Tweemacs is an Elisp extension for the Emacs text editor that enables a user to Tweet the contents of a given buffer.
Download and save the file tweemacs.el to a local directory on the computer where you run Emacs.
Locate your .emacs file in your home directory and add the following line:
(load "/path/of/local/directory/where/file/was/saved/into/tweemacs")
Note that you do not need the ".el" filename extension in the path, just the path of the local directory in which the downloaded file resides followed by the string "tweemacs".
If you do not have a .emacs in your home directory go ahead and create an empty file and add the line described above.
touch ~/.emacs; echo '(load "/path/of/local/directory/where/file/was/saved/into/tweemacs")' >> ~/.emacs
- Configure Twitter credentials:
The Tweemacs extension is going to need credentials in order to post Tweets as you on Twitter. To get these credentials, you will need to create an app and then generate credentials that Tweemacs will use to authN and authZ with Twitter when sending Tweets.
To get started, create a developer account at
Once your Twitter developer account has been created, log in to the developer site and go into Apps. Then click on the Create App button.
After you have created your app got to the Keys and Tokens section in the app detail page. Click the Generate button and you will see a Consumer API keys and Access token & access token secret sections, each with two values (keys/tokens and coressponding secrets).
On your local machine, create a .tweemacs file in your home directory (~/) and enter the information generated above in the follwing format/order:
Your values will differ, obviously, but make sure the property names are the same.
Ok, now you are good to go. Just launch or restart Emacs!
TL;DR: M-x tweet
- Open a new buffer or file.
- Type or enter the Tweet content into the buffer.
- M-x tweet will then, if the buffer length is 140^H^H^H 280 characters or less, send your Tweet.
- Look for the message "Tweeted!" to confirm your Tweet was successfully sent.
- If an error occurred the error message will be displayed in the Message minibuffer.
You can always contact me with any questions at @igb.