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468 lines (425 loc) · 30.8 KB

File metadata and controls

468 lines (425 loc) · 30.8 KB


I am having trouble with the client, what do I do?

You should always make sure you have the latest version. If you are getting garbled or missing text try disabling MCCP, MXP, or UTF-8 in the Telnet settings then disconnect and reconnect, if still happens try reinstalling or opening an issue.

I am getting 'TypeError - some message. ', what does it mean?

This means there is an error, most of the time the error is from a broken profile item with bad or invalid javascript.

A window is not shown?

This means there is a chance the window is being opened off screen due to change in desktop resolution, using backups from a different computer with different screen sizes, or similar issues, if this happens you can clear all window states in the preferences byu clicking the 'Reset Windows' to clear all window states when the settings are saved. If you have used backup system from the mud there is also an advanced setting to ignore saving window states. Lastly you can manually edit the settings file window state data to adjust the window data, this has to be down when jiMUD is not loaded or it will just override the data with new state data, settings.json file is found in app data folder/jiMUD or appdata/jiMUD/characters/NAME.settings file if using character manager

If your question is not listed

Open an issue about it or log on to ShadowMUD using the jiMUD or the ShadowMUD web client

What predefined variables can be use for paths

  • {home} User's home directory.
  • {path} The current application directory.
  • {appData} Per-user application data directory, which by default points to:
    • %APPDATA% on Windows
    • $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or ~/.config on Linux
    • SNAP_USER_DATA folder for snap package, this is normally~/snap
    • ~/Library/Application Support on macOS
  • {data} The directory for storing jiMUD's configuration files is {appData}\jiMUD
  • {temp} Temporary directory.
  • {desktop} The current user's Desktop directory.
  • {documents} Directory for a user's "My Documents".
  • {downloads} Directory for a user's downloads.
  • {music} Directory for a user's music.
  • {pictures} Directory for a user's pictures.
  • {videos} Directory for a user's videos.
  • {assets} Directory for accessing client assets, Read only
  • {profiles} Directory for user profiles
  • {characters} Directory for character manager data files

