Dynamically generated GitHub stats for READMEs!
The original project was made by Anurag Hazra. This repo only exists so I can host my own on Vercel.
Copy and paste this into your markdown, and that's it. Simple!
Change the ?username=
value to your GitHub username.
You can pass a query parameter &hide=
to hide any specific stats with comma-separated values.

To enable icons, you can pass &show_icons=true
in the query param, like so:

With inbuilt themes, you can customize the look of the card without doing any manual customization.
Use &theme=THEME_NAME
parameter like so :

GitHub Readme Stats comes with several built-in themes (e.g. dark
, radical
, merko
, gruvbox
, tokyonight
, onedark
, cobalt
, synthwave
, highcontrast
, dracula
You can use GitHub's theme context tags to switch the theme based on the user GitHub theme automatically. This is done by appending #gh-dark-mode-only
or #gh-light-mode-only
to the end of an image URL. This tag will define whether the image specified in the markdown is only shown to viewers using a light or a dark GitHub theme:
You can customize the appearance of all your cards however you wish with URL parameters.
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
title_color |
Card's title color. | string (hex color) | 2f80ed |
text_color |
Body text color. | string (hex color) | 434d58 |
icon_color |
Icons color if available. | string (hex color) | 4c71f2 |
border_color |
Card's border color. Does not apply when hide_border is enabled. |
string (hex color) | e4e2e2 |
bg_color |
Card's background color. | string (hex color or a gradient in the form of angle,start,end) | fffefe |
hide_border |
Hides the card's border. | boolean | false |
theme |
Name of the theme, choose from all available themes. | enum | default |
cache_seconds |
Sets the cache header manually (min: 21600, max: 86400). | integer | 21600 |
locale |
Sets the language in the card, you can check full list of available locales here. | enum | en |
border_radius |
Corner rounding on the card. | number | 4.5 |
You can provide multiple comma-separated values in the bg_color option to render a gradient with the following format:
Here is a list of all available locales:
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
hide |
Hides the specified items from stats. | string (comma-separated values) | null |
hide_title |
Hides the title of your stats card. | boolean | false |
card_width |
Sets the card's width manually. | number | 500px (approx.) |
hide_rank |
Hides the rank and automatically resizes the card width. | boolean | false |
rank_icon |
Shows alternative rank icon (i.e. github , percentile or default ). |
enum | default |
show_icons |
Shows icons near all stats. | boolean | false |
include_all_commits |
Count total commits instead of just the current year commits. | boolean | false |
line_height |
Sets the line height between text. | integer | 25 |
exclude_repo |
Excludes specified repositories. | string (comma-separated values) | null |
custom_title |
Sets a custom title for the card. | string | <username> GitHub Stats |
text_bold |
Uses bold text. | boolean | true |
disable_animations |
Disables all animations in the card. | boolean | false |
ring_color |
Color of the rank circle. | string (hex color) | 2f80ed |
number_format |
Switches between two available formats for displaying the card values short (i.e. 6.6k ) and long (i.e. 6626 ). |
enum | short |
show |
Shows additional items on stats card (i.e. reviews , discussions_started , discussions_answered , prs_merged or prs_merged_percentage ). |
string (comma-separated values) | null |
When hide_rank=true
, the minimum card width is 270 px + the title length and padding.
Name | Description | Type | Default value |
show_owner |
Shows the repo's owner name. | boolean | false |
description_lines_count |
Manually set the number of lines for the description. Specified value will be clamped between 1 and 3. If this parameter is not specified, the number of lines will be automatically adjusted according to the actual length of the description. | number | null |