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The repository contains the Networking Server for the Khyron Realm Game made with DarkRift 2 Networking.
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/khyron-realm/khyron-realm-networking-server.git
- Go into folder
cd Unlimited-NetworkingtServer-MiningGame
- Build the DLL using Visual Studio / Jetbrains Rider / command line using dotnet
- Copy the DLL into the Darkrift Server Console
- Run the Darkrift Server
More details can be found on Wiki
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
|-- Auction
| | -- AuctionRoom.cs # Auction room structure
| | -- AuctionPlugin.cs # Auction Plugin for handling auctions
| | -- Bid.cs # Bid structure
| | -- Player.cs # Player structure
|-- Chat
| | -- ChatGroup.cs # Chat group structure
| | -- ChatPlugin.cs # Chat Plugin for handling the chat
|-- Database
| | -- DatabaseProxy.cs # DB connection for reading/writing
| | -- IDataLayer.cs # Interface for the database layer
| | -- IFriendList.cs # Interface for the friend list
| | -- IUser.cs # Interface for the user
|-- Friends
| | -- FriendsList.cs # Friend list structure
| | -- FriendsListDto.cs # Friend list DTO
| | -- FriendsPlugin.cs # Friends Plugin for handling friends
|-- Game
| | -- Constants.cs # Constants for the game
| | -- GameData.cs # Game data structure
| | -- GamePlugin.cs # Game Plugin for handling the game
| | -- NameGenerator.cs # Name generator for auction/mine names
|-- Headquarters
| | -- BuildTask.cs # Build task structure
| | -- HeadquartersPlugin.cs # Headquarters Plugin for handling hq
| | -- PlayerData.cs # Player data structure
| | -- Resource.cs # Resource structure
| | -- Robot.cs # Robot structure
| | -- TaskType.cs # Task type
|-- Login
| | -- Encryption.cs # Decryption method
| | -- LoginPlugin.cs # Login Plugin for handling the login
| | -- User.cs # User structure
|-- Mines
| | -- Mine.cs # Mine structure
| | -- MineGenerator.cs # Mine generator
| | -- MinePlugin.cs # Mine Plugin for handling the mines
| | -- MineScan.cs # Mine scan structure
| | -- ResourcesData.cs # Resources data structure
|-- MongoDBConnector
| | -- DataLayer.cs # Data layer for MongoDB database
| | -- MongoDBPlugin.cs # MongoDB Plugin for handling MongoDB
|-- Tags
| | -- AuctionTags.cs # Tags for auction rooms
| | -- ChatTags.cs # Tags for game messages
| | -- FriendsTags.cs # Tags for login messages
| | -- HeadquartersTags.cs # Tags for headquarters messages
| | -- LoginTags.cs # Tags for login messages
| | -- MineTags.cs # Tags for mines
| | -- Tags.cs # Tags structure
|-- packages.config # Configuration for needed packages
|-- Bin / Debug /
| | -- Unlimited-NetworkingServer-MiningGame.dll
|-- README.MD # Readme file
|-- ************************************************************************
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
- Darkrift example Darkrift2_Boilerplate
- Readme Template adapted from Othneil Drew / Best-README-Template.