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385 lines (325 loc) · 30.3 KB

File metadata and controls

385 lines (325 loc) · 30.3 KB


Reset - Resetting will revert all settings back to default values


  • Auto connect onload This will cause the client to try and connect as soon as the client has finished loading.

  • Auto create character When connecting to mud and if it returns a character name, create/load character, if character manager open will open add dialog instead of creating data

  • Auto login Attempt to auto login using character and supplied password from character manager

  • Auto takeover login Automatically issue yes to takeover character after login

  • Show character manager onload open the character manager when the client first loads.

  • Enable spellchecking support spellchecking in command line and advanced editor Requires restart Global preference

  • On disconnect do What to do when disconnected from the mud

    • Nothing do nothing
    • Reconnect reconnect using auto connect options
    • Reconnect dialog show the reconnect dialog with options and delayed reconnect timer
    • Character manager show character manager
    • Close close the client
  • Auto connect delay This determines the delay before an auto connect happens

  • Max reconnect delay set the maximum time in seconds, for reconnecting when using reconnect dialog, setting to 0 will revert to classic unlimited behavior.

  • Check for updates on load check for new version every time you load the client Global preference

  • Enable sound disable or enable sound globally

  • Persistent advanced editor causes the advanced editor to remain in memory to help speed up load times on future uses

  • Clear advanced editor on send clear the advanced editor after sending text to the mud

  • Close advanced editor on send close the advanced editor after sending text to the mud, NoteIf Persistent is enabled this will merely hide the editor until next use


  • Theme the theme for the main client window, the theme list is built from built in themes and themes located in {data}\themes folder and {documents}\jiMUD\themes, see customizing doc for more themes information Global preference
  • Always show window tabs always show tabs even if only one client open Global preference
  • Show add new button next to tabs add a button to allow creation of new connections from tab strip Global preference
  • Lock layout saving only the last known global window states and preserve the previous saved windows and clients opened Global preference
  • Load layout on open set a layout file to use when loading client Global preference


  • Buffer size How many lines to keep in the display before removing them, note the higher this is the more memory or slower things might get.
  • Enable flashing text Enable ansi flashing/blinking text, when disabled flashing text appears as underlined text note this can cause a performance hit when enabled.
  • Auto copy selected to clipboard This will copy selected text to the clipboard automatically when mouse released and then clear selection
  • Word wrap enable word wrap for long lines when possible
  • Word wrap column set a fixed text column to attempt to wrap when word wrap enabled, set to 0 to wrap based on window size
  • Word wrap indent amount of spaces to indent wrapped lines
  • Echo commands Will display commands as they are sent to the mud
  • Enable URL detection Attempt to detect urls and convert them into links that can be clicked to.
  • Focus to command input on click Will auto focus to the command input when the display area is clicked.
  • Split scroll Enable split screen scroll, this will allow you to scroll while displaying the most recent lines at the bottom, has known issues with text selection and find system scroll to view
  • Split scroll live update determines how the split screen updates as resize bar is adjusted, if on it will update once resize bar released, if slow resizing enable this as it should reduce cpu load during drag
  • Show split button Show or hide split toggle button in split scroll to allow for quick toggling
  • Enable colors disable or enable all colors
  • Enable background colors disable or enable just background colors
  • Show timestamp display the timestamp for when line of text was added
  • Timestamp format the timestamp display formatNote Supports all moment time formats

Display > Fonts

  • Font The font for the display area, mono spaced fonts work the best.
  • Font size The font size for the display area

Display > Advanced

  • Tab width How many spaces in a tab
  • Enable rounded overlays disable or enable rounded corner effect for selection and find highlighting
  • Show invalid MXP tags display any MXP tags as normal text if they are not standard or custom elements
  • Display control codes Display unreadable characters, code < 32 || 127 as visual characters
  • Emulate terminal extended characters Enable/disable Terminal IBM/OEM (code page 437) extended characters, will convert them to the correct unicode character in an attempt to display like classic terminal
  • Emulate control codes Emulate control codes: bell, tab, backspace, escape
  • Hide trailing line Hide trailing empty line, note if more then one it will only hide the final line


  • Color scheme Let you pick predefined colors schemes
  • Default The default font color when no color codes have been supplied
  • Local echo The local echo color
  • Information The color of any information from the client
  • Error The color of error messages
  • Ansi colors You can set the 8 regular colors, 8 background colors, 8 bold/bright colors and the 8 faint colors.