Setting keys, value type and default value

Setting Type Default
bufferSize integer 5000
commandDelay integer 500
commandDelayCount integer 5
commandHistorySize integer 20
fontSize string 1em
cmdfontSize string 1em
commandEcho boolean true
flashing boolean false
autoConnect boolean true
enableAliases boolean true
enableTriggers boolean true
enableMacros boolean true
showScriptErrors boolean false
commandStacking boolean true
commandStackingChar string ;
htmlLog boolean true
keepLastCommand boolean true
enableMCCP boolean true
enableUTF8 boolean true
font string 'Courier New', Courier, monospace
cmdfont string 'Courier New', Courier, monospace
mapFollow boolean true
mapEnabled boolean true
MapperSplitArea boolean false
MapperFillWalls boolean false
MapperOpen boolean false
fullScreen string false
enableMXP boolean true
enableMSP boolean true
parseCommands string true
lagMeter boolean false
enablePing boolean false
enableEcho boolean true
enableSpeedpaths boolean true
speedpathsChar string !
parseSpeedpaths boolean true
parseSingleQuotes boolean false
parseDoubleQuotes boolean true
logEnabled boolean false
logPrepend boolean false
logOffline boolean false
logUniqueOnConnect boolean true
enableURLDetection boolean true
notifyMSPPlay boolean false
CommandonClick boolean true
allowEval boolean true
allowEscape boolean true
AutoCopySelectedToClipboard boolean false
enableDebug boolean false
editorPersistent boolean false
askonclose boolean true
dev boolean false
chat.captureLines boolean false
chat.captureAllLines boolean false
chat.captureReviews boolean false
chat.captureTells boolean false
chat.captureTalk boolean false
chat.gag boolean false
chat.CaptureOnlyOpen boolean false
checkForUpdates boolean false
autoCreateCharacter boolean false
askonchildren boolean true
mapper.legend boolean false boolean false
mapper.importType integer 1
mapper.vscroll integer 0
mapper.hscroll integer 0
mapper.scale float 1.0
mapper.alwaysOnTop boolean false
mapper.alwaysOnTopClient boolean true
mapper.memory boolean false
mapper.memorySavePeriod integer 900000 string null integer 0 integer 0 integer 0 string null integer 0
mapper.persistent boolean true
profiles.split integer -1
profiles.askoncancel boolean true
profiles.triggersAdvanced boolean false
profiles.aliasesAdvanced boolean false
profiles.buttonsAdvanced boolean false
profiles.macrosAdvanced boolean false
profiles.contextsAdvanced boolean false
profiles.codeEditor boolean true
profiles.watchFiles boolean true
chat.alwaysOnTop boolean false
chat.alwaysOnTopClient boolean true
chat.log boolean false
chat.persistent boolean false
chat.zoom integer 1
chat.font string 'Courier New', Courier, monospace
chat.fontSize string 1em
title string $t
logGagged boolean false
logTimeFormat string YYYYMMDD-HHmmss
autoConnectDelay integer 600
autoLogin boolean true
onDisconnect integer 2
enableKeepAlive boolean false
keepAliveDelay integer 0
newlineShortcut integer 1
logWhat integer 1
logErrors boolean true
showErrorsExtended boolean false
reportCrashes boolean false
enableCommands boolean true
commandChar string #
escapeChar string \
enableVerbatim boolean true
verbatimChar string `
soundPath string {data}\sounds
logPath string {data}\logs
theme string {themes}\default
gamepads boolean false
buttons.connect boolean true
buttons.characters boolean true
buttons.preferences boolean true
buttons.log boolean true
buttons.clear boolean true
buttons.lock boolean true boolean true
buttons.user boolean true
buttons.mail boolean true
buttons.compose boolean true
buttons.immortal boolean true
buttons.codeEditor boolean false boolean false
find.word boolean false
find.reverse boolean false
find.regex boolean false
find.selection boolean false boolean false
display.split boolean false
display.splitHeight integer -1
display.splitLive boolean true
display.roundedOverlays boolean true
backupLoad integer 14
backupSave integer 14
backupAllProfiles boolean true
scrollLocked boolean false
showStatus boolean true
showCharacterManager boolean false
showChat boolean false
showEditor boolean false
showArmor boolean false
showStatusWeather boolean true
showStatusLimbs boolean true
showStatusHealth boolean true
showStatusExperience boolean true
showStatusPartyHealth boolean true
showStatusCombatHealth boolean true
showButtonBar boolean true
allowNegativeNumberNeeded boolean false
spellchecking boolean true
hideOnMinimize boolean false
showTrayIcon boolean false
statusExperienceNeededProgressbar boolean false
trayClick integer 1
trayDblClick integer 0
pasteSpecialPrefix string
pasteSpecialPostfix string
pasteSpecialReplace string
pasteSpecialPrefixEnabled boolean true
pasteSpecialPostfixEnabled boolean true
pasteSpecialReplaceEnabled boolean true
display.showSplitButton boolean true
chat.split boolean false
chat.splitHeight integer -1
chat.splitLive boolean true
chat.roundedOverlays boolean true
chat.showSplitButton boolean true
chat.bufferSize integer 5000
chat.flashing boolean false
display.hideTrailingEmptyLine boolean true
display.enableColors boolean true
display.enableBackgroundColors boolean true
enableSound boolean true
allowHalfOpen boolean true
editorClearOnSend boolean true
editorCloseOnSend boolean true
askOnCloseAll boolean true
askonloadCharacter boolean true
mapper.roomWidth integer 200
mapper.roomGroups integer flag 7
mapper.showInTaskBar boolean false
profiles.enabled string array []
profiles.sortOrder integer flag 12
profiles.sortDirection integer 1
profiles.showInTaskBar boolean false
profiles.profileSelected string default
profiles.profileExpandSelected boolean true
chat.lines string array []
chat.showInTaskBar boolean false
chat.showTimestamp boolean false
chat.timestampFormat string [[]MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS[]]
chat.tabWidth integer 8
chat.displayControlCodes boolean false
chat.emulateTerminal boolean false
chat.emulateControlCodes boolean true
chat.wordWrap boolean false
chat.wrapAt integer 0
chat.indent integer 4
chat.scrollLocked boolean false boolean false
chat.find.word boolean false
chat.find.reverse boolean false
chat.find.regex boolean false
chat.find.selection boolean false boolean false
chat.find.highlight boolean false
chat.find.location integer array [5, 20]
codeEditor.showInTaskBar boolean false
codeEditor.persistent boolean false
codeEditor.alwaysOnTop boolean false
codeEditor.alwaysOnTopClient boolean true
autoTakeoverLogin boolean false
fixHiddenWindows boolean true
maxReconnectDelay integer 3600
enableBackgroundThrottling boolean true
enableBackgroundThrottlingClients boolean false
showInTaskBar boolean true
showLagInTitle boolean false
mspMaxRetriesOnError integer 0
logTimestamp boolean false
logTimestampFormat string [[]MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS[]]
disableTriggerOnError boolean true
prependTriggeredLine boolean true
enableParameters boolean true
parametersChar string %
enableNParameters boolean true
nParametersChar string $
enableParsing boolean true
externalWho boolean true
externalHelp boolean true
watchForProfilesChanges boolean false
onProfileChange integer 0
onProfileDeleted integer 0
enableDoubleParameterEscaping boolean false
ignoreEvalUndefined boolean true
enableInlineComments boolean true
enableBlockComments boolean true
inlineCommentString string //
blockCommentString string /*
allowCommentsFromCommand boolean false
saveTriggerStateChanges boolean true
groupProfileSaves boolean false
groupProfileSaveDelay integer 20000
returnNewlineOnEmptyValue boolean false
pathDelay integer 0
pathDelayCount integer 1
echoSpeedpaths boolean false
alwaysShowTabs boolean false
scriptEngineType integer 4
initializeScriptEngineOnLoad boolean false
find.highlight boolean false
find.location integer array [5, 20]
display.showInvalidMXPTags boolean false
display.showTimestamp boolean false
display.timestampFormat string [[]MM-DD HH:mm:ss.SSS[]]
display.displayControlCodes boolean false
display.emulateTerminal boolean false
display.emulateControlCodes boolean true
display.wordWrap boolean false
display.tabWidth integer 8
display.wrapAt integer 0
display.indent integer 4
statusWidth integer -1
showEditorInTaskBar boolean true
trayMenu integer 0
lockLayout boolean false
loadLayout string
useSingleInstance boolean true
onSecondInstance integer 1
characterManagerDblClick integer 2
enableTabCompletion' boolean true
ignoreCaseTabCompletion boolean false
tabCompletionBufferLimit integer 100
enableNotifications boolean true
echo integer flag 0
commandAutoSize boolean false
commandWordWrap boolean false
commandScrollbars boolean false
tabCompletionList string
tabCompletionLookupType integer 1
tabCompletionReplaceCasing integer 0
characterManagerAddButtonAction integer 0
enableCrashReporting boolean false
characterManagerPanelWidth number 0
ignoreInputLeadingWhitespace boolean false

