This is a simple DNS server that implements the HTTP API used by lego's HTTP request provider. And I mean really simple — no persistent storage, no authentication, just a particular HTTP interface glued to a very limited DNS server.
Anyone who can POST to the HTTP server can get a valid (wildcard) certificate from any ACME provider for hosts that are delegated to this DNS server. Be careful!
Usage: [ns_name] [--debug] [--dns-addr <dns_addr>] [--http-addr <http_addr>] [-h]
[ns_name] Name to return in responses to NS queries for our zones.
--debug Print all tracing events.
--dns-addr <dns_addr> Address to serve DNS on. [default: [::]:53]
--http-addr <http_addr> Address to serve the httpreq API on. [default: localhost:80]
-h, --help Prints help
While writing this I decided to challenge myself to write it in as few lines of (non-comment, non-blank, rustfmt-formatted) Rust as possible. I make some questionable decisions. Enjoy!