The starting code is forked from this repo [PARK/FPT2022]. For details, please refer to our FPGA2024 paper.
The framework is developed with Ubuntu 20.04 with kernel 5.4.0, Vitis 2022.1 and Xilinx ZCU102 evaluation board.
If you install Vitis on /tools/Xilinx, you should set Xilinx_dir in ./common/configure/configure.xml as below.
<spec name = "Xilinx_dir" value = "/tools/Xilinx/Vitis/2022.1/" />
The ZYNQMP common image file can be downloaded from the Vitis Embedded Platforms page. Locate the image to the directory of your choice(e.g. /opt/platforms/), and adjust the configuration in ./common/configure/zcu102/configure.xml as below.
<spec name = "sdk_dir" value = "/opt/platforms/xilinx-zynqmp-common-v2022.1/environment-setup-cortexa72-cortexa53-xilinx-linux" />
You can create ZCU102 Base DFX paltform from Vitis Embedded Platform Source repo(2022.1 branch). We slightly modified the floorplanning of ZCU102 Base DFX platform to reserve more area for the dynamic region. This can be done by replacing this file to our modified xdc file. You can follow the instructions to generate the ZCU102 DFX platform. For instance,
cd ./Xilinx_Official_Platforms/xilinx_zcu102_base_dfx/
make all PREBUILT_LINUX_PATH=/opt/platforms/xilinx-zynqmp-common-v2022.1/
Once you successfully generated ZCU102 DFX platform, locate the generated platform to the directory of your choice(e.g. /opt/platforms/), and adjust the configurations in ./common/configure/zcu102/configure.xml as below.
<spec name = "PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS" value= "/opt/platforms/xilinx_zcu102_base_dfx_202210_1" />
<spec name = "ROOTFS" value = "/opt/platforms/xilinx-zynqmp-common-v2022.1" />
<spec name = "PLATFORM" value = "xilinx_zcu102_base_dfx_202210_1" />
We use ZCU102 Base platform for the monolithic flow. Similarly, you can generate ZCU102 platform.
cd ./Xilinx_Official_Platforms/xilinx_zcu102_base_dfx/
make all PREBUILT_LINUX_PATH=/opt/platforms/xilinx-zynqmp-common-v2022.1/
Once you successfully generated ZCU102 DFX platform, locate the generated platform to the directory of your choice(e.g. /opt/platforms/), and adjust the configurations in ./common/configure/zcu102/configure.xml as below.
<spec name = "BASE_PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS" value= "/opt/platforms/xilinx_zcu102_base_202210_1" />
<spec name = "BASE_PLATFORM" value = "xilinx_zcu102_base_202210_1" />
If you want to generate a new overlay from scratch, please refer to Appendix 1: Generate NoC overlay.
First, in your /<PROJECT_DIR>/
, create /<PROJECT_DIR>/workspace
Then, you can download the pre-generated NoC overlay from here.
You will have one .img file and .zip file.
Extract the downloaded .zip file. You will have F001_overlay
folder. Copy this folder under /<PROJECT_DIR>/workspace/
so that you have /<PROJECT_DIR>/workspace/F001_overlay
Screenshots above show the NoC overlay used in the experiments. The selected pblock on the left contains "all non-PR page stuff" like AXI interconnect, peripherals and NoC. It has CONTAIN_ROUTING set to TRUE to prevent the static↔statuc routing from the PR pages. Please refer to the paper for more details.
On the right, the NoC is highlighted in
Use .img file either you downloaded or you generated to create boot image. In Ubuntu, run Startup Disk Creator, select .img file, select your SD card and click "Make Startup Disk".
Safely unplug the SD card from the workstation and slide it into the ZCU102. Power on the device.
You can refer to this post set up the ip addresses for the workstation and the ZCU102. Note that the initital password of the system is "root".
scp BOOT.BIN and .xclbin files for the NoC overlay. is the ip address you assigned for the ZCU102.
scp ./workspace/F001_overlay/ydma/zcu102/400MHz/zcu102_dfx_manual/overlay_p23/package/sd_card/* [email protected]:/run/media/mmcblk0p1/
Then, reboot the ZCU102.
Select a benchmark in Makefile and compile. I selected "rendering" for the demonstration.
make all -j$(nproc)
scp the generated bitstreams and host executable to the ZCU102.
scp -r ./workspace/F005_bits_rendering/sd_card/* [email protected]:/run/media/mmcblk0p1/
ssh to ZCU102, cd to /run/media/mmcblk0p1/, and run the application.
cd /run/media/mmcblk0p1 ./
You will see a projected image of a bunny follwed by some data. These are the counter data retrieved from the hardware execution that we will use to identify the bottleneck. For the kernel execution time, we will use the value in
Note-1: __static_loaded__
indicates the state that the level-1 DFX region is loaded. If you reboot the ZCU102, please remove __static_loaded__
before running
If you take a look at
, we load the level-1 DFX region (dynamic_region.xclbin
) only when it's not loaded yet.
If you try to load the level-1 DFX region when it's already loaded, the system gets stuck in the unknown state.
If you try load the non-level-1 DFX xclbins when dynamic_region.xclbin
is not loaded, the system gets stuck in the unknown state.
