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Instalation Process

Ian Mora edited this page Jul 21, 2021 · 2 revisions

Instalation Process

You will need some tools before the installation of this system:

  • Node Js v14

  • npm

  • Gulp CLI (this is optional. If you are going to use SASS you should install it)

  • Git (to work on specific branches and versioning your code)


  1. Download or clone SIAP repository on your computer
# clone the repository 
git clone
  1. Change your Git branch to admin
# clone the repository 
git checkout admin
  1. Browse the specific module system you are going to work (admin, client or teach)
# to work on admin
cd admin/
# to work on client
cd client/
  1. Install Node Modules with npm from package.json
# install all node_modules
npm install
  1. There are different ways to run a server:
# Daemon watching all your js files, this is recommended if you are on development
npm start
# Just run the server on the back
npm run serve
  1. Run Gulp for tasks(optional), you should run this script on the same folder gulpfile.js is:

You are ready to go