Release notes
See changes from v0.6.4 below.
Same as 0.6.5-beta3 except for the addition of an extra option to left align the spell recast timer and an extra sample nameplate font (segoeui_bold_24).
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Changes since v0.6.4
New features:
Additional chat filter and color options for melee specials
- backstabs, kicks, strikes
New /run command that controls run versus walk mode
- /run (toggles), /run on, /run off (walk)
New zeal general tab option to detect /assist failures
- Clears current target and emits warning
New zeal general tab option to suppress fizzles messages from non-grouped casters
New /uilock command that supports on and off toggling
of the UI Lock state for primary game windows- Bags must be open to take effect
New /lootlast command that specifies an item ID (either
by a direct number or using an item link) that will be looted
last during /lootall of your own corpse (and thus not looted
since /lootall leaves an item on your own corpse) -
Extended /protect to also cover NPC / pet trades
- /protect on now blocks all trades to bankers (money, items)
- Item and non-empty bag protection now applies to trades to NPCs
and pets (value is not checked)
New nameplate options to enable mana and stamina bars
- Self-only for now until server provides more information to client
- Also added another sample font: segoeui_bold_24
- Added the short and long zone names to the internal and external window title bars
- Add map option to show raid member headings (versus triangles)
Added a new spell recast timer option in zeal general tab that adds buff timer-like
tooltip countdowns for each spell gem- Similar text-only information to EqTypes 26-33 above but should not require xml updates
- Has extra option to left align the timer display instead of default location
New UI Gauges to support server tick timer and spell cast recovery times (requires XML updates)
- Added a new gauge (EqType 24) that shows a server synced 6 second timer tick gauge
- Added a new gauge (EqType 25) that shows the global cooldown (recovery) after casting
- Added new gauges (EqTypes 26-33) for each spell gem slot that show the recast countdown time
Note: UISkin authors, if you want to hide the gauge text number, make it go offscreen
with something like:
Reduced the nameplate drop shadow offset for sharper text
- Added a /nameplate shadowfactor to allow users to adjust the offset
Added a new /singleclick command and linked zeal general option that toggles the
single click automatic transfer of stacked items to an open give, trade, or crafting
station container window as unstacked items- If ctrl+left click, transfers 1 item from stack over
- If shift+left click, transfers entire stack
- To simplify things for now, singleclick is a no-op on nodrop item stacks
- Note: Singleclick transfers to other players is disabled until more testing
is done (npcs still work for quests) - Singleclick transfer to inventory tradeskill bags requires them to be explicitly
targeted with a /singleclick bag # command. This is a non-persistent setting.
0 disables, bags 1-8. Intended for use only during intensive tradeskilling sessions.
Support auto-sit and automatic inventory / spell export across all camp pathways
- The camp button did not support auto-sit or exports. Binds did not support export.
- Hook the common camp call so that /camp, keybind, button, and hotkeys all support
both auto-sit and exports
ItemDisplay windows updated to report the required level for clickies
Fixes and infrastructure
Patches to song window to support the updated eqgame.dll
- Add Song Window support to ui_buff
- Added Song Window label range to labels.cpp to avoid future conflicts
Added instruction cache flushes when modifying code
Fix: Prevent /sit while in loss of control
Fix: Designed out potential memory leaks in the CXSTR (client string) handling
- The refactoring cleanup should make it "harder" to leak in the future,
Fix: The /log off command has not been working properly since the print_chat
hook for timestamping was added. Setting /log off will now disable logging.
What's Changed
- Bump to 0.6.5-alpha0: Add /assist failure detection, /uilock, /lootlast, and extend /protect to trades by @CoastalRedwood in #269
- Add run command and option to suppress non-grouped caster fizzle messages by @CoastalRedwood in #271
- Melee Special Filters by @crass-public in #270
- Patch- Song Window support for ui_buff.cpp by @cord-b in #255
- Add nameplate support for mana and stamina bars by @CoastalRedwood in #272
- Add map option to show raid member headings by @CoastalRedwood in #273
- Fix manabar div zero and bump to 0.6.5-beta1 by @CoastalRedwood in #274
- Add instruction cache flushes when modifying code by @CoastalRedwood in #275
- Add /singleclick command (replaced /npcgive) by @CoastalRedwood in #276
- Adjust default nameplate shadow offset by @CoastalRedwood in #277
- Fix: Prevent /sit and /camp while in loss of control and Mez by @cord-b in #278
- Support autosit and inv/spell export on btn camp by @CoastalRedwood in #279
- Add zone name to map window title by @CoastalRedwood in #280
- Add option for spell gem recast countdown timers by @CoastalRedwood in #282
- ServerTick - UI Gauge and Pipe Event added by @cord-b in #281
- Add spell global cooldown and recast EqType gauges by @CoastalRedwood in #283
- Fix hitsmode support for special melees by @CoastalRedwood in #284
- Bump to 0.6.5-beta2 by @CoastalRedwood in #285
- Fix special hits logging, stamina bars, log off by @CoastalRedwood in #286
- Cleanup use of CXSTR to fix some leaks by @CoastalRedwood in #287
- Fix singleclick issues by @CoastalRedwood in #289
- Item Display - Clickies now show "Level" and "Can Equip" by @cord-b in #290
- Bump to 0.6.5-beta3 by @CoastalRedwood in #291
- Add left align option to recast timer tooltip by @CoastalRedwood in #292
- Bump to 0.6.5 by @CoastalRedwood in #294
Full Changelog: v0.6.4...v0.6.5