My dotfiles
- Clone this repo into your home directory
- Run
- Old dotfiles will be in dotfiles_old, you can delete this if you are sure you won't need them anymore. Symlinks will be created from dotfiles to your home repo.
- If a ~/bin directory exists it will be renamed to bin_local (added to the path in bashrc)
Includes vim, tmux, and git configurations; bashrc, bash_aliases, and bash_functions; common utils in bin (included in PATH in bashrc)
- Defaults to 4-character wide tabs unless editing javascript or html.
- Leader key is the default \
- \l toggles showing tabs and eol characters
- S-motion will replace text with contents of a register see :h ReplaceWithRegister
- ^p searches the file tree by name
- Uses a custom colorscheme (iammer) based on vividchalk
- Maps jk to ^[ / esc
- Defaults / searchs to very magic
- Y yanks from cursor to end of line
- , and . indent/dedent in visual mode
- \ew edits a file in a new window
- \es edits a file in a new horizonal split
- \ev edits a file in a new vertical split
- \et edits a file in a new tab
- \em edits the current vimrc in a vertical split
- \sm refreshes config from the current vimrc
- \h turns off search highlighting
- \n toggles NERDTree
- \w toggles word wrapping
- \p toggles paste mode
- \m toggles numbering mode (absolute/relative)
- \o Adds a line below (does not start insert mode)
- \O Adds a line above (does not start insert mode)
- \f Easy-motion find by letter forward
- \F Eash-motion find by letter backward
- \[ Easy-motion by word forward
- \] Easy-motion by word backward (see :h easy-motion)
- ack.vim
- bufexplorer
- camelcasemotion
- ctrlp.vim
- ember.vim
- emmet-vim
- gist-vim
- nerdtree
- portkey
- ReplaceWithRegister
- rust.vim
- spin.vim
- vim-airline
- vim-coffee
- vim-colorschems
- vim-dispatch
- vim-easymotion
- vim-emblem
- vim-fugitive
- vim-jade
- vim-javascript
- vim-mustache-handlebars
- vim-pathogen
- vim-repeat
- vim-signify
- vim-surround
- webapi-vim
- vi mode buffers
- right part of status line created from output of ~/bin/tmux-status. Shows time and system load
- Select current pane with hjkl instead of arrow keys
- Vertical split with | and \
- ! goes to command prompt
- Panes can be resized with shift-hjkl for one step and ctrl-hjkl for five steps
- ctrl-u is a shortcut to ctrl-b ctrl-u
- R reloads config from tmux.conf
- Q splits the current pane into 4 "Quad"
- T splits the current pane into 3 "Tri"
- y/Y Toggle pane synchronization on (y) or off (Y)
- tmux will include ~/.tmux.local.conf if it exists
- Running tmSwapA from the command line will mark a pane for swapping
- Running tmSwapB <char> will bind the given char to swap the pane marked with tmSwapA with the current pane
- Running tmAvailKeys with list the unbound tmux keys
- up <num> will go to the numth parent of the current directory
- grailsTestOrder will list the last tests run in the current grails project in order
Creates the needed symlinks. Run once after cloning the repo
Run to update dotfiles with most recent versions and to create any new symlinks