Command line

  • Font The font for the command input box
  • Font size The font size for the command input box
  • Keep Last Command This leaves the last command entered into the command input and selected it, if disabled it will be cleared
  • Auto size to contents Resize command input height based on contents
  • Word wrap Wrap long lines in command input
  • Scrollbars Add scrollbars when needed to command input
  • History Size The number of items to keep in command history when navigating using the up/down arrow.
  • Newline shortcut A shortcut for adding newlines to command input
    • None no shortcut enter always sends command
    • Ctrl + Enter add newline on ctrl+enter
    • Shift + Enter add newline on shift+enter
    • (Ctrl | Shift) + Enter add a new line on ctrl+enter or shift+enter
    • Ctrl + Shift + Enter add a newline on ctrl+shift+enter

Command line > Tab completion

  • Enable tab completion Enable tab complete, when enabled pressing tab will complete the current word form the last lines of buffered text
  • Ignore case for tab completion Ignore letter cashing when searching for matching words
  • Tab completion replace casing The casing to use for the tab completion
    • Original Use the words original casing
    • Lower case Convert to all lower case
    • Upper case Convert to all upper case
  • Tab completion buffer limit The number of buffered lines to use for tab completion
  • Tab completion lookup type Where to look up tab completion, word lookup starts from left to right/top to bottom for list, and right to left/buffer newest to oldest for buffered lines
    • Prepend list to buffer Prepend completion list to buffer for look up
    • Append list to buffer Append completion list to end of buffer for look up
    • Buffer only Use buffer only for look up
    • List only Use tab completion list only for look up
  • Tab completion list Custom list of words to prepend, append, or use for tab completion


  • Enable Logging Enable logger, can also be toggled by the log icon on the toolbar.
  • Pre-pend current buffer starting to log Will pre-pend the current text on display to the log when started
  • Enable Logging of offline text Log text when not connected.
  • Create logs for every connection This setting will force a new log every time you connect to the mud, if disabled it will attempt to create one large log for the current session.
  • Log gagged lines This forces the logger to include any lines that may have been hidden, for example when capture chat is enabled the lines are removed from the main flow, this setting will enable you keep them or keep the log as only whats on the display.
  • Log what what type formatted text to log
    • HTML log text as formatted html into a LOGNAMEFORMAT.htm log file
    • Text log text to LOGNAMEFORMAT.txt log file
    • Raw log all text and raw control codes to LOGNAMEFORMAT.raw.txt log file
  • Date/time format format for date/time when included in log file name Note Supports all moment time formats, WARNING take note of your operating system's allowed characters or it may break logging
  • Save path The location to save log files to, note path must exist supports

Predefined variables for paths

Logging > Viewer

  • Remember opened files on reload Restore any files that where opened last time the viewer was closed
  • Always on top of the main window Force viewer window to always be above main client window, when ever client window is focused it will bring the viewer window along with it. Requires restart on windows
  • Always on top of all windows Force viewer window to always be on top of all windows
  • Persistent causes the viewer window to remain in memory to help speed up load times on future uses


Settings to control how to handle telnet options and emulation

  • MUD Compression Protocol (MCCP) Disables or enables MUD Client Compression Protocol, this allows the mud to send all data as compressed to save bandwidth, only disable if you seem to have issues or need to try and save some local resources.
  • UTF-8 Disables or enables UTF8 processing, disabling it may gain you some cpu or speed but you could get garbled or incorrectly displayed text.
  • MUD eXtension Protocol (MXP) Disables or enables MUD eXtension Protocol parsing and telnet option
  • Echo Disable or enables Echo option to display/hide text when server requests
  • MUD Sound Protocol (MSP) Disable or enable MSP
  • Display Notification on MSP Play Display a message when a file has started to play
  • MSP: max retries on error Amount of retries to attempt play a file before stopping, 0 disables


  • Enable Mapper Enable the mapper and create rooms as player moves
  • Follow Player Set the current room to the players as they move
  • Show legend Show map legend
  • Split Areas Attempt to draw maps split up by area/zones
  • Display Walls Draw walls between rooms to try and help display a more dungeon feel
  • Reset Window Reset the mapper windows to default, this allows you to re-center window in case you dragged it off screen.
  • Delay between directions The amount of milliseconds between sending # of directions for speed walking.
  • Directions to send the # of directions to send between delays
  • Load in Memory load mapper in to memory and only access disk on load and window/client close, try if slow or have large amounts of memory. Requires restart on windows, WARNING if the client or OS crash all in memory data will be lost and not saved to disk
  • Save period how often to flush to disk when using load in memory option
  • Default import type determines how default import system imports new map data

