Alternative to run-sequence solution that temporarily solves an issue with gulp lacking sequential task running capability. And this solves issues with run-sequence, which is officially recommended tool for sequential tasks for gulp, not aborting task chains on error.
This solves issues with run-sequence not aborting task chains on error.
var gulps = require("gulp-series");
"test1" : (function(done) {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("test1 is done");
}, 1000);
"test2" : (function() {
console.log("test2 is done");
gulps.registerSeries("default", ["test1", "test2"]);
[14:00:44] Starting 'default'...
[14:00:44] Starting '0.test1'...
[14:00:44] Finished 'default' after 1.43 ms
test1 is done
[14:00:45] Finished '0.test1' after 1 s
[14:00:45] Starting '1.test2'...
test2 is done
[14:00:45] Finished '1.test2' after 88 μs