Krello is a task management app built with SvelteKit, Appwrite, Flowbite and Tailwind. It's a clone of the popular task management application Trello. You can visit the app here.
Drag and Drop Tasks: Rearrange and organize tasks easily by dragging and dropping them within the board. Keep task statuses up-to-date effortlessly.
Public and Private Boards: Accessible to all users, public boards are for sharing while private boards are reserved for team members only.
Anonymous Login: Dive into task management and project collaboration without the need for an account. Experience quick and hassle-free access.
Enhanced Editing with Quill: Utilize the powerful Quill rich text editor to create visually appealing and well-structured task descriptions. Add formatting for effective communication.
Real-time Comments and Collaboration: Engage in real-time collaboration and feedback by leaving comments on tasks, promoting seamless teamwork.
Assign Labels, Priority, & Descriptions: Categorize tasks with labels, set priorities to indicate importance or urgency, and add descriptions for comprehensive task information
- SvelteKit
- TypeScript
- Appwrite Cloud (Version 1.1.2)
- Tailwindcss
- Flowbite
- Quill Editor
To get started, clone this repository and install the dependencies using pnpm
or yarn
or npm
git clone
cd trello-clone
pnpm install
A. Login and create the project
- Login to Appwrite Cloud or you can use docker to run a local instance of appwrite. Read about here
- Create a project from the dashboard
B. Initialize Auth
- Enable Email/Password,, anonymous auth and Team Invites as the we use teams for private boards.
C. Setup Database
- Create a database
- Create 7 collections - (user, board, label, priority, status, task, comment)
Note: Don't forget to update the collection permissions so authorized users are allowed to update collections. This also is required to create users in the user collection. For more information about Appwrite collection permissions see their documentation
D. Add following attributes in the tables
Note: Appwrite cloud uses apprite v1.1.2 as of AUG 2023 and doesn't support relations
User Collection Attributes
Key Type Default Value name (required) string email (required) string bio string username string displayPicture string myBoards string -
Board Collection Attributes
Key Type Default Value isPrivate boolean - name string - owner (required) string - coverURL string - members string[] - teamId string - description string - -
Label Collection Attributes
Key Type Default Value text string - color string - -
Priority Collection Attributes (NOT REQUIRED)
Key Type Default Value text string - color string - As of now this collection is not being use and all priorities are hardcoded in the app. But may be used in future.
Status Collection Attributes
Key Type text (required) string status are hardcoded in the appwrite db
Statuses are
and must be added in DB. At this time statuses can't be created from client app. -
Task Collection Attributes
Key Type Default Value title (required) string - boardId (required) string - description string - coverUrl string - status (required) string - prevStatusId (required) string - labels string[] - priority string - -
Comment Collection Attributes
Key Type Default Value body (required) string - author (required) string - taskId (required) string - isEdited boolean -
E. Setup Storage Buckets
- Create three storage buckets to store images related to profile_pictures, boards, and tasks, respectively.
After appwrite setup is done dependencies are installed with pnpm install
(or npm install
or yarn
Create an
file and copy the contents of.env.example
and add all the required values. -
Start a development server:
pnpm run dev
# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
pnpm run dev -- --open
To create a production version of your app:
pnpm run build
You can preview the production build with pnpm run preview
To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.
We're thrilled that you're interested in contributing to Krello! Your contributions help make this project better for everyone. Here's how you can get involved:
If you come across a bug or have an idea for a new feature, please open an issue on our GitHub repository. Make sure to provide as much detail as possible so that we can understand and address the issue or feature request effectively.
If you want to contribute directly to the codebase, follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix:
git checkout -b feat/feature-name
orgit checkout -b fix/fix-name
. - Make your changes and ensure that the code meets our project's coding standards.
- Commit your changes with clear and concise commit messages, following the conventional commits guidelines. This helps maintain a consistent commit history and makes it easier to understand the changes.
- Push your branch to your forked repository.
- Open a pull request on our GitHub repository, explaining the changes you've made.
Before submitting a pull request, please ensure:
- Your code is well-documented, including comments where necessary.
- You've tested your changes thoroughly to prevent regressions.
- Your code follows the project's coding conventions and style guidelines.
We appreciate your contributions and will review your pull request as soon as possible. Please be patient as we work through the review process. If any changes are needed, we'll provide feedback.
If you're not able to contribute directly through code, you can still contribute by spreading the word about Krello! Share the project with others who might be interested, and consider giving us a star on GitHub to show your support.
The designs used in this Project are based on ideas from Although we've made adjustments to fit our needs, they're mostly inspired by what we found there.
This project was generated using the Sveltekit Starter Template.