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ZK Gaming SDK

Game development API that allows interaction with the Aleo Zero-Knowledge platform.

Getting Started

There are 2 main ways to run the API: locally or inside an isolated Minikube container.

Running locally

Before running the API locally, make sure to install the following software:

To run the API, run the following from the project root directory:

yarn start

The API should be accessible at http://localhost:5001

Running with Minikube

Before running the API with Minikube, make sure to install the following software:

Before running Minikube, make sure Docker is running. If you are on MacOS, make sure to give Docker access to at least 8GB of memory and at least 50GB of virtual disk. You can do that by opening Docker desktop -> settings (in the top right corner) -> resources.

Run Minikube:

minikube start --cpus=max --memory=max

Enable ingress add-on:

minikube addons enable ingress

Open a new terminal tab and run:

sudo minikube tunnel

This will allow you to access the deployed application at the address specified in the ingress configuration so keep it running in the background.

Return to the first terminal tab and run:

skaffold run

This will build the API and deploy it on the minikube cluster.

The first build will take some time, in the meantime you can make the most of it and spend it in a useful way.

To check the status of your pods, run:

kubectl -n zk-gaming-tk-local get pods

To read the logs, run:

# pod_name can be retrieved from the output of the previous command
kubectl -n zk-gaming-tk-local logs <pod_name> -f

If the pods are running correctly, the API should be accessible at http://zk-gaming-tk.localhost

⚠️ On MacOS you may need to configure dnsmasq in order to access custom domain names. Consider following this guide and use .localhost instead of .test and .box.

Submitting a PR

If your PR contains any changes to the Leo programs, make sure to perform the following actions before completing it so that the programs are correctly deployed to the testnet:

  1. Tap the Aleo faucet by tweeting @AleoFaucet send 10 credits to aleo178vq84yvu4kq2cg9ssedhpz4wgtnfq8nrhca3tpqjs3324p3gsrq7yt8u3. Be sure to specify this exact address and amount of credits!
  2. After a bit, the faucet should reply to your tweet with a URL. Wait for the tweet before proceeding with the next step.
  3. Complete your PR and the pipeline should automatically deploy the new programs to the testnet using the credits you've just obtained. Just be patient... Like, very patient...

Adding a new Leo program

When creating a new Leo program, the pipeline has to be updated in order for the program to be deployed to the testnet.

Let's assume the name of our program is cool_program. For it to be properly deployed, open and edit it as follows:

files=$(git diff HEAD HEAD~ --name-only)

while IFS= read -r name; do
    # previous cases are omitted here
    elif [[ $name == ^contracts/cool_program/* ]]; then
        echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=coolProgram]True"
done <<<"$files"

Then, in azure-pipelines.yaml define a new variable:

    # previous variables omitted
    - name: coolProgramUpdated
      value: "False"

In the same file, under the build_and_deploy_leo_programs stage, add a new job:zzx

- job: build_cool_program
    displayName: Build cool program
    condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['coolProgramUpdated'], 'True'))
        - script: docker build -f Dockerfile.program .
          displayName: Cool program Docker build
              APP_NAME: cool_program
              PRIVATE_KEY: $(privateKey)
              BUILD_ID: $(buildId)
              FEE: 600000
        - script: echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=coolProgramVersion]$(buildId)"
          displayName: Update cool program version locally
        - script: |
            az pipelines variable-group variable update \
            --group-id $(aleoProgramIdsGroupId) \
            --name coolProgramVersion \
            --org $(devOpsOrg) \
            --project $(devOpsProject) \
            --value $(coolProgramVersion)
        displayName: Update cool program version in variable group
            AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_PAT: $(System.AccessToken)

The version variable has to be added to the pipeline variable group. For that, contact [email protected].


TODO: Explain how other users and developers can contribute to make your code better.


Zero-knowledge gaming toolkit using Leo-lang







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  • TypeScript 92.0%
  • JavaScript 4.5%
  • Rust 1.8%
  • Other 1.7%