedence is:

CLI flag → environment variable → configuration file → default value.

To check the available names of environment variables, please run locksmith --help.

Binary dependencies

If locksmith should generate an renv.lock with binary R packages, it is necessary to provide URLs to binary repositories via inputRepositories/inputRepositoryList.

Examples illustrating the expected format of URLs to repositories with binary packages:

  • Linux:
  • Windows:
  • macOS:

where <r-version> is e.g. 4.2, 4.3 etc.

In all cases the URL points to a directory where the PACKAGES file is located, without the trailing /.

As a result, the configuration file could look like this:

  • for macOS:

      - CRAN-macOS=
      - Bioc-macOS=
  • for Windows:

      - CRAN-Windows=
      - Bioc-Windows=

Packages not found in the repositories

It may happen that some of the dependencies required by the input packages cannot be found in any of the input repositories. By default, locksmith will fail in such case and show a list of such dependencies.

However, it is possible to override this behavior by using the --allowIncompleteRenvLock flag. Simply list the types of dependencies which should not cause the renv.lock generation to fail:

locksmith --allowIncompleteRenvLock 'Imports,Depends,Suggests,LinkingTo'

Updating existing renv.lock

locksmith has the capability to update an existing lockfile with the newest available package versions.

To ensure that the input.renv.lock has all the packages in the newest versions from the respective repositories (git, CRAN-like or BioConductor-like), and to save such updated file to output.renv.lock, you can run:

locksmith --inputRenvLock input.renv.lock --outputRenvLock output.renv.lock

For git packages, a reference to the latest commit on the default branch will be saved.

For packages which, according to the input lockfile, should be downloaded from CRAN-like or BioConductor-like repositories, a reference to the latest available package version in the respective repository will be saved.

The packages can be updated selectively by using the --updatePackages flag.

Please note that renv might have saved the information in the input lockfile that a package P should be downloaded from CRAN, RSPM or BioConductor repository, but at the same time the definition of that repository in the renv.lock header (in the Repositories section) might be missing. In this case, locksmith will replicate seemingly undocumented renv behavior: the version of package P in the lockfile will be updated to the latest version found in any of the repositories defined in the lockfile.

Please also note that locksmith will not verify whether the dependencies of some packages have changed - this means that the set of package names present in the lockfile will stay the same.


This project is built with the Go programming language.

Development Environment

It is recommended to use Go 1.21+ for developing this project. This project uses a pre-commit configuration and it is recommended to install and use pre-commit when you are developing this project.

Common Commands

Run make help to list all related targets that will aid local development.


locksmith is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE for details.