This is an open set of glyphs for LDS users who may use them freely. The basic icons have been redrawn and new ones are being added slowly. Anyone with talents in glyphs is welcome to submit suggestion or replacement to current glyphs.
These glyphs are designed to be used by the web. They are all packaged and ready to be used.
You can see a preview of the glyphs here to preview what it looks like.
bower install lds-glyphs
Just add the fonts and the css file found in dist/glyphs directory.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./glyphs/lds-glyphs.css"></link>
<span class="ldsg ldsg-moroni-statue"></span>
If this glyph library becomes popular enough, then I hope to upgrade it to a CDN. But for now there is none.
A list of things to add is maintained here.
If you want to get involved and help this glyph library grow, then you can fork and create pull requests on this library.
Optionnaly, if you are not familiar with how GIT works, you can just send me a SVG file containing the glyphs you think should be added or modified.
Soon I will add an in depth tutorial, for now you can read what follows.
You will inkscape to manipulates svg font files.
Not the best tutorial, but covers all the basics : youtube video here It uses Fontello to build fonts from SVG files, so I recommend reading how to create valid SVG files here
- Modify the font with Inkscape.
- Saved it as simple SVG format.
- Name all glyph with a descriptive name, all lowercased and with dashes for spaces. The name is what defines the css name, so choose wisely.
- Use the svg template found in src/template/_template.svg
- Make a copy into the src/assets/ directory and rename it as desired (following rules mentionned above)
- Saved it as simple SVG format.
Provided that you've installed nodejs, run :
npm install
Then to test as you modify:
gulp serve
Or to just package the font:
gulp glyph
Serve and glyph will create the different font formats, the css and the sample.html file for you.
The detailed changelog can be viewed here