Mapper > Window

  • Open on load Open the mapper when you load the client
  • Persistent causes the mapper window to remain in memory to help speed up load times on future uses, note this setting only has effect if mapper is not enabled
  • Always on top of the main window Force mapper window to always be above main client window, when ever client window is focused it will bring the mapper along with it. Requires restart on windows
  • Always on top of all windows Force mapper to always be on top of all windows
  • Show in taskbar Always show mapper window in taskbar Ignored when Always on top enabled in windows, . Mac, Windows


Controls what is captured into the chat window

  • Capture tells Causes all tells, emoteto, shouts and any related lines.
  • Capture talk Capture all talking, which are says, yells, whispers, and speaking and any related lines.
  • Capture reviews Determines if line, say, or tell reviews are captured. The capturing is determined based on the settings enabled. Tell reviews are only captured if capture tells is enabled, say review with only capture say, all line reviews or selective reviews when enabled.
  • Capture lines Enable capture of chat lines
    • All capture all chat lines
    • Selective capture only those provided in the selective lines list
  • Selective lines A comma delimited list of lines to selectively capture, For example: Chat,Rp,Mudinfo will capture Chat, Rp, and Mudinfo lines.
  • Capture only when open Only capture when window is open

Note: line names are case sensitive.

Chat > Display

  • Font The font for the display area, mono spaced fonts work the best.
  • Font size The font size for the display area
  • Word wrap enable word wrap for long lines when possible
  • Word wrap column set a fixed text column to attempt to wrap when word wrap enabled, set to 0 to wrap based on window size
  • Word wrap indent amount of spaces to indent wrapped lines
  • Enable flashing text Enable ansi flashing/blinking text, when disabled flashing text appears as underlined text note this can cause a performance hit when enabled.
  • Split scroll Enable split screen scroll, this will allow you to scroll while displaying the most recent lines at the bottom, has known issues with text selection and find system scroll to view
  • Split scroll live update determines how the split screen updates as resize bar is adjusted, if on it will update as resize bar is moved, if slow resizing disable this as it should reduce cpu load during drag
  • Show split button Show or hide split toggle button in split scroll to allow for quick toggling
  • Buffer size How many lines to keep in the display before removing them, note the higher this is the more memory or slower things might get.
  • Show timestamp display the timestamp for when line of text was added
  • Timestamp format the timestamp display formatNote Supports all moment time formats

Chat > Display > Advanced

  • Tab width How many spaces in a tab
  • Enable rounded overlays disable or enable rounded corner effect for selection and find highlighting
  • Display control codes Display unreadable characters, code < 32 || 127 as visual characters
  • Emulate terminal extended characters Enable/disable Terminal IBM/OEM (code page 437) extended characters, will convert them to the correct unicode character in an attempt to display like classic terminal
  • Emulate control codes Emulate control codes: bell, tab, backspace, escape

Chat > Window

  • Always on top of the main window Force chat window to always be above main client window, when ever client window is focused it will bring the chat window along with it. Requires restart on windows
  • Always on top of all windows Force chat window to always be on top of all windows
  • Persistent causes the chat window to remain in memory to help speed up load times on future uses, note this setting only has effect if capture settings are off
  • Show in taskbar Always show mapper window in taskbar Ignored when Always on top enabled in windows. Mac, Windows

Code editor

  • Persistent causes the code editor window to remain in memory to help speed up load times on future uses
  • Always on top of the main window Force code editor window to always be above main client window, when ever client window is focused it will bring the code editor along with it. Requires restart on windows
  • Always on top of all windows Force code editor to always be on top of all windows
  • Show in taskbar Always show code editor window in taskbar Ignored when Always on top enabled in windows. Mac, Windows


  • Show Lagmeter Whether to enable the lag meter, note this is not 100% correct always due to overhead variables that cant be controlled.
  • Show lag in title Display lag in title bar, note this is not 100% correct always due to overhead variables that cant be controlled.
  • Show Experience Needed as Progressbar display the experience needed value as a progress bar
  • Allow negative number for experience needed causes the needed xp value in status display to allow to display negative when you have xp over required amt.


