A super simple way to develop react native apps with clojurescript, or add clojurescript modules to existing react-native projects.
If you prefer reagent, go here.
is awesome, but I always feels a little too magical for my
taste. Also, it uses lein
, and I want to use shadow-cljs
Create the project:
react-native init <project-name>
Install shadow-cljs
you haven’t already. With yarn
, that goes as follows:
yarn add --dev shadow-cljs
Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/idokutela/rum-native.git
Make a folder to contain your own clojurescript source:
mkdir cljs
Make a shadow-cljs.edn
to suit your config. Be sure to include
and your source path in the source-paths.
A simple example (heavily annotated):
;; shadow-cljs.edn
["cljs" "rum-native"] ; Including rum-native makes sure rum works!
;; No need for exclusions, because shadow-cljs prefers local files
;; to deps
[[rum "0.11.2"]]
;; At the moment, the :npm-module target is the only one I can get to
;; work
{:app {:target :npm-module
:output-dir "lib"}}}
Now, start coding! But see the guide below…
Do as above, except don’t create a project!
One can use rum exactly as in the browser. The only difference:
instead of using dom components, one uses the components defined in
. These are simple wrappers of the React Native
0.55 components. Their names are precisely as in React Native, except
that CamelCase becomes spit-case, and IOS becomes ios. Props are just
clojure maps, with skewer-case keys replacing the React camelCase
A simple example should make this clear:
(ns my-example.hello-world
(:require [rum.core :refer [defc]]
[react-native.core :as react-native]))
(defc hello-world-component
(react-native/text {:style {:font-size 30
:font-weight :bold}}
"Hello, world!"))
One gotcha: all the React native components must be passed a props map, even if this is empty. I’ll probably change this in a future update.
If one has React Native components from external libraries,
wraps them for use with rum
(ns my-example.wrapped-component
(:require [react-native.core :refer [react->rum]]
["fancy-component" :as FancyComponent]))
(def fancy-component (react->rum FancyComponent))
also wraps the StyleSheet
helper. One uses it as
(ns my-example.styled-hello-world
(:require [rum.core :refer [defc]]
[react-native.core :as react-native]))
(defn styles
{:text {:font-size 30 :font-weight :bold}}))
(defc hello-world-component
(react-native/text {:style (.-text styles)}
"Hello, world!"))
A current gotcha: one needs to refer to the styles with javascript accessors!
Finally, if one wants to mount a rum
component, one uses
(ns my-example.core
(:require [react-native.core :refer [mount-and-register]]
[my-example.hello-world :refer [hello-world]])
(defn init
"MyApp" (hello-world)))
The name "MyApp" should of course be replaced with your app’s name.
Finally, we need react native to know to use this. Simply edit
to call init:
import {init} from "./lib/my_example.core";
There really is no magic: have a look at react_native/core.cljs
convince yourself!
I find it convenient to do the following:
in one terminal, run
yarn shadow-cljs watch app
This watches my clojurescript, and compiles it as it changes.
start a device emulator, or connect a device.
in another terminal, run
react-native run-ios / react-native run-android
and make sure to enable hot reloading. No need for figwheel!
- I don't yet know how to get a working repl.
- Source maps are messed up. Unfortunately, there’s not much that will change here: react’s bundler ignores source maps when bundling js.
- This is deliberately not on clojars: it's completely experimental, and likely to change quite a bit.
: an excellent way to quickly get going with react native and clojurescript.react-native/core
was very strongly inspired by their work.shadow-cljs
: a lovely way to build clojurescriptrum
: a clean react cljs library.
Public domain: you're free to do whatever you want with this. However, I accept no liability for the use you put it to, nor make any claim that it is fit for any purpose.