This is the codebase for the Ilios Project Website at
For developing locally, we recommend using Docker with the provided Dockerfile.
To use Docker, you will need to have Docker Desktop installed on your system, and you will need to add the path to the codebase (this folder!) to your docker configuration by visiting Resources -> File Sharing
in your Docker Desktop Settings and adding the path there. See below for more info...
Clone the code from - NOTE: you must have a Github username and password with proper permissions to clone code from this repository:
git clone [email protected]:/ilios/
When the code is checked out, change into the newly-created
You are now in the codebase directory from where all of the rest of the following commands will be run. To see the full path of the codebase directory you are in, run pwd
to get the Present Working Directory
This is your codebase directory path. Make sure that the path displayed here is added as a "Shared folder" in your Docker Desktop settings. Open your Docker Desktop settings and go to Resources -> File Sharing
and select Create Share +
and browse to and select your codebase folder.
From within the codebase directory, run the following command to build the docker image locally:
docker build --no-cache -t iliosproject .
Continuing from within the same directory, run the docker image:
docker run --rm --name iliosproject -p 4000:4000 -v .:/srv/app -i -t iliosproject
When the Docker container starts, it will build the website locally, and will let you know when it is ready. When the container is fully started, you can visit your local site in your browser by visiting http://localhost:4000.
When you are done editing the code as-needed and would like to stop the iliosproject container, press
in the same terminal window that is running the docker image, and then the following command:docker stop iliosproject
When the container is completely stopped, you will see that the Jekyll process in your terminal window has now exited cleanly.
When you are ready to work on the codebase again, do a git pull
and repeat steps 1-3 above.
To run the site locally using Jekyll, ruby
, gem
and bundler
are assumed to be installed. If these packages already exist on your system, just do the following:
First build the packages and dependencies:
bundle install
Then serve via Jekyll.
bundle exec jekyll serve
The site should now be available for viewing in your browser at http://localhost:4000.