  • Allow evaluate will enable ${expression} evaluation
  • Show Script Errors Disable any errors that triggers, aliases, or macros produces when script type.
  • Parse single quotes as strings Treat single quotes as string encasing, meaning all text found inside single quotes are treated as is and not parsed.
  • Parse double quotes as strings Treat double quotes as string encasing, meaning all text found inside double quotes are treated as is and not parsed.
  • Disable trigger on error Disable a trigger if an error happens when executing a trigger
  • Prepend triggered line Disable the fix to prepend the triggered line as %0,$0, or %{0} to return to previous usage
  • Enable Double Parameter Escaping Enable doubling up of the parameter character % to escape as well as using escape character
  • Ignore Eval Undefined When enabled will make undefined results blank, else it will display the word undefined
  • Allow Comments From Command Allow inline and block comments from the command input
  • Ignore leading whitespace Ignore leading whitespace for commands and aliases
  • Save Trigger State Changes When a trigger state changes save profile
  • Delay between path commands The amount of milliseconds between sending of path commands for speed paths.
  • Amount of path commands to send the # of commands to send between speed path delay
  • Expression engine Which expression engine to use when executing expressions
    • Full Full engine takes the longest to load and will add a delay on first use, supports all complex types, numbers and string operations
    • Fast Fast engine is the fastest to load, supports all complex types and numbers but string operations are not supported, eg "a" == "a" will error
    • Simple A simpler version of the full engine that loads faster but only supports basic numbers and string operations
  • Initialize expression engine on load Initialize the expression engine on client load instead of on first use, enabling this can cause client to load slower but can speed up first use of an expression
  • Echo Determine what echos to the screen
    • Triggers Echo trigger pattern to screen if fired, Warning this may cause infinite looping if pattern is exact matching
    • Scripts Echo script type values to the screen before they are executed
    • Commands Echo #commands to the screen

Scripting > Special characters

  • Command Stacking

    • Character The character to use when repeating command into multiple commands, Default: ;
    • Enable This will enable command stacking systems and use the command stacking character to know where to break a command into a list commands.
  • Speedpaths

    • Character The character that is used to determine if the command is a speedpath to expand, Default: !
    • Enable Whether or not to expand speedpaths, if disabled the line is parsed as normal command
    • Parse Parse each command as if it was sent from the command line, if disabled each command is sent to the mud as is.
    • Echo Echo each command to the screen as they are sent
  • Command

    • Character The character to use with build in client commands, Default: #
    • Enable This will enable or disable command systems
  • Escape

    • Character The character to use when escaping $%"'{ or special characters, Default: \
    • Enable Enable escaping of characters
  • Verbatim

    • Character The character used at the start of a line to signify the line should be sent as is starting after the verbatim character, Default: `
    • Enabled Enable or disable verbatim system
  • Parameter

    • Character The character used for inline variables and functions and trigger/alias parameters %#, see functions for more details, Default: %
    • Enabled Enable or disable parameters
  • N Parameter

    • Character Similar to Parameter but allows full name symbols when possible for user variables and named parameters, eg $name, see functions for more details, Default: \$
    • Enabled Enable or disable N Parameter system
  • Inline Comment

    • String The 1 or 2 character string for inline comments, Default: //
    • Enabled Enable or disable inline comments
  • Block Comment

    • String The 1 or 2 character string for block comments, closing block comment is the string reversed, Default: /*
    • Enabled Enable or disable block comments


  • Use only single instance Allow only one instance of the application to open, all other attempts to open another instance will show the active window of the current instance, may use -f or --force argument to force open a new instance, -eo/--editor-only will open a new instance always Global preference

    • Supported command arguments passed on:
      • -c/--character When passed will open new connection for character in active window
      • -e/--editor When passed will open code editor for active client
      • -nc/--new-connection special argument that will open a new connection in active window
      • -nw/--new-window special argument that will open a new window with a default connection
  • On second instance What to do when you open a second instance when use only one instance enabled and no command line arguments passed

    • Nothing Do nothing
    • Show Show and focus on active window
    • New Tab Create a new tab in active window then show and focus on active window
    • New Window Create a new window then focus on it
  • Enable gamepads Enable gamepad support to allow creating macros using gamepad axes or buttons. Experimental

  • Enable GMCP Ping for lag meter When text received from mud send back a GMCP ping if enabled to get a better time for the lag meter.

  • Enable debug Will display debug data to the dev tool console

  • Log errors Log errors to {data}/jimud.error.log or use --error-log=[file] or -el=[file] to set a custom file FAQ - Predefined path variables

  • Show extended error messages Display extended stack information for errors

  • Fix hidden windows Move windows that have been hidden off screen to on onscreen Global preference

  • Hide when minimized will hide the main window and any window set as a child note due to bugs in linux this feature may not work Global preference

  • Show in taskbar will show or hide the main window from the system's taskbar Global preference. Mac, Windows

  • Enable Background Throttling disable or enable throttling when a window is in the background or hidden Global preference

  • Enable Background Throttling for Clients disable or enable throttling when a client is in the background or hidden Global preference

