This is a sample application for the web based library named SBGNViz developed for visualization of process description maps in SBGN.
SBGNViz and this sample application are distributed under GNU Lesser General Public License.
A deployment of this sample application can be found here. SBGNViz works on every platform that have Javascript support including mobile devices.
Please cite the following when you use SBGNViz.js:
M. Sari, I. Bahceci, U. Dogrusoz, S.O. Sumer, B.A. Aksoy, O. Babur, E. Demir, "SBGNViz: a tool for visualization and complexity management of SBGN process description maps", PLoS ONE, 10(6), e0128985, 2015.
In order to deploy and run a local instance of the tool, please follow the steps below:
- Installation
git clone
cd sbgnviz.js-sample-app
npm install
- Running the tool
npm run debug-build
Then, open a web browser and navigate to localhost:3000. Please note that the default port is 3000 but you can run this application in another port by setting 'port' environment variable.
Below are some sample screenshots from SBGNViz.js sample application, illustrating some of its capabilities. Please click on a figure to see it in full size.
Icons made by Freepik, Daniel Bruce, TutsPlus, Robin Kylander, Catalin Fertu, Yannick, Icon Works, Flaticon and licensed with Creative Commons BY 3.0
Thanks to JetBrains for an Open Source License
- Metin Can Siper, Selim Firat Yilmaz, Ugur Dogrusoz, and Alper Karacelik of i-Vis at Bilkent University
- Istemi Bahceci, Mecit Sari, Ayhun Tekat, M.Furkan Sahin