When writing cypress tests, follow this flow:
- User interaction (click, type in a field, etc)
- Assertions (elements exist, url has changed, text matches some pattern)
This flow will repeat over and over in your tests. One or more assertions should follow each interaction.
- Waits that use an arbitrary amount of time
- Testing display states of components that are part of UI libraries like material
- Using brittle selectors such as
- Test the UI, not the backend by stubbing responses with fixtures
- Alias selectors for reuse
- Alias network calls for waits, e.g.
Reference: Network requests guide
Stub a response for a call:
cy.intercept('POST', '/v1/user/login', {
statusCode: 200,
body: {
success: true,
token: testToken
Use a fixture for a call:
cy.intercept('GET', '/config', { fixture: 'config.json' });
Alias a call:
cy.intercept('GET', '/config').as('configCall');
Reference: Selector best practices
Select an element:
Select an element within another element:
Select elements in a shadow DOM:
Select the first in a set of elements:
Select a specific index in a set of elements:
Select an element within a specific DOM structure:
cy.get('#main-list mat-tree-node:last-child button.context-menu-btn')
Select an element containing specific text:
Click an element:
Click a hidden element:
cy.get('[data-cy=submit]').click({ force: true })
Click multiple elements:
cy.get('.close-button').click({ multiple: true })
Clear, type and blur a field
Type in a field with options, then press enter
cy.get('app-search-ahead-chips').find('input').type('foo{enter}', { timeout: 2000, delay: 40 });
Reference: Cypress supported assertions
Assert an element exists:
Assert an element does not exist:
Assert a certain number of elements exist:
cy.get('app-store-item').its('length').should('be.gte', 3); // greater than or equal
cy.get('app-store-item').its('length').should('be.gt', 0); // greater than
cy.get('app-store-item').its('length').should('equal', 3);
Assert an element has a class:
cy.get('app-store-item').should('have.class', 'error');
Assert an element has a specific CSS style:
cy.get('mat-drawer app-menu-item').should('have.css', 'visibility', 'visible');
Assert a url matches a regex:
cy.url().should('match', /orders\/[\d]{4}$/);
Assert an element's text matches a regex:
cy.get('p.page-number').should((elem) => {
expect(elem.text()).to.match(/1 of 2/);
Assert an input has a specific value:
cy.get('@eInput').should('have.value', startVal);
Stub a login call with a valid JWT token. This token won't authenticate against your server, but it will be real enough for a UI:
import * as jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';
export function mockLogin() {
const issued = Date.now() / 1000;
const expires = issued + (60 * 60); // hour later
const tokenPayload = {
id: '60000',
unique_name: 'Test Account',
email: '[email protected]',
nbf: issued,
exp: expires,
iat: issued,
iss: 'example.com',
aud: 'https://api.example.com'
const token = jwt.sign(tokenPayload, 'secret');
cy.intercept('POST', 'v1/users/login', {
statusCode: 200,
body: {
success: true,
Cypress.Commands.add('mockLogin', mockLogin);
Upload a file:
import 'cypress-file-upload';
export function uploadImage(card) {
// attach actual image file from fixtures folder
cy.get('#_capacitor-camera-input').attachFile({ filePath: 'test-image.jpg'});
Cypress.Commands.add('uploadImage', uploadImage);
Declare namespace to avoid typescript errors:
declare global {
namespace Cypress {
interface Chainable<Subject = any> {
mockLogin(): Chainable<typeof mockLogin>;
uploadImage(param: any): Chainable<typeof uploadImage>;