This Cytoscape.js extension provides miscellenaous view utilities such as hide/show, highlight, marquee zoom and free form selection, distributed under The MIT License.
Please cite the following paper when using this extension:
U. Dogrusoz , A. Karacelik, I. Safarli, H. Balci, L. Dervishi, and M. C. Siper, "Efficient methods and readily customizable libraries for managing complexity of large networks", PLoS ONE, 13(5): e0197238, 2018.
Click here (no undo) or here (undoable) for a demo
var instance = cy.viewUtilities(options)
@param options — If not provided, default options will be used. See the below section for default options.
is array of objects. The objects should follow the format {node: ..., edge: ...}
. selectStyles
will be used if you want to override the highlighted styles when the objects are selected.
will be used to override the lasso line style.
var options = {
highlightStyles: [
{ node: { 'border-color': '#0b9bcd', 'border-width': 3 }, edge: {'line-color': '#0b9bcd', 'source-arrow-color': '#0b9bcd', 'target-arrow-color': '#0b9bcd', 'width' : 3} },
{ node: { 'border-color': '#04f06a', 'border-width': 3 }, edge: {'line-color': '#04f06a', 'source-arrow-color': '#04f06a', 'target-arrow-color': '#04f06a', 'width' : 3} },
selectStyles: {
node: {'border-color': 'black', 'border-width': 3, 'background-color': 'lightgrey'},
edge: {'line-color': 'black', 'source-arrow-color': 'black', 'target-arrow-color': 'black', 'width' : 3}
setVisibilityOnHide: false, // whether to set visibility on hide/show
setDisplayOnHide: true, // whether to set display on hide/show
zoomAnimationDuration: 1500, // default duration for zoom animation speed
neighbor: function(ele){
return ele.closedNeighborhood();
neighborSelectTime: 500,
lassoStyle: {lineColor: "#d67614", lineWidth: 3} // default lasso line color, dark orange, and default line width
htmlElem4marqueeZoom: '', // should be string like `#cy` or `.cy`. `#cy` means get element with the ID 'cy'. `.cy` means the element with class 'cy'
marqueeZoomCursor: 'se-resize', // the cursor that should be used when marquee zoom is enabled. It can also be an image if a URL to an image is given
isShowEdgesBetweenVisibleNodes: true // When showing elements, show edges if both source and target nodes become visible
var api = cy.viewUtilities(options);
instance.highlight(eles, idx = 0)
@param eles — a cytoscape.js collection (collection of elements) to be highlighted
@param idx — The index of the cytoscape.js style. If you don't specify it, the first style will be used.
Apply style class to the specified elements. Style class is specified with its index
instance.highlightNeighbors(eles, idx = 0)
@param eles — a cytoscape.js collection (collection of elements) to be highlighted
@param idx — The index of the cytoscape.js style. If you don't specify it, the first style will be used.
Highlights elements' neighborhood (based on the color option). Similar to the highlight function, either the elements and highlighting option can both be sent in the arguments. If only the elements are sent, then the default highlight color is used.
@param eles — elements to remove highlights
Remove highlights from eles.
@param eles — elements to hide
Hides given eles.
@param eles — elements to show
Unhides given eles.
@param eles — elements to show hidden neighbors
Unhides hidden neigbors of given eles. Note that compound nodes are not respected as expected.
@param eles — elements to zoom
Zoom to selected eles.
@param callback — is called at the end of the function
Enables marquee zoom. It is automatically called when CTRL+Shift keys are down.
Disables marquee zoom. It is automatically called when CTRL+Shift keys are up.
@param callback — is called at the end of the function
Enables lasso tool.
Disables lasso tool.
Returns current highlightStyles
which is an array of objects like below
{ node: { 'border-color': '#0b9bcd', 'border-width': 3 }, edge: {'line-color': '#0b9bcd', 'source-arrow-color': '#0b9bcd', 'target-arrow-color': '#0b9bcd', 'width' : 3} },
{ node: { 'border-color': '#bf0603', 'border-width': 3 }, edge: {'line-color': '#bf0603', 'source-arrow-color': '#bf0603', 'target-arrow-color': '#bf0603', 'width' : 3} },
Returns all currently used cytoscape.js style classes
instance.changeHighlightStyle(idx, nodeStyle, edgeStyle)
@param idx — index of the style that is going to be changed
@param nodeStyle — cytoscape style for nodes
@param edgeStyle — cytoscape style for edges
Changes the style specified with idx
instance.addHighlightStyle(nodeStyle, edgeStyle)
@param nodeStyle — cytoscape style for nodes
@param edgeStyle — cytoscape style for edges
Adds a new style to the highlightStyles
instance.removeHighlightStyle(styleIdx): void
@param styleIdx — index of the style to delete (0 based)
Removes the style from highlightStyles
@param styleObj — lasso line style object with lineColor and/or lineWidth properties
var options = {
highlightStyles: [],
selectStyles: {},
setVisibilityOnHide: false, // whether to set visibility on hide/show
setDisplayOnHide: true, // whether to set display on hide/show
zoomAnimationDuration: 1500, // default duration for zoom animation speed
neighbor: function (ele) { // return desired neighbors of tapheld element
return false;
neighborSelectTime: 500, // ms, time to taphold to select desired neighbors in addition to the taphold event detect time by cytoscape
lassoStyle: {lineColor: "#d67614", lineWidth: 3} // default lasso line color, dark orange, and default line width
};"highlight", args)"highlightNeighbors", args)"highlightNeighbours", args)"removeHighlights")"hide", eles)"show", eles)
- Cytoscape.js ^3.2.0
- Geometric.js ^2.2.3
- cytoscape-undo-redo.js ^1.0.8 (optional)
Download the library:
- via npm:
npm install cytoscape-view-utilities
, - via bower:
bower install cytoscape-view-utilities
, or - via direct download in the repository (probably from a tag).
the library as appropriate for your project:
var cytoscape = require('cytoscape');
var viewUtilities = require('cytoscape-view-utilities');
viewUtilities(cytoscape); // register extension
require(['cytoscape', 'cytoscape-view-utilities'], function(cytoscape, view - utilities) {
view - utilities(cytoscape); // register extension
Plain HTML/JS has the extension registered for you automatically, because no require()
is needed.
npm run build
: Build./src/**
in production environment and minimize the file.npm run build:dev
: Build./src/**
in development environment without minimizing the file.
This project is set up to automatically be published to npm and bower. To publish:
- Build the extension :
npm run build
- Commit the build :
git commit -am "Build for release"
- Bump the version number and tag:
npm version major|minor|patch
- Push to origin:
git push && git push --tags
- Publish to npm:
npm publish .
- If publishing to bower for the first time, you'll need to run
bower register cytoscape-view-utilities