The purpose of this repository is to get familiar with the Git and GitHub's concepts and practice some basic commands.
Important: Send your GitHub username to Antonis (if you have not shared it yet either in the lab or via email). Expect an invitation to join as a repository collaborator.
- Clone this repository
- Add information about interesting things to do in Athens (tours, food, night-life, etc.) to the file
- Contribute generously and in several categories.
- Add interesting things use references if you reuse others' material
- Introduce new categories, organize things
- Feel free to add images/videos
- You may change/modify/fix text added by others
- Commit your changes
- Push to the GitHub repository (if required pull and resolve merge conflicts)
Deadline – 12:00 PM, March 11, 2020
- Include links where necessary (i.e., locations, bars, etc.)
- You can include pictures, but don't forget to commit and push them. Pictures should be placed in the
directory. Create the directory if does not exist. - Rearrange text if you think that it should be organized different - refactorings are always welcome!
- Use references for pictures and videos - You cannot reuse web content without citing the original source
- Number of contributions - the more the better
- Completeness of each contribution. (one sentence contributions are 'bad' contributions)
- Breaking things have a penalty...
- Fixing others' breaks have a bonus!
- Quality of commit messages - descriptive (of the change) and concise. Default commit messages are not welcome...
- Missing references in reused material is not welcome.
- Content should be in proper Markdown format. Check the Mardkown cheatsheet.