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Payment Gateway Plugin

iBNu Maksum edited this page Sep 19, 2022 · 2 revisions

You can add your own payment gateway

all plugin put in system/paymentgateway/

And put the interface in system/paymentgateway/ui

The filename will be the start of php function


 * PHP Mikrotik Billing (
 * Payment Gateway

// required, this will executed when customer click to buy Plan
function xendit_validate_config()
    global $config;
    if (empty($config['xendit_secret_key']) || empty($config['xendit_verification_token'])) {
        sendTelegram("Xendit payment gateway not configured");
        r2(U . 'order/package', 'w', Lang::T("Admin has not yet setup Xendit payment gateway, please tell admin"));

// required, this will executed when admin need to change some configuration
function xendit_show_config()
    global $ui, $config;
    $ui->assign('_title', 'Xendit - Payment Gateway - ' . $config['CompanyName']);
    $ui->assign('channels', json_decode(file_get_contents('system/paymentgateway/channel_xendit.json'), true));

// required, this will executed when admin save configuration
function xendit_save_config()
    global $admin, $_L;
    $xendit_secret_key = _post('xendit_secret_key');
    $xendit_verification_token = _post('xendit_verification_token');
    $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->where('setting', 'xendit_secret_key')->find_one();
    if ($d) {
        $d->value = $xendit_secret_key;
    } else {
        $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->create();
        $d->setting = 'xendit_secret_key';
        $d->value = $xendit_secret_key;
    $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->where('setting', 'xendit_verification_token')->find_one();
    if ($d) {
        $d->value = $xendit_verification_token;
    } else {
        $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->create();
        $d->setting = 'xendit_verification_token';
        $d->value = $xendit_verification_token;
    $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->where('setting', 'xendit_channel')->find_one();
    if ($d) {
        $d->value = implode(',', $_POST['xendit_channel']);
    } else {
        $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_appconfig')->create();
        $d->setting = 'xendit_channel';
        $d->value = implode(',', $_POST['xendit_channel']);

    _log('[' . $admin['username'] . ']: Xendit ' . $_L['Settings_Saved_Successfully'], 'Admin', $admin['id']);

    r2(U . 'paymentgateway/xendit', 's', $_L['Settings_Saved_Successfully']);

// required, this will executed when customer click to buy Plan
function xendit_create_transaction($trx, $user)
    global $config;
    $json = [
        'external_id' => $trx['id'],
        'amount' => $trx['price'],
        'description' => $trx['plan_name'],
        'customer' => [
            'mobile_number' => $user['phonenumber'],
        'customer_notification_preference' => [
            'invoice_created' => ['whatsapp', 'sms'],
            'invoice_reminder' => ['whatsapp', 'sms'],
            'invoice_paid' => ['whatsapp', 'sms'],
            'invoice_expired' => ['whatsapp', 'sms']
        'payment_methods ' => explode(',', $config['xendit_channel']),
        'success_redirect_url' => U . 'order/view/' . $trx['id'] . '/check',
        'failure_redirect_url' => U . 'order/view/' . $trx['id'] . '/check'

    $result = json_decode(Http::postJsonData(xendit_get_server() . 'invoices', $json, ['Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($config['xendit_secret_key'] . ':')]), true);
    if (!$result['id']) {
        r2(U . 'order/package', 'e', Lang::T("Failed to create transaction."));
    $d = ORM::for_table('tbl_payment_gateway')
        ->where('username', $user['username'])
        ->where('status', 1)
    $d->gateway_trx_id = $result['id'];
    $d->pg_url_payment = $result['invoice_url'];
    $d->pg_request = json_encode($result);
    $d->expired_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($result['expiry_date']));
    // you can redirect user directly to payment page
    header('Location: ' . $result['invoice_url']);
    // or redirect to transaction page
    r2(U . "order/view/" . $trx['id'], 's', Lang::T("Transaction has been created."));

// required, this will executed when customer click check payment, or redirect from
function xendit_get_status($trx, $user)
    global $config;
    Check status of payment when user request it, this can be run on User page or admin page
    System will send Transaction result from tbl_paymentgateway and user data
    you can save directly payment status success or failed to table

    example depend on payment gateway result
    $result = json_decode(Http::getData(xendit_get_server() . 'invoices/' . $trx['gateway_trx_id'], [
        'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($config['xendit_secret_key'] . ':')
    ]), true);

    if ($trx['status'] == 2) {
        // Already paid
        r2(U . "order/view/" . $trx['id'], 'd', Lang::T("Transaction has been paid.."));
    }else if ($result['status'] == 'PENDING') {
        r2(U . "order/view/" . $trx['id'], 'w', Lang::T("Transaction still unpaid."));
    } else if (in_array($result['status'], ['PAID', 'SETTLED'])) {
        // activate plane for user
        if (!Package::rechargeUser($user['id'], $trx['routers'], $trx['plan_id'], $trx['gateway'], $result['payment_channel'])) {
            r2(U . "order/view/" . $trx['id'], 'd', Lang::T("Failed to activate your Package, try again later."));
        // save result json to table for audit
        $trx->pg_paid_response = json_encode($result);

        $trx->payment_method = $result['payment_method'];
        $trx->payment_channel = $result['payment_channel'];
        $trx->paid_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($result['updated']));
        // change status to paid
        $trx->status = 2;

        r2(U . "order/view/" . $trx['id'], 's', Lang::T("Transaction has been paid."));
    } else if ($result['status'] == 'EXPIRED') {
        // save result json to table for audit
        $trx->pg_paid_response = json_encode($result);
        $trx->status = 3;
        r2(U . "order/view/" . $trx['id'], 'd', Lang::T("Transaction expired."));
        sendTelegram("xendit_get_status: unknown result\n\n".json_encode($result, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
        r2(U . "order/view/" . $trx['id'], 'd', Lang::T("Unknown Command."));

// This will executed when Payment Gateway send payment notification
// not required, user can manually check payment status
function xendit_payment_notification()
    global $config;
    // Process POST data from payment gateway
    $data = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'));
    $trx = ORM::for_table('tbl_payment_gateway')->where('gateway_trx_id',$data->id)->find_one();
        echo "FAILED";

    $result = json_decode(Http::getData(xendit_get_server() . 'invoices/' . $trx['gateway_trx_id'], [
        'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($config['xendit_secret_key'] . ':')
    ]), true);
    if (in_array($result['status'], ['PAID', 'SETTLED'])) {
        // activate plane for user
        if (!Package::rechargeUser($user['id'], $trx['routers'], $trx['plan_id'], $trx['gateway'], $result['payment_channel'])) {
            echo "FAILED";
        // save result json to table for audit
        $trx->pg_paid_response = json_encode($result);

        $trx->payment_method = $result['payment_method'];
        $trx->payment_channel = $result['payment_channel'];
        $trx->paid_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($result['updated']));
        // change status to paid
        $trx->status = 2;
        echo "SUCCESS";
    } else if ($result['status'] == 'EXPIRED') {
        // save result json to table for audit
        $trx->pg_paid_response = json_encode($result);
        $trx->status = 3;
        echo "SUCCESS";
        sendTelegram("xendit_get_status: unknown result\n\n".json_encode($result, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
        echo "FAILED";
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