Test files for interoperability-framework toolwrapper examples. All files are licensed CC0 1.0.
Copy the contents of testfiles to a public web server directory:
The testfiles cover the following toolwrapper services:
- abbyybinarisation10
- image.tif
- abbyyocrcloud
- image.tif
- asvtoolbox
- 7lang_nodes.txt
- de-BaseRulesV.txt
- jLanI_text.txt
- Namerec.txt
- NameRec_noWriteback.cfg
- Pendel_localhost.cfg
- text_deutsch.txt
- text_englisch.txt
- training.txt
- wordlist_de.txt
- word_de.txt
- wortschatz.uni-leipzig.de_asv.htm
- borderremoval
- image.double.tif
- charactersegmentation
- image.word.tif
- cuneiform
- image.bw.tif
- [cutouts] (https://github.com/impactcentre/interoperability-framework/blob/master/toolwrapper/examples/cutouts.xml "cutouts")
- 00426982.png
- 00426982.xml
- cutouts.zip
- exiftool
- image.tif
- finereader
- image.tif
- gamera
- classifier.xml
- image.png
- geocorrpagecurl
- image.bw.tif
- gocr
- image.pgm
- gppbinarisation
- image.tif
- graphicsmagick
- image.tif
- iconvconvert
- ocr.txt
- imagemagick
- image.tif
- jp2convert
- image.jp2
- layoutevaluation
- groundtruth.xml
- image.bw.tif
- profile.evx
- words.xml
- mallet
- tutorial.mallet
- namedentitiesrecognizer
- nld.ocr.txt
- ocrad
- image.pgm
- ocrevaluation
- groundtruth.txt
- ocr.txt
- stopwords.txt
- ocropus
- image.png
- pageconverter
- filter.xml
- groundtruth.xml
- pageextractor
- groundtruth.xml
- image.bw.tif
- paramx.ini
- tesseract
- image.tif
- tlwsegmentation
- image.bw.tif
- lines.xml
- params.ini
- typewrittenocr
- image.typewriter.tif
- unpaper
- image.pgm
- unzip
- archive.zip
- wordevaluation
- groundtruth.xml
- ocr.xml
- xsltproc
- document.xml
- stylesheet.xsl