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Liming Li committed May 17, 2023
1 parent 4956406 commit 523fe1f
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Showing 6 changed files with 52 additions and 115 deletions.
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions R/coxt02.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,9 +50,7 @@ coxt02_main <- function(adam_db,
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adtte, event_var, types = list("numeric"), integerish = TRUE, lower = 0L, upper = 1L)
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adtte, time_var, types = list("numeric"), lower = 0)
args <- list(...)
control_args <- c("pval_method", "ties", "conf_level", "interaction")
control <-, args[intersect(names(args), control_args)])
control <- execute_with_args(control_coxreg, ...)
variables <- list(
time = time_var,
event = event_var,
Expand Down
87 changes: 18 additions & 69 deletions R/kmg01.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,19 +7,10 @@
#' @inheritParams gen_args
#' @param dataset (`string`) the name of a table in the `adam_db` object.
#' @param x_name (`string`) the name of the x-axis.
#' @param y_name (`string`) the name of the x-axis.
#' @param show_statis (`flag`) should the summary statistic table be displayed.
#' @param show_censor (`flag`) should the censor flag be displayed.
#' @param pval_method (`string`) p-value method for testing hazard ratio = 1. One of `"log-rank"`, `"wald"` or
#' `"likelihood"`.
#' @param ties (`string`) specifying the method for tie handling. One of `"efron"`, `"breslow"` or `"exact"`.
#' @param conf_level (`numeric`) the confidence level.
#' @param position_coxph (`numeric`) x and y positions for plotting survival::coxph() model.
#' @param position_surv_med (`numeric`) x and y positions for plotting annotation table estimating
#' median survival time per group.
#' @param line_col (`character`) describing the colors to use for the lines or a named `character`
#' associating values of `arm_var` with color names.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to `g_km` and `control_coxph`. For details, see
#' the documentation in `tern`.
#' Commonly used arguments include `col`, `pval_method`, `ties`, `conf_level`, `conf_type`,
#' `annot_coxph`, `annot_stats`, etc.
#' @note
#' * `adam_db` object must contain the table specified by `dataset` with the columns specified by `arm_var`.
Expand All @@ -29,73 +20,31 @@
kmg01_main <- function(adam_db,
dataset = "adtte",
arm_var = "ARM",
x_name = "Time (Days)",
y_name = "Survival Probability",
show_statis = TRUE,
show_censor = TRUE,
pval_method = "wald",
ties = "exact",
conf_level = 0.95,
position_coxph = c(0, 0.05),
position_surv_med = c(0.9, 0.9),
line_col = nestcolor::color_palette(),
...) {
assert_all_tablenames(adam_db, c("adsl", dataset))
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], "CNSR", types = list("numeric"))
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], "is_event", types = list("logical"))
df_lbl <- paste0("adam_db$", dataset)
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], "AVAL", types = list("numeric"), lower = 0, label = df_lbl)
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], "is_event", types = list("logical"), label = df_lbl)
c("PARAMCD", arm_var),
types = list(c("character", "factor")),
na_ok = FALSE
na_ok = FALSE,
label = df_lbl
checkmate::assert_choice(pval_method, c("log-rank", "wald", "likelihood"))
checkmate::assert_choice(ties, c("efron", "breslow", "exact"))
checkmate::assert_numeric(conf_level, lower = 0, upper = 1)
checkmate::assert_numeric(position_coxph, len = 2)
checkmate::assert_numeric(position_surv_med, len = 2)
assert_valid_var_pair(adam_db$adsl, adam_db[[dataset]], arm_var, lab2 = paste0("adam_db$", dataset))
assert_single_value(adam_db[[dataset]]$PARAMCD, label = past0(df_lbl, "$PARAMCD"))
assert_valid_variable(adam_db[[dataset]], "USUBJID", empty_ok = TRUE, types = list(c("character", "factor")))
assert_valid_variable(adam_db$adsl, c("USUBJID", arm_var), types = list(c("character", "factor")))

anl <- adam_db[[dataset]]

checkmate::assert_character(line_col, null.ok = TRUE)

assert_colnames(anl, "AVAL")
variables <- list(tte = "AVAL", is_event = "is_event", arm = arm_var)

if (!is.null(names(line_col))) {
color_lvl <- sort(unique(anl[[arm_var]]))
col <- line_col[as.character(color_lvl)]

if (anyNA(col)) {
missing_col <- setdiff(color_lvl, names(col))
stop(paste("Missing color matching for", toString(missing_col)))

col <- unname(col)
} else {
col <- line_col

df = anl,
control_cox <- execute_with_args(control_coxph, ...)
control_surv <- execute_with_args(control_surv_timepoint, ...)
df = adam_db[[dataset]],
variables = variables,
col = col,
censor_show = show_censor,
xlab = x_name,
ylab = y_name,
annot_surv_med = !show_statis,
annot_coxph = show_statis,
control_coxph_pw = control_coxph(pval_method = pval_method, ties = ties, conf_level = conf_level),
position_coxph = position_coxph,
position_surv_med = position_surv_med
control_surv = control_surv,
control_coxph_pw = control_cox,

Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions R/utils.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -169,3 +169,12 @@ modify_default_args <- function(fun, ...) {
formals(ret) <- utils::modifyList(formals(fun), list(...), keep.null = TRUE)

#' Execute function with given arguments
#' @details If the function has `...`, this function will not pass other arguments to `...`.
#' Only named arguments are passed.
#' @keywords internal
execute_with_args <- function(fun, ...) {
args <- list(...), args[intersect(names(args), formalArgs(fun))])
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions man/execute_with_args.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

45 changes: 5 additions & 40 deletions man/kmg01.Rd

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions tests/testthat/test-kmg01.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ test_that("kmg01 works as expected with custom color set", {

filter_data <- dunlin::log_filter(syn_data, PARAMCD == "OS", "adtte")
res <- expect_silent(run(kmg01, filter_data, dataset = "adtte", line_col = col))
res <- expect_silent(run(kmg01, filter_data, dataset = "adtte", col = col))
res <- expect_silent(run(kmg01, filter_data, dataset = "adtte", line_col = unname(col)))
res <- expect_silent(run(kmg01, filter_data, dataset = "adtte", col = unname(col)))

Expand All @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ test_that("kmg01 works if change pvalue, ties and conf level", {
test_that("kmg01 works if change annotation position", {
filter_data <- dunlin::log_filter(syn_data, PARAMCD == "OS", "adtte")
res <- expect_silent(run(kmg01, filter_data,
dataset = "adtte", show_statis = FALSE,
dataset = "adtte", annot_surv_med = FALSE,
position_coxph = c(0.4, 0.5), position_surv_med = c(1, 0.7)
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