A tool for flattening multiple images into a single image. There are three modes: the first removes differences, the second combines differences and the third averages them.
These three images of an overly colourful futon can be combined using the three different modes
Using 'remove' mode image-flatten -r -i example/input -o example/remove.jpg
Using 'combine' mode image-flatten -c -i example/input -o example/combine.jpg
Using 'average' mode image-flatten -a -i example/input -o example/average.jpg
Run stack build
Run image-flatten
with various options:
image-flatten - flatten multiple images into a single image, combining or hiding
Usage: image-flatten (-i|--input DIRECTORY) (-o|--output OUTPUT) [-c|--combine]
[-r|--remove] [-a|--average] [-t|--threshold ARG]
[-q|--quality ARG]
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
-i,--input DIRECTORY A directory containing images to flatten
-o,--output OUTPUT File path to save result image to
-c,--combine Specifies that differences in images should be
-r,--remove Specifies that differences in images should be
-a,--average Specifies that images should be averaged
-t,--threshold ARG Adjust the sensitivity for detecting features. A low
number is required to detect subtle differences eg a
green jumper on grass. A high number will suffice for
white stars against a black sky. Default is 10.
-q,--quality ARG If output is a JPEG, this specifies the quality to
use when saving