This is the online version of iNZight (
- Ensure that Docker is installed and running
- Either pull the image from dockerhub, or within the root lite directory, run
make build TAG=latest
to build the latest image - In the root lite directory, run
make run TAG=latest
to run on localhost at port 3838
iNZight Lite is a shiny app, so you can run it locally if you have R installed. If you use RStudio, see instructions further down.
Download and unzip or clone this repository
Note: if you use Git to clone the repository, you can easily keep Lite updated via
git pull
Open R and set the working directory to the Lite folder
- Install the
R package (if you don't already have it):
- Install package dependencies (NOTE: we host iNZight packages on our own server, see below)
devtools::install_deps(repos = c("",
- Run the iNZight Lite app!
If you have git installed: in RStudio > File > New Project > Version Control > Git
- For the URL, enter:
- And choose a location to save the app
- Then Create Project
If you don't have git:
- Download and unzip the app
- In the folder, double click
to open the project in RStudio
- For the URL, enter:
To install the dependencies, enter the following into the Console:
install.packages("devtools") ## skip if you know you already have devtools
devtools::install_deps(repos = c("",
- To run iNZight Lite, open the
file and click the Run App button at the top.
Send bug reports/errors to [email protected].
data: This directory holds all the data. The data must be placed in sub-directories, which will come up as data categories within iNZight-Lite.
www: This directory is used for graphics and/or web-related files such as .css and .gif/.jpeg/.png javascript files. Images are stored in a sub-directory called "images". Javascript code is stored in a subdirectory "js".
panels: This directory contains the gui, server, help, and other functions for each module.
README: Documentation for iNZight Lite. Update as required.
global.R: Defines functions and variables that are used globally. For now, all non-GUI functions are stored here.
server.R: Script for shiny server.
ui.R: Defines the main GUI.
functions.R Defines al functions used in iNZight-lite, some of them are also in iNZightTools.
data: This directory holds all the data. The data must be placed in sub-directories, which will come up as data categories within iNZight Lite.
www: This directory is used for graphics and/or web-related files such as .css and .gif/.jpeg/.png. Images are stored in a sub-directory called "images".
panels: This directory contains the gui, server, help, and other functions for each module. The directory/file names will be of the form:
- [Directory] N_(sub-)panel-name
- [File] 1_panelname-panel-gui.R
- [File] 2_panelname-panel-server.R
- [File] 3_panelname-panel-help.R
- [File] 4_panelname-panel-null.R
- [File] 5_panelname-panel-other.R
Some GET parameters can be added to the URL to access iNZight-lite. In the moment the following are implemented.
- url: An URL to a dataset sitting somewhere in the internet.
- example: A name of an data set inside the data folder.
- land: The place where iNZight-lite starts. If not specified it is "About". Three possibilities (visualize, timeSeries, regression).
- x: The x variable in the visualize module
- y: The y variable in the visualize module
- time: The variable in time series where the dates are stored. -seriesVars A comma seperated list of column names. This names are set in time series to be plotted
- Y: The dependend variable in regression.
- predict: Comma seperated list with predictor variables.
- confound: Comma seperated list for confounding variables.