Extended textDocument/definition
handler that handles assembly/decompilation
loading for $metadata$
By providing an alternate handler for textDocument/definition
the plugin listens
to all responses and if it receives URI with $metadata$
it will call custom
omnisharp endpoint o#/metadata
which returns full document source. This source
is then loaded as a scratch buffer with name set to /$metadata$/..
. This allows
then allows jumping to the buffer based on name or from quickfix list, because it's
Definitions from within $metadata$
documents also work, though require 1 more
additional request per definition, since as it is right now, textDocument/definition
doesn't properly return results when called from $metadata$
Because of that, this plugin additionally on response checks if request was made from $metadata$
does another request to o#/v2/gotodefinition
which works properly. Response from this
is handled as as described above.
Since some functionality is missing in 0.5.1 heres a table with provided functions and for which versions they can be used:
Command | Neovim 0.5.1 | Neovim Nightly |
vim.lsp.buf.definition() with updated global handlers | Not working | OK |
require('omnisharp_extended').lsp_definitions() | OK | OK (but unnecessary) |
require('omnisharp_extended').telescope_lsp_definitions() | OK | OK |
See below for instructions based on version.
To use this plugin all that needs to be done is for the nvim lsp handler for
be overriden with one provided by this plugin.
If using lspconfig
this can be done like this:
First configure omnisharp as per nvim-lspconfig.
Then to that config add handlers
with custom handler from this plugin.
local pid = vim.fn.getpid()
-- On linux/darwin if using a release build, otherwise under scripts/OmniSharp(.Core)(.cmd)
local omnisharp_bin = "/path/to/omnisharp-repo/run"
-- on Windows
-- local omnisharp_bin = "/path/to/omnisharp/OmniSharp.exe"
local config = {
handlers = {
["textDocument/definition"] = require('omnisharp_extended').handler,
cmd = { omnisharp_bin, '--languageserver' , '--hostPID', tostring(pid) },
-- rest of your settings
Due to the fact that in 0.5.1 request params are not available is handler
response a function to go to definitions has to be invoked manually. One option is to use
telescope method explained in the next section or to use lsp_definitions()
function which
mimics standard definitions behavior.
nnoremap gd <cmd>lua require('omnisharp_extended').lsp_definitions()<cr>
This handler can also be used for nvim-telescope:
nnoremap gd <cmd>lua require('omnisharp_extended').telescope_lsp_definitions()<cr>
- !! Plugin searches for LSP server configured with the name
, so if your server is configured using a different name, this will not work out of the box.