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Package no longer supported. Use at your own risk. This package is superseded by @inrupt/solid-ui-react.

Solid React Application Generator

Based on Facebook's Create React App.

Application Generator for Solid React applications. Part of the Solid React SDK by inrupt.

External Dependencies


npm and Yeoman

To install the Generator, you will need npm, and Yeoman if you don't already have them.

  • npm makes it easy for JavaScript developers to share and reuse code, and makes it easy to update the code that you’re sharing. We recommend the use of a node version manager (nvm) to manage multiple versions of npm, and will also set up your npm permissions properly. To install using a nvm, follow the instructions here.
  • Yeoman provides a generator ecosystem to scaffold complete projects. You can install Yeoman by running the command: npm install -g yo

Note on npm permissions

If you receive EACCES permission errors, or other permission-related errors when trying to run npm install -g, please refer to this npm document on how to set your permissions correctly.


To install the generator:

npm install -g @inrupt/generator-solid-react


Once the generator is installed, you can create a new application with just a few steps.

  1. In a console window, navigate to the desired parent folder of the new application.
  2. Use the command: yo @inrupt/solid-react
  3. You will be prompted:
    1. An application name. This will also be the name of the new folder in which the new application lives.
    2. Whether or not to install a sample application, or a simple one-page application skeleton
    3. A version number.
    4. Whether the application is private or public.
  4. Navigate into the new folder.
  5. If you would like to start the application, simply run npm run start in the new folder, otherwise you can begin editing and writing your application!
    1. If you would like to run the application in HTTPS mode, you can run the command HTTPS=true npm start, which will launch your app on localhost, using the HTTPS protocol.

Note: We have noticed an error is sometimes thrown when the generator tries to install one of the dependencies of application. If this occurs, try installing Git and then recreating your application.

What is a Generator?

A Yeoman generator is a scaffolding tool at its core. You can use Yeoman to install applications based on templates. This repo is an example of a template - an application with a build, code structure, and dependencies added and organized for you!

Using a generator accelerates application development. You don't have to worry about best practices for foundational elements, because we've incorporated them. Our template generates a fully functional application foundation that becomes the base of your new project.

We have included integrations with essential libraries, as well as pages, routes, and components that are both useful in most Solid applications (like login pages) but also serve as example code to demonstrate how to interface with Solid and Linked Data.

The generated application also incorporates our Solid Style Guide by inrupt (source available here), featuring a nice integration with Styled Components.

The Solid React Application

Note: To access all of the functionality within the full Solid React Generator application, you must grant the Generator Read, Write, Append, and Control permissions. This is required to allow the Generator to create the required Game files within your Pod, set access permissions correctly, and to send Notifications. Learn More...

Once you've run the generator and created your starter application, you'll have a site with some basic functionality and style guide integration. As the SDK is continually evolving, take a look at the Release Timeline for what has been implemented and what is currently planned.

If you would like to add your own look and feel, there are two options. First, you can override the styles from the style guide on demand. A list of the classes and example code can be found on the github page. Second, you could remove the style guide entirely, by removing the dependency from npm / package.json. Note if you do this, the application will lose almost all of its styling, and will need work to look "right" again.

Next, you can start building your application! Feel free to remove any pages or code you no longer need. You can use pages (such as the Welcome Page) provided by the generator as a template for how to build your next pages.

There are also examples of how to use libraries like LDFlex for reading and writing data to a POD, and examples of using existing components.

Error Handling

We provide different types of error handling in the generated application, which ultimately fall into the following two groups:

  1. Service Errors: These errors usually come from an external resource, like a server, library, or other dependency. In our case, this also includes errors from the Solid Server. We use try/catch blocks to display a message to the user.

  2. UI Errors: Data errors when a component waits for formatted data typically lead to these. If the data format is wrong, or there are missing properties that are required, this kind of error could trigger. We're using React Error Boundaries to show custom messages to the user, rather than the default, which is to show the component tree.

Service Errors

We provide a custom wrapper component around the React Toast Notifications library to handle Service Errors.


First, you will need to import ToastConsumer to have Toaster methods available:

import { ToastConsumer } from 'react-toast-notifications';

Second, call the add method to show a toaster notification


   {({ add }) => (
      <button onClick={(e) => add(['Title', 'Message'], { appearance: 'error | success | warning' })}>


You can also use Higher-Order Components to have props available in your component:


The idea is to catch all of the errors from external services and show the user as much detail as we can about the source of the error.

UI Errors

We are using React Error Boundaries, and we have a top level component called ErrorBoundaries located in the components folder to catch all possible errors in our components.

Also included in the same folder is a custom markup component for these global errors, appropriately called GlobalErrors. It contains the actual HTML markup and default text for this component.

In the event you want more specific errors in a given component, you can call ErrorBoundaries and create your own custom markup:

  component={(error, info) => <GlobalError error={error} info={info} />} >
  <App />


Internationalization (commonly known as i18n) is a core part of many web applications. We have integrated the sample application with the common i18n tool, called react-i18next, which is a React plugin for the popular i18next plugin.

Resource Files

Our language and translation files are added as JSON files stored in the application. You can find the files in the installed application, under the public/locales folder.

Here you will find a folder per supported language, with a translation.json file inside. The JSON structure inside of the file is broken down by feature area, such as Welcome for the Welcome page.

Setting a Language

The react-i18next plugin is automatically checking for a language code in the localStorage item i18nextLng. When the user takes an action that should change the language, simple store the language code (e.g. en-us) in this localStorage setting.

An example of both setting and getting a language can be seen in our component LanguageDropdown under /src/components/Utils.

Adding a new language

To add a new language:

  1. First add a new folder and translation file to the /public/locales folder, with translations in place.

  2. Next, inside language-dropdown.component.js, add the new language to const languages. This object contains the languages, with an id and an icon. In this case, the icon maps to a flag, which is mapped using flag-icon-css. This will add the language and flag to the dropdown.

Once those two steps are complete then the new language should be compatible with the generated application.

Access Control

When building new apps, it's crucial to be able to create and manage access to files and containers. Currently your application requests permissions when the user first authenticates, granting permissions to your application.

However, many applications will also need to create files or containers and grant access to other people. To that end, the SDK includes examples of creating files and granting access to other users.

For more information, please see the (solid-react-components)[].


A key part of modern web applications is notifications. Alongside the solid-react-components library, the generated application now has built-in real time notifications. It reads from both the global inbox (if there is one) and the application-specific inbox that the app generates using the components library.

Notifications are generated via the TicTacToe game example. Invites are sent to webIDs provided in the game creation form, and whenever a move is taken in the game a notification is sent to the opponent.

Forms and Form Models

Building forms is a fundamental part of many web applications, and on our Profile page we've given an example of how to build dynamic forms in Solid. This uses a concept called a Form Model to render a profile form, and provides code examples of how to use Form Models on your own application.

For more information, please see the solid-react-components.


Once your application is ready, you can deploy it to a server of your choice.

It is highly recommended that you ensure your server is utilizing TLS. If not, you may encounter security-related errors in the browser, particularly in Google Chrome.