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GitHub Readme Stats

GitHub Readme Stats

Dynamically generated GitHub stats for READMEs!

The original project was made by Anurag Hazra. This repo only exists so I can host my own on Vercel.

GitHub Stats Card

Copy and paste this into your markdown, and that's it. Simple!

Change the ?username= value to your GitHub username.

[![Inês' GitHub stats](](

Hiding individual stats

You can pass a query parameter &hide= to hide any specific stats with comma-separated values.

Options: &hide=stars,commits,prs,issues,contribs

![Inês' GitHub stats](,prs)

Showing icons

To enable icons, you can pass &show_icons=true in the query param, like so:

![Inês' GitHub stats](


With inbuilt themes, you can customize the look of the card without doing any manual customization.

Use &theme=THEME_NAME parameter like so :

![Inês' GitHub stats](

All inbuilt themes

GitHub Readme Stats comes with several built-in themes (e.g. dark, radical, merko, gruvbox, tokyonight, onedark, cobalt, synthwave, highcontrast, dracula).

Responsive Card Theme

Use GitHub's theme context tag

You can use GitHub's theme context tags to switch the theme based on the user GitHub theme automatically. This is done by appending #gh-dark-mode-only or #gh-light-mode-only to the end of an image URL. This tag will define whether the image specified in the markdown is only shown to viewers using a light or a dark GitHub theme:

[![Anurag's GitHub stats-Dark](](
[![Anurag's GitHub stats-Light](](
👀 Show example

Inês' GitHub stats-Dark Inês' GitHub stats-Light


You can customize the appearance of all your cards however you wish with URL parameters.

Common Options

Name Description Type Default value
title_color Card's title color. string (hex color) 2f80ed
text_color Body text color. string (hex color) 434d58
icon_color Icons color if available. string (hex color) 4c71f2
border_color Card's border color. Does not apply when hide_border is enabled. string (hex color) e4e2e2
bg_color Card's background color. string (hex color or a gradient in the form of angle,start,end) fffefe
hide_border Hides the card's border. boolean false
theme Name of the theme, choose from all available themes. enum default
cache_seconds Sets the cache header manually (min: 21600, max: 86400). integer 21600
locale Sets the language in the card, you can check full list of available locales here. enum en
border_radius Corner rounding on the card. number 4.5
Gradient in bg_color

You can provide multiple comma-separated values in the bg_color option to render a gradient with the following format:

Available locales

Here is a list of all available locales:

Code Locale
cn Chinese
zh-tw Chinese (Taiwan)
ar Arabic
cs Czech
de German
en English
bn Bengali
es Spanish
fr French
hu Hungarian
Code Locale
it Italian
ja Japanese
kr Korean
nl Dutch
pt-pt Portuguese (Portugal)
pt-br Portuguese (Brazil)
np Nepali
el Greek
ru Russian
uk-ua Ukrainian
Code Locale
id Indonesian
ml Malayalam
my Burmese
sk Slovak
tr Turkish
pl Polish
uz Uzbek
vi Vietnamese
se Swedish

Stats Card Exclusive Options

Name Description Type Default value
hide Hides the specified items from stats. string (comma-separated values) null
hide_title Hides the title of your stats card. boolean false
card_width Sets the card's width manually. number 500px (approx.)
hide_rank Hides the rank and automatically resizes the card width. boolean false
rank_icon Shows alternative rank icon (i.e. github, percentile or default). enum default
show_icons Shows icons near all stats. boolean false
include_all_commits Count total commits instead of just the current year commits. boolean false
line_height Sets the line height between text. integer 25
exclude_repo Excludes specified repositories. string (comma-separated values) null
custom_title Sets a custom title for the card. string <username> GitHub Stats
text_bold Uses bold text. boolean true
disable_animations Disables all animations in the card. boolean false
ring_color Color of the rank circle. string (hex color) 2f80ed
number_format Switches between two available formats for displaying the card values short (i.e. 6.6k) and long (i.e. 6626). enum short
show Shows additional items on stats card (i.e. reviews, discussions_started, discussions_answered, prs_merged or prs_merged_percentage). string (comma-separated values) null


When hide_rank=true, the minimum card width is 270 px + the title length and padding.

Repo Card Exclusive Options

Name Description Type Default value
show_owner Shows the repo's owner name. boolean false
description_lines_count Manually set the number of lines for the description. Specified value will be clamped between 1 and 3. If this parameter is not specified, the number of lines will be automatically adjusted according to the actual length of the description. number null