trayClick and trayDblClick values

Value Results
0 do nothing
1 show active window and client
2 hide active window and client
3 toggle show/hide active window and client
4 show menu
5 show all windows
6 hide all windows
7 toggle all windows

onDisconnect values

Value Results
0 Do nothing
1 Attempt to reconnect
2 Open reconnect dialog
4 Open character manager
8 Close client

newlineShortcut values

Value Results
0 Nothing
1 ctrl + enter appends newline
2 shift + enter appends newline
4 ctrl or shift + enter appends newline
8 ctrl and shift + enter appends new line


Value Results
0 Nothing
1 Log HTML
2 Log Text
4 Log Raw

To load more then one type simple add the numbers together, for example to load as HTML and text you would use the value of 3, HTML + raw would be 5, all would be 7

backupLoad and backupSave values

Value Results
0 Nothing
2 Map data
4 Profiles
8 Settings
16 Windows

To pick more then 1 type simple add them 2 values together, eg 2 + 4 = 6 to backup map and profiles only, 14 will load or save all


Value Results
0 None
8 Triggers
2 Scripts
4 Commands

To pick more then one add the numbers togather


Value Results
1 PrependBuffer
2 AppendBuffer
4 BufferOnly
8 List


Value Results
1 OpenTab
2 NewTab
4 NewWindow
8 Global note: this would be the same as if it just inherits


Value Results
0 Nothing
1 Show
2 NewConnection
4 NewWindow


Value Results
0 simple
1 full
2 compact


Value Results
1 Full
2 Fast
4 Simple

onProfileChange or onProfileDeleted

Value Results
0 Nothing
1 Reload
2 Ask
4 Warn


Value Results
0 None
2 Alpha
4 Priority
8 Index

Add to numbers together to pick more then one