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IDnow Android SDK - Sample App

A simple sample app that shows how to use the IDnow Android SDK.

You can choose between Video-Ident and Photo-Ident.


You need:

  • This project
  • Android Studio

How to build/run Sample App

Watch the video

Home Screen - Screenshot

Sample App


The sample provides examples for how to customize the SDK.

Custom fonts

The sample is prepared for easily setting application-wide custom fonts using the Android Support Library v26 XML fonts. The sample includes the font roboto_thinitalic.ttf. To enable it for the SDK and the rest of the App,

  • add the support library dependency to the apps in app/build.gradle. Then
  • add / uncomment the following line in the AppTheme in app/src/main/res/values/styles.xml: <item name="android:fontFamily">@font/roboto_thinitalic</item>

The AppTheme theme will be applied to the whole app including the SDK and thus change the font globally. You can use any true type font.

Eclipse Sample

You can find the old Eclipse example at