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Fuzzing a new RTSP client

mlynch-isec edited this page Sep 17, 2013 · 1 revision

It is straightforward to use RtspFuzzer to fuzz an RTSP client that is not already built in.

Adding a new RTSP target client

  1. Open rtsp.xml in an XML or text editor
  2. Copy the tag for "VlcAgent" and rename it XyzAgent (where Xyz can be any name, but should be the name of your RTSP client)
  3. Edit the "Executable" and "CommandLine" fields of the PageHeap and WindowsDebugger child nodes, respectively to match your target RTSP client binary
  4. Copy the tag for "Vlc"
  5. Change the ref attribute of the Agent tag to the name of the Agent you chose in step #2

If RtspFuzzer does not work with your RTSP client

RtspFuzzer attempts to use every field possible in RTSP responses, but some clients will terminate RTSP sessions when they receive a RTSP header or field that they do not support. In these cases, it is necessary to perform the following steps:

  1. Run RawCap to capture the network communication on the loopback interface
  2. Examine the generated pcap file in Wireshark
  3. Identify the RTSP server message (generated by RtspFuzzer) that the client does not respond to
  4. Use Wireshark to capture network communication between your RTSP client and a known working RTSP server, such as YouTube (see RTSP Feeds for information about generating RTSP links).
  5. Open the RtspFuzzer\data directory and replace the problematic response message with the known working server's response
  6. Repeat this process as needed with any other RTSP server responses that your client rejects

If Peach cannot crack your RTSP data into the RtspFuzzer pit

This may indicate a bug in either RtspFuzzer or Peach itself. If you encounter this, you can do one of the following:

  • Attempt to crack the data again with Peach's --debug flag enabled or using PeachValidator
  • File an Issue on the RtspFuzzer project page