I encountered the following issues while using the spark-spline plugin:
- The dependency for spark-spline is Scala 2.11 and Scala 2.12.
- spark-spline does not support HTTPS requests through a proxy with request authentication.
Based on the above issues, I wrapped the following methods to meet my needs
This is a fully featured http client for Scala which wraps java.net.HttpURLConnection
- Zero dependencies
- Cross compiled for Scala 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, and 2.13-M3
- OAuth v1 request signing
- Automatic support of gzip and deflate encodings from server
- Easy to add querystring or form params. URL encoding is handled for you.
- Multipart file uploads
- Async execution
- The library is thread safe. HttpRequest and HttpResponse are immutable. So it should be easy to wrap in an execution framework of your choice.
Works in Google AppEngine and Android environments.
Big differences:
- Executing the request always returns a HttpResponse[T] instance that contains the response-code, headers, and body
- Exceptions are no longer thrown for 4xx and 5xx response codes. Yay!
- Http(url) is the starting point for every type of request (post, get, multi, etc)
- You can easily create your own singleton instance to set your own defaults (timeouts, proxies, etc)
- Sends "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate" request header and decompresses based on Content-Encoding (configurable)
- Redirects are no longer followed by default. Use .option(HttpOptions.followRedirects(true)) to change.
libraryDependencies += "org.scalaj" %% "scalaj-http" % "2.4.2"
If you're including this in some other public library. Do your users a favor and change the fully qualified name so they don't have version conflicts if they're using a different version of this library. The easiest way to do that is just to copy the source into your project :)
import scalaj.http._
val response: HttpResponse[String] = Http("http://foo.com/search").param("q","monkeys").asString
is just shorthand for a Http.apply
which returns an immutable instance of HttpRequest
You can create a HttpRequest
and reuse it:
val request: HttpRequest = Http("http://date.jsontest.com/")
val responseOne = request.asString
val responseTwo = request.asString
All the "modification" methods of a HttpRequest
are actually returning a new instance. The param(s), option(s), header(s)
methods always add to their respective sets. So calling .headers(newHeaders)
will return a HttpRequest
that has newHeaders
appended to the previous req.headers
Http("http://foo.com/add").postForm(Seq("name" -> "jon", "age" -> "29")).asString
Note: the .oauth(...)
call must be the last method called in the request construction
import scalaj.http.{Http, Token}
val consumer = Token("key", "secret")
val response = Http("https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token").postForm(Seq("oauth_callback" -> "oob"))
println("Go to https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=" + response.body.key)
val verifier = Console.readLine("Enter verifier: ").trim
val accessToken = Http("https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token").postForm.
.oauth(consumer, response.body, verifier).asToken
println(Http("https://api.twitter.com/1.1/account/settings.json").oauth(consumer, accessToken.body).asString)
Http("http://foo.com").{asString, asBytes, asParams}
Those methods will return an HttpResponse[String | Array[Byte] | Seq[(String, String)]]
val response: HttpResponse[Map[String,String]] = Http("http://foo.com").execute(parser = {inputStream =>
Http(url).postData(data).header("content-type", "application/json").asString.code
Http(url).postMulti(MultiPart("photo", "headshot.png", "image/png", fileBytes)).asString
You can also stream uploads and get a callback on progress:
Http(url).postMulti(MultiPart("photo", "headshot.png", "image/png", inputStream, bytesInStream,
lenWritten => {
println(s"Wrote $lenWritten bytes out of $bytesInStream total for headshot.png")
Http("http://httpbin.org/stream/20").execute(is => {
note that you may have to wrap in a while loop and set a long readTimeout to stay connected
These are set to 1000 and 5000 milliseconds respectively by default
Http(url).timeout(connTimeoutMs = 1000, readTimeoutMs = 5000).asString
val response = Http(url).proxy(proxyHost, proxyPort).asString
The .option()
method takes a function of type HttpURLConnection => Unit
you can manipulate the connection in whatever way you want before the request executes.
By default, the charset for all param encoding and string response parsing is UTF-8. You can override with charset of your choice:
You don't have to use the default Http singleton. Create your own:
object MyHttp extends BaseHttp (
proxyConfig = None,
options = HttpConstants.defaultOptions,
charset = HttpConstants.utf8,
sendBufferSize = 4096,
userAgent = "scalaj-http/1.0",
compress = true
Overriding the Access-Control, Content-Length, Content-Transfer-Encoding, Host, Keep-Alive, Origin, Trailer, Transfer-Encoding, Upgrade, Via
Some of the headers are locked by the java library for "security" reasons and the behavior is that the library will just silently fail to set them. You can workaround by doing one of the following:
- Start your JVM with this command line parameter:
- or, do this first thing at runtime:
System.setProperty("sun.net.http.allowRestrictedHeaders", "true")