Note-2: For the "optical flow" benchmark, you need to scp current directory to the SD card.
scp -r ./input_src/current [email protected]:/run/media/mmcblk0p1/
If you want to generate a new monolithic overlay from scratch, please refer to Appendix 2: Generate monolithic overlay.
Download the pre-generated monolithic overlay from here.
Extract the downloaded .zip file. You will have F007_overlay_mono
folder. Copy this folder under /<PROJECT_DIR>/workspace/
so that you have /<PROJECT_DIR>/workspace/F007_overlay_mono
is an example script to run the both monolithic-only incremental refinement and NoC→monolithic incremental refinement.
Note that you need to select the appropriate application with prj_name
variable in Makefile. It assumes that you assigned to the ZCU102 and to the host.
Make sure you adjust the project directorty and the username of your host machine. ./common/configure/zcu102/configure.xml.
<spec name = "ip_zcu102" value = "" />
<spec name = "ip_host" value = "" />
<spec name = "project_dir" value = "YOUR_PROJECT_DIR" />
<spec name = "username" value = "YOUR_USERNAME" />
Please take a look at this repo for the overview.
In your /<PROJECT_DIR>/
, to generate /<PROJECT_DIR>/workspace/F001_overlay
directory, run the command below. You can select any benchmark in Makefile.
Note that this process can take >4 hours depending on the system CPU/RAM because of the sequentialized charateristic of
Xilinx Nested DFX technology.
make overlay -j$(nproc)
You will encounter the error shown below.
We consider this as a potential bug in Vivado.
In this case, cd to /<PROJECT_DIR>/workspace/F001_overlay/ydma/zcu102/400MHz/zcu102_dfx_manual/
and open up Vivado GUI with
vivado &
. In Tcl console, manually copy and paste the contents of the scripts that encountered the errors as shown below.
You need to run one command at a time instead of entering multiple lines of tcl commands.
With the given floorplanning(*.xdc files), scripts that cause this error are:
Once you manually generate p20.dcp
and p20_p1.dcp
in /<PROJECT_DIR>/workspace/F001_overlay/ydma/zcu102/400MHz/zcu102_dfx_manual/
make all -j8
to run the rest of the Makefile. Note that the number 8 is an arbitrary value so that the script doesn't overutilize the system memory.
Once the Makefile finishes,
in the same directory, run the rest of the commands in
that were supposed to run.
For instance, copy/paste the lines below in the terminal.
cp -r ../package ./overlay_p23/
cp ./overlay_p23/*.xclbin ./overlay_p23/package/sd_card
cd overlay_p23
cp ../util_scripts/ .
cp ../util_scripts/ .
cp ../util_scripts/ .
This conclues overlay generation and creates /<PROJECT_DIR>/workspace/F001_overlay/
Use /<PROJECT_DIR>/workspace/F001_overlay/ydma/zcu102/400MHz/zcu102_dfx_manual/overlay_p23/package/sd_card.img
to generate the boot image.
The command below will generate /<PROJECT_DIR>/workspace/F007_overlay_mono/
directory. You can select any benchmark in Makefile.
This process will take less than an hour.
make overlay_mono -j$(nproc)
Please refer to repo to get the FINN framework used in the experiments.
We modified the source codes a little so that FINN generates HLS source codes and then stops.
You first need to git clone this modified FINN framework to your local.
Then, you need to adjust variables like PRJ_DIR
, etc in
If you take a look at
you know that we are using pre-trained models.
Pre-trained models are generated from
For simplicity, just replace /finn_v22.1/deps/brevitas/src/brevitas_examples/bnn_pynq with
this bnn_pynq.
Basically, you can train a new model in
brevitas. For example,
we slightly modify models/ file to make the CNN size smaller. Then, run
python --network CNV_1W1A --experiments ./_test
Copy _test
to /finn_v22.1/deps/brevitas/src/brevitas_examples/bnn_pynq/.
We provide pre-trained cnv_1w1a and cnv_1w2a.
If we run the incremental refinement for Digit Recognition with the defined design space,
one of the parallel Vivado run will fail when PAR_FACTOR
is about 60~100.
When it fails, if we exit the current incremental script and then re-run the compilation for the exact same configuration,
all the operators will be successfully compiled.
We haven't figured out the cause of the bug.
You can change the directives for place_design and route_design by modifying ./common/configure/zcu102/configure.xml file.
<spec name = "place_design_NoC_directive" value = "EarlyBlockPlacement" />
<spec name = "place_design_mono_directive" value = "EarlyBlockPlacement" />
<spec name = "route_design_NoC_directive" value = "Explore" />
<spec name = "route_design_mono_directive" value = "Explore" />
We have seen that
- sometimes the final design point of the NoC flow doesn't meet the timing in the monolithic flow OR
- sometimes NoC flow fails earlier than the monolithic-only flow OR
- sometime monolithic-only flow fails earlier than the NoC flow.
In experiments, we use the diretives above for all benchmarks except for CNN-1.
For CNN-1, ExtraTimingOpt
is used for both place_design_NoC_directive
and place_design_mono_directive
We will explore these directives in the future work.