  • Enable warning dialog when connected and closing client disable or enable warning check when closing mud and connected

  • Enable warning dialog when any client is connected and closing window with more then 1 client disable or enable warning check when closing window with more then one client open Global preference

  • Enable warning dialog when closing client and child windows are open disable or enable warning dialog when closing and child windows are open

  • Enable warning dialog when loading a character from manager disable or enable warning dialog when loading a character Global preference

  • Open 'Who is on' in web browser Open the 'Who is on?' in a web browser, if disabled will open in a child window of jiMUD

  • Open ShadowMUD help in web browser Open the ShadowMUD help in a web browser, if disabled will open in a child window of jiMUD

  • Character manager on row double click load in: Determine how to load a character when a row is doubled clicked in character manager

    • Opened tab load selected character in tab that opened character manager and close manager based on ask on load setting
    • New tab load selected character in new tab in opened window
    • New window load selected character in new window
    • Use global preference load based on global preference setting, per mud only
  • Character Manager Add Button Action Set what the action for the character manager add toolbar button when creating a new character

    • Default Create a character with a copy of global map data
    • Empty Create a character with an empty map
  • Enable Notifications Enable notifications, effects #notify and client.notify

  • Enable crash reporting Enable crash reporting, will save mini dump files to local by default to {data}\Crashpad Requires restart Global preference

  • Parse commands Enable parsing of commands from command line or sendBackground/sendCommand scripting functions

Advanced > Backup

  • Backup save what to save when using remote backup systems
  • Backup load what to load when using remote backup systems
  • Backup all profiles backup all profiles or just enabled profiles

Advanced > Connection

  • Connect to development Connect to the development mud.
  • Enable Keep alive Enable socket keep alive
  • Keep alive delay The number of seconds for initial keep alive delay
  • Enable allow Half Open sockets Indicates whether half-opened TCP connections are allowed

Advanced > Profiles

  • Save trigger state changes Save profile every time a trigger state changes
  • Watch for profile changes when enabled will watch for profile changes
  • On profile change do what to do when a profile is changed when Watch for profile changes enabled
    • Nothing Do nothing
    • Reload Force reload of profiles, this may cause profile changes to be lost
    • Ask Ask you if you want to reload or do nothing
    • Warn Display a warning to the mud window
  • On profile deleted do what to do when a profile is deleted when Watch for profile changes enabled
    • Nothing Do nothing
    • Remove Force remove of profiles, this may cause profile changes to be lost
    • Ask Ask you if you want to remove or do nothing
    • Warn Display a warning to the mud window
  • Group profile saves Group profile saves
    • WARNING: Enabling profile group saving could cause sync issues and loss of data when preferences saved or profile manager saves, as when saved it will flush all in memory changes and reload
  • Group profile save delay How often between save profiles when group saves are enabled
  • Return newline on empty value Return new line if processed item value is empty

Advanced > Profile manager

  • Enable profile manager code editor disable or enable the code editor for the profile manager
  • Enable profile manager file watcher disable or enable watching for profile file changes to warn when saving overrides
  • Profile manager sort order determine how items are sorted in the profile manager display tree, priority is first, then alpha, finally index, you cna have one or all three options enabled note Changing this setting while profile manager is open will not resort the displayed items
    • Alpha sort by alpha numeric
    • Index sort by index
    • Priority sort by item priority
  • Profile manager sort direction select to display items in ascending or descending order note Changing this setting while profile manager is open will not resort the displayed items
  • Profile to select on load select which profile to pick when profile manager is first opened, falls back to Default if profile not found
  • Expand selected profile on load auto expand selected profile when profile manager is first opened

Advanced > Tray Global preferences

  • Show tray icon display an icon in the system tray/notification area
  • Tray context menu style determine how complex a menu to display
    • Simple a simple menu that allows new tab/window, show/hide active window and quit
    • Full a full menu with all window and client sub menus as needed, note this may cause a slow down as when enabled all incoming text from mud causes a menu rebuild to reflect current active state
    • Compact similar to full but with out the client submenus, note see Full note
  • Tray icon single click set what happens when the tray icon is clicked note see known issues with linux
    • None - do nothing when clicked
    • Show - show or focus on active window
    • Hide - hide or minimize active window based on Hide when minimized setting
    • Toggle - Toggle between show / hide for active
    • Show All show all windows
    • Hide All all windows all windows based on Hide when minimized setting
    • Toggle All Toggle between show / hide for all windows
    • Menu - display the tray menu
  • Tray icon double click set what happens when the tray icon is double clicked, same values as single click. Mac, Windows